Tuesday, August 28, 2012


OH happy day!
Reunited & it feels sooo good!
Curry (you can read about her here) texted me at 7am this morning and said,
 "Word on the street is Pumpkin Spice is at DD"
Ahh what great news to start the day with!!
So after my twenty minute grocery store trip (just to get formula) I pulled into DD. I was window creeping looking for "Pumpkin Spice is back", or something to that effect. Nothing. I pulled up anyway, no little pumpkin on the screen! Not looking promising. So I said "hi...uhm...someone said you had pumpkin spice ... is this true?"
-Yes I really said that-
Annnnd they did! (obvi)
Who else got there Pumpkin Spice fix??
Well, Shaun T you will be disappointed. I missed three days over our lake trip this weekend. Apparently a camper isn't the best set up to work out in.
And I'm pretty sure you didn't mean "dig deeper" into the cooler for another brewski.......
Maybe one day I will get the whole "dig deeper" thing right.
Needless to say... I restarted Week 3! 
And staying with the pumpkin theme, here are two pictures from Nates first pumpkin picking experiences! 2 more days until he's 2!
One of my favs!
He slept the whole time. Hard life.
Annd he was all over the place the 2nd time. Shocker!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Not Missing!

Uhmmm what happened here?
Where did Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sundays posts go???
I swear I've been writing my heart out.

Ah, I lied.
No need to send out a missing persons report.
I've had some crazy mom days, mix in a little camping/boating at the lake over the weekend, a party on Sunday and here I am not believing its 8pm on Monday night!
Ava ready for the lake, sportin her sun hat!

my handsome boys on the tube :)

Today, instead of cleaning and unpacking as originally planned, I've been holding a crying baby for what seems all day.
Alllll day.
At least a few hours.
I'm not sure what her little dealski is, but nothing is worse than not being able to calm your baby down. I tried everything.
Finally she is sleeping....hence taking a few minutes to say whats up!!
BUT while I was trying to console my little ray of sunshine, I was able to play catch up.

I swear when you go to the lake you miss so much!

UHM shooting in NYC?
Hurricane Isaac?
Snookie had her baby?? (Ok that one I knew, sad to admit)

I also caught up on some blog reading and facebook stalking. Particularly Girl in the Red Shoes.
I'm instantly obsessed.

She has me aching to do some DIY projects. I really want to get my Picture Wall rolling.  I realize I can improvise using things I have around my house for now and then add what I want when I'm able to make them and/or buy them.
pretty much love this whole room. www.littlemissmomma.com

And I'd like to make some wreaths.
Side note, burlap is the shit. Twine is pretty awesome too.

Definitely going to try and make that last one! You can find the tutorial here. I'm thinkin' of getting a Wine & Wreath night going? Yep. Done and Done.

This following picture was originally part of the same post...I'm pretty much jonesing to decorate for fall now!!!!

that table runner is also under her DIY list, and on my to do list!

Also, today marks the start of Nathans Birthday week. Hes going to be TWO on Friday. I can't believe it. So many emotions! He will always be my baby.
mommy needs some serious highlights!

I couldn't believe he fell asleep on me when we were out on the lake Saturday! Tear!

Ok time to get some stuff done! BTW...if I ever do go missing...


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Wheels

It's Wednesday already???

Soooo I just love living on a busy road. The loud traffic 24/7 is just amazing. Especially when you're up at 5am to feed your little angel and try to get her to fall back asleep afterwards. The sound of tractor trailers and cars barreling by going way over the speed limit is really just heaven. OH and when it rains it just adds to the harmonious sounds of rain splashing on all 18 wheels.  Then there's always the extremely loud kid that lives across the street whose car sounds like a lawn mower. Damn kids.
*If you don't know that I'm sarcastic by now, we can't be friends.*

I'm not saying I never speed or never did...I mean how can you tame a new driver in her '96 Cavalier that has a '95 engine?! I mean, really!
Well this was my first car of 6 in the last ten years I've been driving, legally.

