Thursday, September 25, 2014

Weeks 1-2 Body Beast for Women Update

Hey Everyone!
So I'm a week and a half into Body Beast so I figured I would write up a little re-cap. This blog post is going to be a little bit of everything, just writing down my thoughts so far! When I first considered doing Body Beast...I did ALOT of research on it. I couldn't find too much information from a woman's perspective. So I decided I would have to blog and YouTube about it for others who may be looking for some insight. I haven't gotten to the video making yet, haha. But I'm hoping to get some courage to do that for you soon. 
body beast, body beast for women, body beast womens results, body beast nutrition, body beast meal plan, lose fat, resistance training, muscles, the bachelor, sean lowe from the bachelor, the bachelor in body beast
Oh hey Sean from The Bachelor!
Ok. So these workouts Wow. I'm still hurtin from legs on Monday night and it's WEDNESDAY. haha. But because of that I know its WORKING. I need to break out my foam roller for my poor (growing!) muscles. I need to broaden my weight selection, but for now I'm using 5lbs and 8lbs until I borrow my friends Select Tech weights. However, with the exception of a few exercises, those weights have been fine for the beginning.
body beast, body beast for women, body beast womens results, body beast nutrition, body beast meal plan, lose fat, resistance training, muscles, leg day, if you're sore you're doing something right, muscle soreness, leg workouts
Leg day is legit.
I'm following the LEAN schedule and it looks like this:
Week 1
Day1: Build: Chest/Tris
Day 2: Build: Legs
Day 3: Build: Back/Bis
Day 4: Beast: Cardio
Day 5: Build: Shoulders
Day 6: REST
Day 7: Build: Chest/Tris
body beast, body beast for women, body beast womens results, body beast nutrition, body beast meal plan, lose fat, resistance training, muscles, eat clcean, spinach salad, balsamic chicken, crock pot meals
I'm still trying to personally figure out what is best for me nutrition wise. Right now I'm clean eating, 3 meals a day, 2 snacks. I miss some meals. I have one cheat meal during the week. I have my Shakeology everyday, I have my Results & Recovery after a workout and I'm trying to stick to my water!!!
body beast, body beast for women, body beast womens results, body beast nutrition, body beast meal plan, lose fat, resistance training, muscles, Shakeology, eat clean, lose weight, ibs, control cravings, meal replacement
I know this isn't really going to help any of you, however I got so overwhelmed trying to figure out what I should follow, how many calories I should consume, if I really wanted to eat all of the food that was suggested in the Body Beast meal plan, if I wanted to follow IIFYM, or WHAT! It was driving me crazy and stressing me out so I said...I'm just gonna roll with it. I know what I should be eating, so I'm just going to scribble out a meal plan and go from there. And that's what I did for week 1 and now week 2. After some thought, I decided I would break out my 21 Day Fix book, and follow between the 2nd and 3rd tier of foods suggested so I will be creating that meal plan for week 3. That is the best and easiest way for me to make sure I'm getting the right balance of foods and the right balance of fats, protein and carbs (macros).
body beast, body beast for women, body beast womens results, body beast nutrition, body beast meal plan, lose fat, resistance training, muscles, big breakfast, avocado, eggs
food is fuel!
I've also been considering adding in some extra cardio during the week (I know this is going to make some people cringe! haha) but for me, I KNOW I have some stubborn FAT I need to lose. So this is all trial & error for me. Body Beast is definitely not the "norm" for me where I just do the workouts as scheduled and follow the awesome meal plan provided (that IS why the hire professionals to figure it out for you haha). But I think for ME this is the best bet. And in a few weeks I will know if that was the best choice lol.
body beast, body beast for women, body beast womens results, body beast nutrition, body beast meal plan, lose fat, resistance training, muscles, body beast modifications, ottoman
Using my ottoman as my bench! Make modifications when you need to!
All in all, I'm excited for my workouts. I know I'll be getting a good solid workout, and I know I will see results. I hope you will continue to follow me on my Body Beast road!
body beast, body beast for women, body beast womens results, body beast nutrition, body beast meal plan, lose fat, resistance training, muscles, 21 day fix, p90, easy workout
hold on a sec...the pug has something to say ....
{I realize that Body Beast isn't for everyone!!! So I want to make sure I add that the ever so popular 21 Day Fix is ON SALE until the end of this month. I don't think it will be on sale again for awhile, but this is the perfect place to start...if you don't know where to start. Along the same lines is Beachbody's newest program which is P90 by Tony Horton. Simply stated, this is the ON switch for fitness. Easy/doable workouts, easy to follow nutrition plan and support from me! Whatever you choose to to do, I will be cheering you on, keeping you accountable, helping to motivate you and help you nutrition. wise. YOU can do this. It is YOUR Turn!!!! Stop feeling tired, frumpy, grumpy and sad about yourself. DO something about IT! I have the tools, you just have to decide to START. I will be your coach and help you along. Fill out the form below and we will chat about your goals and the best plan for you.}
p90, tony hortons new workout, 21 day fix, easy workouts, easy meal plan, beginner workouts, workouts for teens, workouts for elderly
I believe in the person I want to be
I've learned.... with anything, any goal, you have to believe you can achieve it. Once you truly believe you CAN, is when it's the real deal. It will happen because you will start being that, surrounding yourself with people who's goals align with yours, and you will soak up anything you can learn to be the person you want to become.
Making changes is OK. You don't have to sacrifice who you are, you're just improving to be a better person for YOURSELF. Forget everyone else. Who do you want to be?
Are you ready? Fill out the application below to join my next challenge group.
It's your turn. 
Fill out my online form.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

