Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bikini {mom bod} Challenge!

So sorry I'm a little late on inviting you to the party, BUT I have a challenge group for JUST MOMS starting MONDAY October 28th. Yep thats a few days away. But there is still room for you!

what I HOPE to look like!!!
So here's what's up. I've come a ways from where I was a year ago however I'm really not where I want to be. I allow myself too much slack with food and skipping a workout to sleep in.

But here's the deal....even with stretch marks I want to be able to wear a bikini if I wanted to by next summer. I think I've limited myself by saying (over and over again my friends they can vouch for me) "I'll never be able to wear a bikini again" bc of my stretch marks and 2 c sections. I want to do it to be able to show other moms it can be done. I want to put it out there. So I'm sharing this now in October.

 8 months and counting to reach my goal. This goal may not be important to some but I'm only 28 damnit! Haha we spend a lot of time at the lake and I want to be a confident mama out on the boat with my family and friends.

 I want you...other moms to join me in doing so. Whatever your goal may fit into pre pregnancy clothes, to shop for cute sweater dresses, have more energy, get rid of the mommy cliff (yeah I said it), to not gain more weight over the holidays or if it's the same as mine. I'm going to have an initial challenge group starting in 2 weeks. I don't care how long ago you had your baby, how scared you are that you may fail, how much little time you have, lack of motivation...WE CAN DO IT.

 Message me to discuss goals and requirements for the group! Let's commit to ourselves and do this! Bikini Bod Under Construction!
XO- Coach Sarah

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