Before you think I'm a real rebel or something, let me explain. I used to drive on my dads lap, back in the day when you could do safe stuff like that. Lap driving turned to our road driving (basically the lane he lived on), which turned to field driving. So technically an '85 Nissan Pulsar was my very first car. I was a seasoned driver by the time I was twelve.
It looked something like this:
Diamond in the rough.

Leading up to when it was my time to drive legally, I would sit in the car my dad bought me in the driveway and listen to music. If you can think of something cooler than that to do, please, amuse me! Well I was more ready then ever. We got to the driving course, mirrors properly adjusted so I could get that car parallel parked ;) sneaky sneaky, and ...
My paperwork is wrong?
Well. The next time I could take my test was in a month. Again,
All I know is that my step dad went down after work to talk to the driving instructor and I was taking the test on this guys lunch break the next day.
Now I was free.
You need milk at the store? I'll go!
The Mall for the 4th day in a row? Yup!
You need a ride to work? Sure!
Minus the super star parking.

She was complete with a "head unit" and ...red lights in the bottom by your feet. Obviously, I did not add that feature.

Here is someone I found while looking for car pictures that realllllyyy loves their Cavalier

No words.

When it came time to trade that Cavy in (as we called her) I was just praying that it would stay running and the guy wouldn't notice the extreme fuel smell.

Introducing my 2nd car, 2000 Mercury Cougar.

I loved that thing, even though the sunroof didn't work. And I obviously loved maroon?
My friend Mande had the exact car, but in silver. We, to this day, call each other "CC".
(Cougar Club, duh).

Wellll Jane, the ever so "pleasant" lady that worked at  Dunkin Donuts, either didn't like me or didn't like to look in her mirrors.
One day I was leaving work and she was backing out of her spot. BAM. Backed into my passenger side door.
RIP Coug.

I had been driving for a few solid years now and so I thought it was time for me to purchase a brand new car. That brand new car was a 2008 white Honda Civic. Because everyone needs to own a Civic in their lifetime.

This was definitely my favorite pre-momma car. White, tan seats, sunroof (which is now a standard requirement for me), 5 speed...
Loved it. Miss it. Wah.

After some quality time with my Civic it was time to move on.
 Move on to 4 doors. An SUV.
Because....we were expecting a baby!
Nathan :)
So had to trade my first baby in for my first ever Swagger Wagon!

I actually liked my first mom car because it didn't really look like a mom car. It also looked like a Jeep Liberty, which is what I really wanted ;-)

The Nitro worked for a little while, until I got a job that I had to travel about 60 miles a day for. the 15mpg wasn't cuttin it.

Next up- 2006 Saab!
This car was sweet. ...(except for all the things that eventually would go wrong over time)
I had my sunroof back, it was fast (i never drove fast, of course) and it got 31mpg. Holla!  Those Swedes know what their doing...except for the whole Saab claiming bankruptcy thing.

Driving home one day from said job, I got in a fender bender and my passenger airbag deployed:

this is actually one of my pictures
And, they totalled it. Which actually worked out in my benefit. We needed another swagger wagon becauuuuuseeee...baby #2 was coming!
Ava Grace :)
Which leads us to the wheels I drive now! (Aren't you so excited to be almost done reading about my car timeline??)

they see me rollin', they hatin'

The kids love it!
OK, in real life this is the newest swagger wagon:

It's cute. It gets the job done...kind of. We just  pack everyone in.
a newborn, toddler and a mastiff. #brave.

And that's that! Until my next car. Which may be a real swagger wagon. Ha...

(This is the funniest video ever, if you've never watched it, you need to right now!)

Where my mothafathas at?!


Tell me your car timeline!

Monday, August 20, 2012

The 'ol Weekend Recap


I blogged yesterday, but that was to make up for not posting Friday...so allow me to recap ;-)

~Juuust so you know I'm still getting my Insanity on. I don't want you to think that since I didn't post a Fitness Friday thingy that I'm slackin!~

OK movin' right along.