P90 is coming to Town

p90, tony horton, p90 coach, p90 group, lose weight, easy workouts
P90 is coming to town. What's P90? It's Beachbodys newests program created by Tony Horton. Is Tony really able to create a program without the X factor??
He already did.
They are saying P90 is the "on" switch for fitness.
p90, tony horton, lose weight, beginner workout, easy workouts
Tony Horton saw a need for a program that showed you the foundation of working out. He created it for people who want to get in shape, but aren't ready for some of our other programs out there. This program gives you the ability to simply start. It will help you develop core strength, stability and correct form to avoid injury. It will give you the confidence to begin working out!
p90, tony horton, simple workout, p90x, lose weight, easy workouts
Who would this program be perfect for?
-You don't want a hardcore workout, but you want to lose weight
-You want to get back muscle tone you've lose over the years
-You want to get out of bed in the morning without a backache
-If you are someone who wants to be in good health, get regular exercise and feel strong
What is P90 about?
-Not high intensity, easy on joints
-Simple effective workouts, 30 minutes a day
-Simple nutrition guide
-Clean up daily food intake and learn what to eat
p90, tony horton, p90 results, easy workouts, lose weight, body after baby
When will it be available? 
P90 will be released on my biiiirthdaaay September 23rd! What better gift than to be able to help you transform your body and your life! It will only be available through your Team Beachbody coach
 (hii thats me!)
If you want to change your body, you have to make some changes! You have to incorporate some exercise and change some eating habits. I'm so not an "all or nothing!" person. I truly believe if you start making small lifestyle changes, before you know it, it will be second nature. I want you to make it a lifestyle..not a diet. There is no end date to this. Tony Horton is a very well known, amazing trainer! I trust him completely to present another amazing program. He knows what hes doing!
p90, tony horton, easy workouts, lose weight, low intensity workouts
How can YOU get P90?
 I will be running a P90 Exclusive Test Group that I want you to be in! I want to make sure you succeed with this program! The workouts and nutrition are all laid out for you. The plan is there, you just have to invest in yourself! The test group is a closed Facebook group in which I will post daily. I'll make sure you stay motivated, help you with meal planning, keep you accountable, and set realistic/obtainable goals! So you have the workouts, nutrition and the last key to success- support from me and the other members of  the group! I can tell you for a fact that you are much more likely to see results if you are in a challenge group. We keep another going on bad days, offer advice, vent, laugh and form friendships. You are surround by like minded people AND not to mention, when you take and complete the "Beachbody Challenge" you can enter to win $500 for your transformation!
p90, p90results, lose weight, easy workouts, tony horton
Watch this brief video for more info....
If you would like to apply to be in my P90 Exclusive Test Group, fill out the form below! If you're not sure P90 is for you, message me and we can chat. 

Fill out my online form.

