Saturday, November 29, 2014

MAX out with SP! Insanity Max 30

insanity, insanity max 30, max 30, hiit, lose weight, baby weight
It was only a matter of time that Shaun T would be coming out with another fitness program. He is the creator of Insanity, The Asylum (never did that one) and T25. Insanity got me into amazing shape after having 2 babies (2 C-sections) in the matter of 2 years. I did a few program in between and then when T25 came out I did that as well and got great result. I love weight lifting, but personally it seems by body really responds well to high intensity interval training (HIIT), especially in my hard to lose belly section.
insanity, insanity max 30, max 30, shaun t, cardio, lose weight, lose fat
Max 30 is Shaun T's newest program. He has you doing 30 minute workouts (yay!) 5x a week (double yay!). Like Insanity & T25 you don't need any equipment. Now the workouts are 30 minutes, but you may not finish all 30 minutes, at first. Shaun T wants you to MAX out. Push to MAX results.
As I had mentioned Shaun T is the creator of Insanity and T25, and I myself will this be different? Well apparently Mr.. T has come up with 150 new moves, that will certainly keep the body guessing. There is also an option view the modifier the WHOLE time. The modifier will be doing low impact moves (and I'm sure I'll be following her as well at first!). Inanity didn't have a modifier and you weren't able to see Tanya the whole time with T25 so I think its cool that you have the option to either view the modifier the whole time or even Shaun T the whole time.
max 30, insanity max 30, lose weight, baby weight, quick workout  
So a little bit about the workouts. What I know so far is that there are three strength or cardio moves for a few rounds- and then you get a short break. Similar to HIIT (high intensity interval training): which my body responds so well to! With this layout you burn more carbs and more fat (yay!). Then in month two a power move is added.
Month 1 Workouts:
Cardio Challenge
Sweat Intervals
Tabata Power
Friday Fight
Pulse workout (optional)
Month 2 Workouts:
Max out Cardio
Max out Sweat
Max out Power
Max out Strength
Friday Fight
One of my upline coaches Melanie Mitro was one of the coaches selected to do a test group of the program and she told us that she personally was burning around 433 calories per workout. Awesome!!
funeral for fat, burn ffat, burn calories, lose weight, baby weight
Another thing I want to mention is that there is a DELUXE version of the program and it comes with portion controlled containers!! {think 21 Day Fix1}. If you already have the 21 Day Fix, this program is compatible with it! Of course like with all of our programs, there will be a Nutrition Guide along with a Restaurant guide and a wall calendar. Checking off your workout  is SO satisfying! You'll also want to write down what time you MAX out at so that you can track your progress.
insanity max 30, max 30, 21 day fix
You can get your hands on this program (basic or deluxe version) through your Team Beachbody Coach. If that's already me, sweet! Just message me and let me know you want to get on the list If I'm not your coach and you want me to help you along with your journey, click here and sign up for a free account!
The thing I'm most excited about though, is I will be running a test group so that you can do this along with ME! I've said it before, but I love doing a new workout program along side others. What I do is set up a private Facebook challenge group that we will all be in. I post daily, we all post about our workout and nutrition.  I will help you with tips, meal planning, and motivation! These groups offer accountability and most importantly support!! You do not have to WAIT until the New Year to start on your goals. You ARE worth investing in yourself and your health. There are so many different avenues you can take. I'm sharing what I believe in.
I believe in our result proven at home fitness programs. 
I believe in replacing one meal a day with Shakeo because of its amazing formula (see previous post).
I believe in our private online challenge groups because we need support and accountability along the way.
I believe in you.
i believe in you, support, health and fitness goals
There will be struggles; physically, mentally and emotionally. We all have certain issues; whether we realize it or not. You have to commit- and recommit if you fall off track. You will have to be honest with yourself and me. You will get uncomfortable at times. You will have to push yourself (I can't teleport myself to your house lol). But the changes and choices you make daily will be something to be so proud of. Life changing fitness, nutrition & wellness. Something to be thankful for- and to never take for granted! 
shakeology, kids drinking shakeology, lose weight
So with the challenge group we will set you up with a challenge pack: the workout program & Shakeology combined. Shakeology is required. Honestly, its the health shake that I've had daily for two years. It's what helped me power through Insanity workouts and helped me shed weight because my body was getting the proper nutrients. Along with a healthy diet, of course! It's not a magic shake ;) although it makes me feel amazing. I will be your coach and you will score a spot in the MAX OUT WITH SP Test Group!
shaun t, max 30, insanity max 30, christmas, fitness gifts