Saturday...I went to my sister and cousins Pamper Yourself day. Who knew soaking your feet in hot water with foot soak felt so good?? Add to To Do list more often! And Pesto Pizza...yes please. If anyone needs a Mary Kay or Pampered Chef consultant...I'll hook ya up!

Saturday night....we had date night! I mean...really. Out to dinner...with Matt...in public...sayyy whatt?! We pulled into the gas station and he said we were eating here and having pizza...
In real life though, we kicked it up a few notches and went to Longhorn Steakhouse. The wait at Red Lobster was an hour (!) ..for real? I don't even like lobster but I didn't think an hour worth of people DID. So at Longhorn we proceeded to sit at the bar while we waited for our table...next to us was a former "nam" vet who smokes pot and likes cheesecake. I can't make this stuff up.

That pizza isn't sounding so bad.

Sunday was my sisters birthday, so we celebrated it by having Nate open the present she sent for HIS birthday early haha. Before you judge my wrapping skills, just know that I under normal circumstances am prepared to wrap (i.e. Christmas time. i.e. ho ho ho filler wrapping paper lol)

Nate didn't seem to mind, he's a fan of the paper peel method....he likes suspense
Thats happiness right there. Also...don't you love the Woody PJs?
Before BBQ'n could start, it was time to mow the lawn.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't get any cuter than that.

And since I meant to give a birthday shout out to my sister Colleen yesterday and I somehow forgot, I'll do it today! Happy Birthday my beautiful sista :-)
back in the Cali days!

While looking for a picture of us, I came across this gem. During one of my visits to Cali I put this wig on and it we almost peed ourselves laughing, we thought it was so funny. Wait, it still is lol
Ok I only have one more thing. A picture of Ava from this weekend, just because she's so damn cute
I love her lil leg sticking out :-)


Sunday, August 19, 2012

What's cookin' good lookin'


First, I just realized there is popcorn in my sons hair. And I'm just staring at it, shaking my head (I would've wrote SMH but it took me forever to know what it meant and I had to google it, so if you didn't know, now you know. You're welcome). He also fell off the side of his little chair before and I may of laughed. He didn't get hurt, so its OK.
Wow what a way to start a post about weekly menu planning.
Really sets the mood.

Before I start that, I want to talk about The Hunger Games. We watched it today. Annnnd well, wtf. What were they wearing? Why is there a movie about kids being offered up...to kill each other , why is Katniss so naturally pretty (had to google her name because my brain remembered her name as Catnip) and why weren't there more scenes with that hot little number Liam Hemsworth (maybe he was busy helping Miley cut her hair?)....In the end I got over all of that and liked the movie. It's a keeper. Except for when Nate woke up too early from his nap and decided to take the sword from his new pirate backpack and pretend to be them. Great. Juuuust great.

Ok now moving onto what I came here for.

Planning our meals was one of the better domestic decisions I've made! It makes life so much easier. And it helps you plan for healthy meals. :-) Food goes to less waste too because you know what you have, and you can incorporate what you have left into the upcoming week.

I like that it has a shopping list that you can start for the next week, just wish it was a lil bit bigger haha.  Keeping an on going lists helps you to organize what you need and you end up keeping better track of what you already have.
...That... has turned into this:
ugh, disregard the mouse traps. I don't want to talk about it.

Also with the time saving theme, is preparing breakfast burritos for the week. You whip them up, wrap them in foil and freeze them. Take one out in the AM, microwave for a minute and then there you have a quick and healthy breakfast.

Breakfast Burrito:


Non stick cooking spray
1 whole egg
3 egg whites
6 slices "Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Shaved
Smoked Ham", chopped
2 (8 inch) whole wheat flour tortillas
1/4 cup 2% shredded cheddar cheese

1. Beat whole egg, egg whites and ham until well blended. Heat a nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium high heat. Add egg mixture; cook 3 minutes or until set, stirring occasionally.
2. Spoon egg mixture down centers of tortillas; top with cheese. Fold in opposite side of each tortilla, then roll up burrito style.

You can find this and other easy recipes here.