Friday, September 12, 2014

21 Day Fix FAQ

I run 21 Day Fix challenge groups on Facebook and I'm always trying to find helpful information for my challengers. Since this program is only about 8 months old, its still fairly new and we are all learning new things as we go along.
Autumn frequently does videos on her YouTube channel (which I love!) and she has done quite a few FAQ sessions. So I figured I would compile a list of FAQ regarding the 21 Day Fix here on my blog and answer them from Autum's YouTube videos. So if you are currently doing the Fix or have been thinking of doing it, keep reading!
Can I eat PB2 (powdered peanut butter)? -Count it as a teaspoon. Or use real organic peanut butter or almond butter?
"Can I eat Quest Bars?"- "if it isn't on the list you aren't eating it on the 21 Day Fix" ...hey Autumn said it not me! At least for the first round. After that you can count it as a "treat". With that, the 21 Day Fix meal plan does have a recipe on how to make your own protein bars using Shakeology.
How many egg whites count as a red container? It's about three to four egg whites.
"Can I do the 21 Day Fix while pregnant? "-Yes. But ALWAYS check with your doctor first. There are low impact modifications and you will make sure you are consuming enough calories
"Can I do the 21 Day Fix while breastfeeding?"- Same as above and of course always check with Dr. As far as the nutrition side, do your basic calculations, and whatever category you fall into: ADD 500 calories. May keep you in same category or move you into the next one.
"Can you do Shakeology on the 3 Day Fix?" -No. The 3 Day Fix is very specific. You have to follow it to a T. Drink your Shakeology for the first 19 days and for after the 3 Day Fix.
"Do you (Autumn) drink Shakeology with the 21 Day Fix?"- Yes, I love the Vegan chocolate
"What does ezekial bread count as?"- 1 piece - 1 yellow
"Is butter ok on the Fix?"- Yes if its natural organic. It counts as 1tsp.
"It's only day 3 and I'm starving. I'm going to cheat if it stays like this. Help!" - First, take a look at your calculations, make sure you're in the right category. Also, make sure you're eating all of your food and spacing it out every 3 hours. Next, look and see how active you are. If you have an active job, if you are running after kids, if you wake up at 5am and don't go to bed until midnight: use the formula on pg. 76
"I find I'm not able to finish my meals and I feel fluffy"- You need to finish your meals and space them out throughout the day. We are retraining your body and it is nutrient-dense food so you get to eat more of it. You can eat every 2 hours and make them smaller meals. The program is balanced and scientifically based. You wont get enough calories or macro nutrients if you skip containers. Your body will adapt- give it about 3 weeks (21 days..hint hint).
"How often can I work my abs?"- You can work them as often as you want. Put in 10 minute abs and feel free to work them.
"Do I have to use Shakeology in place of a meal on the 21 Day Fix?"- Shakeology we call it the healthiest meal of the day there are so many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are so good for you so it is good to have everyday. But you don't have to have it as one of your meals. You can use it as a snack or for post workout.
"I'm lacking creativity with my meals. What do I do?"- This should be easy. Mix and match, choose throughout the lists. You can adapt a recipe you found and make the work for the 21 Day Fix. Have fun with it. Grilling helps to add flavor.
"Autumn how do you take your coffee?"- I drink it Americano. I don't add cream, just some organic sugar.
"How do you cook your oats?"- I measure out my outs and cook them with water.
I'll add cinnamon, agave/maple syrup and sometimes 1 tsp of peanut butter. You can also add pumpkin pie spice as well to change up the flavor!
"What weights do you suggest to use if you are brand new to exercising"- For women I would get 2-5lbs weights. For guys I would say 10's or 12's. You can always move up from there.
"What day can I do a plyo workout instead?"- You can sub it out for leg day or you can add it to pilates or upper body.
"Can I eat cracker and cookies? If not how can I stop eating cookies"- There are a few recipes for cookies you can make on the 21 Day Fix. Crackers are listed under the yellow group. They fall at the top of the list but you can have them. Go cold turkey on the cookies ;)
"Where can I get more recipes?"- Pinterest is a great resource or your Beachbody coach.
"Is this a plan I can use for a lifetime?"- Yes. It is designed to teach you portion control and you will get used to it and get used to not having your treats everyday of the week. You will learn about moderation. You will get used to what your containers look like on your plate, without using your containers. You can always go back to it to check and make sure you are on track.
"I wanted to double up workouts from day 1 instead of day 15."-If you are new to working out, give yourself at least the first week for your body to adjust. Then if you feel like it, go for it.
"Can I use almond milk, or skim milk?"- You can replace it 3x a week and it counts as a yellow.
"Why are peanuts in the blue and orange list"- If they are whole, you can have a few more. If you chop them, you have to use the orange container.
"How do you stick to a healthy eating plan when you're feeding a whole family?"- Why would you feed your family unhealthy food when you're feeding yourself healthy food. Try to get your family eating as healthy as you are. In terms of veggies and fruits and healthy proteins and snacks. Make the cookies from the book. Try to get everybody doing the same thing. Test it out, make it fun. Kids like the containers.
"What is the best container for (fresh) salsa"- Consider it one of your veggies, or if you're using it as a condiment count it as a free food.
"How soon can I start round 2 of the 21 Day Fix?" - When you end day 21, day 22 can be day 1 of round 2. No need to wait.
"Can I use a workout recovery drink?'- it isn't in the book, but if you're doing more than one 21 Day Fix workout- use 1 scoop and count it as a yellow.
"How can I make the containers work if I'm vegan?"- There are vegan options, but you have to be aware you wont meet the macro counts. You will still see results, and the flexibility of the plan allows you for success.
"Why are there 2 orange containers?"- if you are using your containers, you can use one for dressing.
"Can you buy extra containers?"- yes you can, contact your coach!
"Can I eat out at a restaurant while on the 21 Day Fix?" - You will find a restaurant guide and a "home cooking" type guide for you to use.
"What do I do when I hit a plateau?"- You can try out the 3 Day Fix and your body will respond to it.  Change up your variety in foods.With workouts, bump your weight up a little more. You can always try and double workouts in as well.
"Can I use E&E (energy & endurance pre-workout) during the 21 Day Fix"- yes you can use it and it counts as a freebie.