The easiest way for us to get connected and get started is to fill out this application and let me know the BEST way to reach you: email, Facebook, texting, or calling! Please double check your contact info to make sure its correct :) Hope to chat soon and meet my fellow Maxers!
Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo templates to make your own HTML forms.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November & December Happenings

love your job, beachbody coach, inspire
First, especially during this time, I want to thank YOU for being a cusotmer of mine and trusting me to be your health and fitness coach! I love what I do and because of you, Im able to do it!

OK so I just wanted to take a moment and reach out to share with you some things I have going on in ending the month of November and going into December!
As far as specials go, Beachbody is doing their first ever "kickstart" challenge pack! What this means is, you get PiYo, a month of Shakeology on Home Direct, & the 3-day-refresh for a huge discount! I know some people are planning to do the 3-day-refresh starting this Sunday post turkey day and they will be feeling good!  I want to feel my best going into holiday parties with my family & friends, so this time of year is perfect, however I want to emphasize and focus on  having an "every season body!" If you're interested in refreshing, get in touch with me & we'll get you all set up! PiYo is one of my favorite workout programs as it is super restorative and really helps with my flexibility (more flexible-less sore haha)
•kick start your "transformation" inside AND out
•break cycle of bad eating habits in just 3 days
•define your body with pilates|yoga inspired PiYo...
•with Shakeology daily you'll feed your body the dense nutrition it needs for amazing results

If you're interested in learning more about that program or the 3-day-refresh, send me a message and we'll chat to see if they may be a good fit for you!
pilates, yoga, piyo, tone, 3 day refresh, detox, holiday detox, holiday weight gain, lose holiday weight

Next, I have a current 21 Day Fix: Holiday Edition group in which I'm opening up just TWO spots for our Round 2 portion. You could easily lose 5-10 lbs before Christmas...hi what do you want from Santa? Group support, 30 minute workouts, Shakeology, nutrition tips, time managment tips....don't miss the oppurtunity to snag one of the two spots open! The ladies in this group are awesome.

Last, but not least, I'm currently IN a challenge group where the main focus is on being *grateful* & in just a few short days I can see my attitude shifting! Its easy to get frustrated and stressed out and not acknowledge the little things in life but seeing everyone's reflections everyday have really helped me to stay focused on the positive. In order to remind you of how grateful I am for YOU, if you sign up for a month of Shakeology on Home Direct {along or grouped with a fitness program} between now and November 30th, you will be qualified to receive a "gratitude gift basket" from me! This will include a clean eating meal plan for a week with recipes & some of my favorite things that help me stay on track as far as clean eating goes!
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to be of a help to you during this holiday season as your coach and friend! I would love to hear from all of you to see how your journey is going!
XO - Coach Sarah