A few of my favorite go to recipe/healthy living websites:

Eat Yourself Skinny
Linda Wagner
Undressed Skeleton

So, there's three new blogs you're going to love at first click ;-)

Until tomorrow~which is technically today~
but I started this post hours ago
and I had to go grocery shopping....
at Wal Mart...
which is a post for another day!!


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dear Hair...

Dear Pregnancy Hair,

Hi. We need to talk. I'm worried because you've started to become MIA here for a little while. Where are you?? OH I know...in my brush, on my floor, on my shirt...EVERYWHERE BUT ON MY HEAD. You show up on pregnant me but then once that little bundle of joy shows up you decide to bounce! I wasn't done styling you :-( Is it the vitamins that you like? Because I've really had all intentions of continuing to take them. If I start again, will you show up once in awhile? My hair is super lame without you. I'm starting to feel like that girl in that witch movie that has her hair fall out all at once. (Note to self: do not google this for a picture. Weiiiird stuff shows up).  Well anyway, I really have nothing left to say to you. Since we're obviously at a different place in our non existent relationship.

Thanks Zero,
Post Prego Poop Hair

I'm not really a cat person but that just makes me laugh. One day I'll have better hair. When I win the lottery. And buy my better hair :-)


P.S. I don't know if you noticed buuuut Little Miss Momma commented on this post. She is the real deal when it comes to blogs. Legit. I was blog-struck. Soooo basically...I'm a pretty big deal now.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Like the Spice

Her name is Curry, like the spice. Spelled as shown, Not CARRI, CURI, OR KERI.

And she's my BFF. 
I know. Gorgeous.

 It would drive me nuts when people would spell or say her name wrong. She could care less because she doesn't care about small stuff like that.
It all began when I started Catholic school in November of 4th grade. She sat down next to me on the bus and said, "are you the new girl?". And for the next few months she called me new girl, probably because she couldn't remember my name. Much like "red shirt boy" our freshman year of public high school. I'm still not sure how we talked our parents into that one.

Our Bday Celebration last year. We're 9 days apart. And ONE year. She's older ;-)

Fast forward 17 years and we are still as close as could be. We email and text (yes at the same time) all day... (except if you're her boss reading this we SO do not do that). We have 29384 different conversations going at the same time and we can follow each and every one of them. She hates when I don't respond to her right away but she will never give me crap for it because she is understanding and realizes I'm probably in crazy town with my two children. One of which she is the amazing Godmother to:

love at first sight
And I'm not just saying that because she's my sons Godmother, she really is. Always thinking of fun things that we plan on doing with him and fun things to get him. Like this little number:

Pirate rain gear: raincoat, boots, umbrella and treasure chest backpack anyone??
I mean, seriously, how awesome is that?

She's also the dogmommy to Armani (yes like the designer). Dog lovers are some of the best people. You can tell how caring and loving they are by how they treat their dog. And this is Curry all around. Armani IS her son. And he is so lucky to have her as a dogmommy!

She cracks me up everyday with her out of this world thoughts. She will tell you exactly what is on her mind. She may seem shy at first, but once she gets to know you, forget it! You will have the time of your life with her. We have had many crazy nights that led into many stories. Stories that can't even be told because the whole time you're laughing, clapping and slapping your knee. And by you're I mean me or her.
She knows me better than I know myself.
We will always be friends because she knows everything about me ;-)

I can tell her anything and know I will never be judged.
She is my biggest fan, cheerleader and can make me feel better about any situation.
She will give you the shirt off her back.
Speaking of shirts, she has the cutest clothes.
She gives the advice you need, not the advice you want to hear. And I love her for that.

She is always there when I need her.

And she is there for my family too. She is part of my family. She is family.

She looks more like my sisters than I do.

"A Real Friend Is Someone Who You Can Sit in Complete Silence With and Still Walk Away Feeling Like You Just Had the Best Conversation of Your Life "

There is a ton more I could write, and things I'm sure I'll be mad I didn't mention, but she's probably crying already. So  I'll leave it at that for now. Curbaby, thanks for being my best forever friend! I love you!


P.S. Thank you Little Miss Momma for this idea!
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