Make sure you read through the whole book! You can also check out the message boards on

Few Tips:
If you add ingredients to your Shakeology, make sure your counting them. If you add banana it counts as a fruit. If you add peanut butter it still counts for a tbsp.
If you have an event coming up, save your treats and wine for the weekend or event.
Take it one day at a time, one meal at a time. Don't try and plan out the entire 21 days. Take it one day at a time if you need to.

I'll be adding to this list, but if you have any questions, please comment below!
oxygen, oxygen magazine, 21 day fix, workout

Autumn is on the cover of Oxygen for the month of October...pick up a copy!
Also the 21 Day Fix is on SALE the month of September so be sure to fill out the form below if you would like to join my next Fix challenge group! <---click for details 

Fill out my online form.
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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Funday: Healthy Tips for Game Day

Fall is around the corner and one thing that means is
is back!
sunday funday, football sunday, football, nfl, game day, healthy snacks, tailgaiting, beer, drinking, healthy tips 
 Sunday Funday for me used to mean just another excuse to drink, eat crap, and have a hangover Monday morning lol.

sunday funday, football sunday, football, nfl, game day, healthy snacks, tailgaiting, beer, drinking, healthy tips, giants stadium, football game, giants
I love YOU though CC and this was a damn good time haha
So in celebration of today being officially Week 1 of football, I figured I would share with  you some tips on how to make it a healthy game day.
Healthy Tips for Game Day
1. Opt for healthy burger toppings like avocado, tomato, and lettuce. Choose mustard over ketchup. And consider ditching the cheese. {Don't hate me for suggesting the cheese!}
2. Use your grill while you still can, and put some chicken and veggies on  there.
3. For a crispy/fry like side try making your own sweet potato fries or sweet potato cubes. So good.
4. Put some clean turkey chili in the crock pot or cilantro lime chicken for wraps.
5. Make a veggie tray with hummus or homemade clean ranch dip. At my sons party I only used cucumbers, carrots and broccoli because those seem to be the most favorite (and are inexpensive!)
6. Watch your portions. Its so easy to pick, pick, pick and before you know it you've consumed 2000 calories.
7. Check Pinterest for healthy alternatives for your usual game day food. Find healthy versions of dips, wings and pizza like these quinoa pizza bites.
7. If you are going to have drink(s), stay away from sugary drinks like margaritas and heavy beers (and strawbeeritas - they are hangovers in a little delicious can). Try a light beer or wine spritzer. And always have a glass of water in between each drink. I like to do half La Croix sparkling water with half of a Skinny Girl cocktail. And don't forget you have work Monday morning ;)
{PS if you end up with a hangover, Shakeology is an awesome cure!}

game day, giants, healthy tips, beer, sunday funday, giants stadium, tailgaiting, shakeology, lose weight, fall back into fitness
And my most important tip! Pick the right team! GO GIANTS!


