Thursday, October 24, 2013

A little bit on Consistency

As with anything in life, the key to success is consistency. When you start a new workout program or nutrition long do you honestly give yourself to see change? Do you expect it overnight, in a week, 2 weeks? Yes you will start to feel good relatively soon and even notice some difference but the real changes won't come for a few weeks and that's IF you're being CONSISTENT! Be honest with yourself. You can't expect to eat healthy and workout for a few days then skip a week then back to it the next Monday!

{There may be days where things happen, but you can still get a 10 minute workout in and that day you would focus on making sure you really eat healthy that day and go to sleep early!}

It takes 21days to form a habit and it takes 4 weeks for YOU to see change!

"Ultimately, fitness is about taking the beat possible care of yourself, and giving yourself proper appreciation- instead of constantly tearing yourself down- will allow you to do this"-Gunnar Pererson
XO - Coach Sarah

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