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Every Season Body Challenge

So I was talking with my good friend and we were saying how we needed to start working out together again. We do so much better when we workout together and the only time that we could both get it done and meet up everyday would be early in the morning. She lives a few minutes away so she and I decided that 6am workouts were going to have to work. (Thank God my kids are back to  sleeping later-by later I mean like 6:45 haha- now from the time change).
alarm, workout early in the morning, morning workouts, workout partner
Anyway I said the cliché, "summer bodies are made in the winter!" to which she responded, "I don't want a summer body, I want an every season body". Boom. Yes. How true.  I always talk about making lasting lifestyle changes, so why should I focus on seasons? Of course its natural but lets break that thought process. Let's stop doing that to ourselves. Live by the 80/20 rule. I don't want to hide behind sweatshirts and big comfy sweaters, I mean I want to wear them, but not because I'm hiding under them! I don't want to feel the pressure in a few months to get ready to feel good in shorts and boat wear! I want to stop getting "back on track" so I can feel good, confident, more energetic and less stressed for all the seasons!
holiday weight gain, fit for life, halloween, thanksgiving, christimas, new years
SO that is the idea behind my next challenge group. Working through the month so we an start 2015 being ready for every season! December 1st starts a 30 day PiYo group. You will jump start with the 3 Day Refresh to get all the Thanksgiving-ness out of your system (enjoy the leftovers while you can). These 30 days are going to be the start of your new body that will be present for every season. You're going to learn to manage your workouts and healthy eating through the parties, get togethers and trips. We will talk quick, easy and clean recipes. We will talk staying focused while on the go.
I know you may be thinking- I'm already so busy how will I fit in a workout. But my thinking is- yes I agree- but we also need to make some downtime to de-stress and feel good. I can notice a total difference in my attitude, stress level, and happiness from when I'm consistent with my workouts (especially starting the day with one) and when I'm not.What make PiYo so special is that it is gentle on the body. It's restorative- yet effective! I mean I worked up a sweat without jumping around. This is a workout your body needs and it also provides dynamic flexibility- something I always struggled with.
pilates, yoga, piyo, tone, 3 day refresh, detox, holiday detox, holiday weight gain, lose holiday weight
Like mentioned above, stop the thought, "why start now?". I know its not usual to start a health/fitness routine during the last month of the year. Maybe you don't need to lose anything, maybe you just want to keep things "contained" and not be set back with all the {yummy} salty/sugary food/appetizers that makes you feel like crap. Because admit it- they do! They taste amazing in the moment but then - ugh you're wondering why you feel so run down. Mmmmhmmm.
piyo, pilates, yoga, tone
PiYo and the 3 Day Refresh are the 2 components but the last and most important component is Shakeology. You've heard me talk about it before. I've been drinking it daily for two years- so its not just some phase! I will drink it for life. Honestly, like myself, people drink it because it makes them feel good, gives them energy to workout, has adoptogens, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, and everything about the body just WORKS better. You know, when you're doing a fitness program the easiest way to see NO results is to do nothing about your nutrition - that is why my Month 1 of Insanity didn't give me the results I expected. You need to support the body in a way that the body can heal itself. Its kind of like a mini detox everyday, and with said salty/sugary food mentioned above you know its one meal a day that you will be getting your daily dose of dense nutrition. Not to mention, Shakeology is my GO TO out the door ON THE GO meal! Drop the NutriGrain bar, the Lean Cuisine, the Slim Fast, the "protein" bar. This is what you want your quick meal to be. Yes its a meal. Not a protein drink. :)
So lets recap this "PiYo Kick Start challenge kit":

•kick start your "transformation" (anyone hate seeing that word yet?) inside AND out
•break cycle of bad eating habits in just 3 days
•define your body with pilates|yoga inspired PiYo...
•with Shakeology daily you'll feed your body the dense nutrition it needs for amazing results

The holidays, as amazing as they are..can be kind of stressful and hectic, no?

But! can DESTRESS with a workout (and maybe wine after).Why not start now? Because you want to look and feel good walking into a room at a party. Because you want to be IN pictures. Because you don't want to be on a "diet" rather learn the tools to incorporate this into your life and be AHEAD of the game come January! Stop thinking you're going to miss out like I always thought I was going to. It's all about finding a balance!

It's simple.
You CAN do it.
Hashtag duh.
summer body, summer bodies are made in the winter, lose weight
Fill out this application below to join the Every Season Body Challenge and I will contact you! 

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