21 day fix, quick weight loss, lose weight, lose 10 lbs,

If you need help getting and staying on track this fall, I have a 21 Day Fix challenge group starting. Sure I may have some cheats on football Sundays, but I will be working out and eating clean 80% of the time. I know that I'm a happier mom, partner and person in general when I'm doing my best and feeling my best.
There is limited space in the group, so don't hesitate to commit to your after picture!!! You deserve to be the best YOU. Create your happiness.  

Fill out my online form.
HTML Forms powered by Wufoo.

21 Day Fix "Fall into Fitness" Challenge

I love a good theme and "fall into fitness" isn't getting old to me. It rolls of the tongue nicely lol. Let's just go with it!
21 day fix, 21 day fix containers, 21 day fix recipes, 21 day fix meal plan, lose weight, shakeology, clean eating, portions
"As Summer Winds down and school is back in session, its a great time to pause and reflect on your health and wellness goals and what you want to achieve from now until New Years- that's right, it'll be here before we know it! And we know what happens then: The New Years Resolution. Well, why wait? NOW is the perfect time to commit yourself to a new and improved diet and exercise habits and empower yourself with knowledge that allows you to make better nutrition choices for yourself and your family."-Tosca Reno
21 day fix, quick weight loss, lose weight, lose 10 lbs,
If you need help getting and staying on track this fall, I have a 21 Day Fix challenge group starting. Fall to me means campfires, playing with the kids in the leaves, pumpkin patch trips and pumpkin spice everything. No really, everything haha. It also means the end of our lake and boat days. So while fitting into bathing suits, shorts and tanks isn't in the forefront of my mind, I don't want that to be an excuse to not continue my healthy lifestyle. Sure I may have some cheats on football Sundays, but I will be working out and eating clean 80% of the time. I know that I'm a happier mom, partner and person in general when I'm doing my best and feeling my best.

So I want you to feel your best as well! And the best way to start that is to create healthy habits. It takes 21 days to create a habit, and it just so happens that the 21 Day Fix is on sale for an amazing deal. You get the workout program, nutrition guide, portion sized containers, Shakeology. support group, me as your coach and free shipping for $10 more than the cost of a month supply of Shakeology. I was so happy when they announced this special because this program is incredible and it has already helped SO many people.
21 day fix, 21 day fix recpies, 21 day fix meal plan, lose weight
In the group I will help you with your meal planning (for you and your family), tips to save time, easy recipe ideas, help with fall temptations, tips from Autumn the creator and more. When you change what you put in your body to healthy, nutrient dense foods you will find you have more energy, you are happier, your skin clears up, you have mental clarity, and your overall well being changes for the better.
Also you'll be taking 30 minutes a day to workout for you! These workouts range from cardio to strength training to pilates and yoga. There is a modifier so any level of fitness can achieve results and feel good about themselves.

By "falling into fitness this year, you will be apart of a closed Facebook group where you will receive posts from me and you'll check in daily. Now is the time to focus and commit to your goals. If you do that you will see results. A few requirements are that I am your Beachbody Coach, and that you purchase the 21 Day Fix challenge pack from me as your coach.
pinterest, boots, skinny jeans, michael kors, chunky sweater, fall outfits, 21 day fix, pumpkin spice latte
So message me or get your 21 Day Fix ordered, and hop on Pinterest to pick out your favorite Fall outfits for some inspiration! Comfy sweaters, skinny jeans, scarves, flats or boots --- LOVE! Let's start your journey of feeling confident. So that you can go in your closet and know that whatever you put on is going to look and feel good. So that you can go to the store and pick out whatever outfit you want and celebrate your success.
21 day fix, 21 day fix results, lose weight, fall into fitness, pumpkin spice latte, lose fat
There is limited space in the group, so don't hesitate to commit to your after picture!!! You deserve to be the best YOU. Create your happiness.  

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Body Beast Couples Challenge

I'm so excited to tell you about my first ever COUPES CHALLENGE GROUP! I'm teaming up with my fellow coach Sarah to bring you this awesome opportunity. I've never run a group like this before and I'm really pumped to do this! {P.S. couples consist of any two people!}

This is a really great way to work on something together, achieve goals and form a better relationship. And a little friendly competition never hurt either. The Challenge Group is like any other with a private FB group, filled with lots of motivation, tips, help with eating plans, and of course accountability & support.
couples challenge, body beast, women body beast, relationship, love, together, lose weight, weight lifting, resistance training, lifting weights, tone, lose fat, lose baby weight, workout partner

The program we chose to use for our couples challenge is called Body Beast. We both wanted to do a weight lifting program and this is perfect for us and our men! Don't be intimidated by the name, ladies!! YOU WILL NOT BULK UP!!! A few reasons YOU should lift weights:
-Forget about "toning". You will lose FAT. Which in turn will make you look leaner and your clothes will fit better.
-You will burn more calories during your workout and while resting.
-You get to eat more. This may mess with your head at first, but when you are lifting weights, you NEED to fuel your body.
-You'll build stronger bones
-Your heart will be healthier. Think: lower blood pressure and all that goes with having lower blood pressure
train like a beast look like a beauty, body beast for women, womens body beast results, weight trainig for women, lose fat, lose weight, tone, lean, strong, strength
I plan to do another blog post just for my fellow girls who may still not be convinced that lifting weights is in their best interest. So look out for that. Ok but back to the program itself.
So what is Body Beast?
Body Beast is a program created by Sagi Kalev, world-renowned trainer and former two-time Mr. Israel, BB combines extreme workouts, groundbreaking nutrition, and scientifically advanced supplementation.  Whether you're new to lifting weights, or are a certified gym rat, Body Beast will deliver results beyond what you imagined possible.
-Body Beast includes 12 different cutting-edge workouts that fuse the best of old-school resistance training with a new break through in sports science called Dynamic Set Training
-The Body Beast Eating Plan helps you increase in size (Note: Girls you will not get "BULKY"), maintain new muscle growth and cut up to be in the best shape. (I've said before nutrition is KEY to results).
Body Beast is the first training regimen designed to get awesome results in the comfort of your own home. You don't need to join a gym, hire a spotter, or have an Olympic weight lifting set. With dumbbells, correct nutrition, and the desire to work hard, BB will help you pack on LEAN muscle. The best part is Sagi and I will motivate and inspire you along the way!
body beast, body beast results, body beast for men, build muscle, gain muscle, supplements, resistacne training, gym rat
body beast, womens body beast results, body beast for women, lose fat, lose weight, weight lifting for women
Why Body Beast instead of  the Gym?
-You'll get incredible results at a fraction of the cost of a gym membership
-You're not just working your muscles, you get at in-depth body building education that you can use long after you've completed the program.
-The Body Beast Eating Plan shows you a healthy, delicious way to eat that will help you build muscle fast-and maintain for the long haul
-The plan also shows you how to supplement the safe, effective, and legal way (ladies I'm only going to be using Shakeology, a pre workout and post workout formula but if you or your other half is interested in the supplements we can chat about them)
You are in control of your results. Guys-if you want to get big we can help you make that happen. Ladies-if you want to lean out and lose fat - we will make that happen. There are 2 different phases you can follow. If you are dedicated and put in the work, you will see results. Trust us and trust the process. This is a new program for us and we will be learning stuff right along with you!
couples challenge ,lose weight, lose fat, tone, get lean, relationship, accountability partner, beachbody challenge group, beachbody coach, results, body beast, lifting weights, resistance training
So a little recap!
Why should you {and your main squeeze} join?
•Save $: 1 challenge pack for 2 people. Sharing is caring
•Save time by not having to travel to and from the gym or worry about child care

•Workout with or without your partner but still do the same program
•Personal trainer "in" your home (Sagi!). Specially designed workout to maximize your results
•Free coach to motivate you and teach you along the way
•Help with meal planning
•Private FB group of others doing the same workout
•Workout + Nutrient Dense Shake + Online Support + your other half = success
•Most importantly-
Lifting weights= more FOOD 

 If you feel like you've tried everything else, why NOT try this? What do you have to lose? (For me I believe it's stubborn post baby - yes still- belly fat)! And if you realize this isn't for you guys - you can return it. I'm throwing that out there because I know it can be scary to dive into something like this.
In a year you'll be happy you started today! So grab your other half and let's get to work!!!
Fill in this application to join our Couples Challenge (one form per couple)
Fill out my online form.
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