Thursday, June 20, 2013


Is what I hear Shaun T say while I'm watching the preview for FOCUS T25. His new workout program that is already a hit-and it hasn't even been released yet! Think same intensity and results as INSANITY but HALF the TIME. THANK YOU!!!
So what are the deets?
-25 minutes a day (yes please!)
-5 days a week (yup!)
-25 day cycle
TWO sections
All standing exercises, no weights and no equipment. Total body workout. Focuses on LOWER body. AB intervals-slow movements.
Upper body focus. Speed 2.0. Dynamic Core. Cardio abs.
These two sections are included in the base kit. There is another section GAMMA PHASE that includes weight training.
It's about making those 25 minutes count! FOCUS T25 will be released MONDAY JUNE 24TH!!! AND it already has a home in a challenge pack (workout program + 30 day supply of Shakeology + me as a coach= SUCCESS)
The price for this challenge pack will be $205. BUT you can get it until the end of July for only $180. HOLLA!!!
Click here "If you got time for that!".
So what flavor are you going to pick for your Shakeology in your challenge pack?!
It is true. After nearly two years in the making, Beachbody has finally been able to create a VANILLA Shakeology flavor! They had to go all the way to Madagascar to find a source that would be pure and orgranically grown. Thats right. That means that Vanilla Shakeolgy is the ONLY NATURAL (no additives or artificial ingredients) Vanilla Shake on the market. (man I am proud!!)
BUT how did we (and by we I mean the super smart people at Beachbody) do it?!

Welcome to the family, Vanilla ice ice baby!
So now what? You order FOCUS T25 with Vanilla Shakeology on Monday that's what! What a match made in heaven!! I have the tools and the knowledge to help you finally succeed and have your OWN transformation story! Let go of excuses. When you let go of your excuses you gain RESULTS!!!! To learn more about my challenge groups click here. I will be coaching a Focus T25 only challenge group in July so keep checking my Facebook for that!!
If you have been waiting not so patiently for T25 to be released and are ready to have it in your life go to to order so I can be your free coach!! Can't wait to help you reach your goals!!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Top 10 Ways to Get Your Children to Eat Better

For mothers day my mom got me a cookbook titled, "The Little Big Cookbooks for Moms", by Alice Wong and Natasha Fried. I love when cookbooks aren't just cookbooks. This little book is jam packed with ways to create a healthier lifestyle for your fam jam!
 I always offer my 2.5 year old what we are eating for dinner. He almost never eats it but at least I tried. I then give him a peanut butter sandwich or yogurt and fruit...something along those lines. Nothing too crazy. He does love fruit and broccoli and edamame (lol!) and his diet is pretty well rounded (except for when we have ice pops in the freezer...which is why I keep putting off buying them..the boy is addicted). So I try not to make a big deal out of dinner, even though I do catch myself getting frustrated sometimes. I read awhile ago that there is no point to this. Toddlers need very little to begin with and usually this is just a phase. And I feel better at least knowing I offered it to him. Plus he has waaaay better things to do like be a dinosaur and play cars.
My daughter who just turned one is getting less picky. Its really trial and error with her! She likes bananas, Cheerios, Sprout organic pouches, yogurt to name a few. And she recently went to town on black beans and avocado!
Anyway, so I was excited when I came across the Top 10 Ways to Get Your Child to Eat Better in this little book! And here I am to share them with you!
1. TAKE TIME TO INTRODUCE NEW FOODS: Children's taste buds aren't always ready for new flavors or textures. Be patient if your son or daughter shows resistance to trying new foods. Introduce a new food again at a later date or sneak it into a dish that you know they already love. Of course, revealing that a favorite relative, celebrity, or her likes spinach can work wonders to get your tot to try it. (Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld teaches you how to make fruit and veggie purees and then use them in her recipes!)
2. BREAK THAT FAST: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day- make it count. You can prepare whole-grain waffles on the weekend and freeze them for the coming week. Pop them in the toaster oven in the mornings and top with fresh fruit, yogurt, and honey for a quick, delicious, nutritious way to start the day.
(You can also batch cook oatmeal and have them put their own toppings on it. Or cook it in the crock pot overnight!)
3. PLAN AHEAD: Keep your pantry packed with basic staples that make it easy to whip up nutritious meals. Think about variations on whole-grain pasta, bread, or brown rice; sauteed, steamed or fresh vegetables; and a protein source such as tofu, poultry, meal, fish, cheese, or beans. Casseroles, stews, and chili are also easy ways to serve a balanced meal in a single dish.
(I LOVE the crock pot!)
4. ENCOURAGE YOUNG COOKS: As your children grow, encourage them to participate in shopping for, preparing, and creating meals. When kids can be creative in the kitchen, they'll naturally show more interest in what they're eating.
5. DRESS IT UP: If your children aren't excited about fruits and vegetables, try creative sauces, hummus and salsas. Blend plain greek yogurt with seasonings for dipping vegetables or fruit. Try salad dressings on raw veggies. Make smoothies or blended fruits.
(if nothing else my kids love a little  Shakeology!)
6. PACK A PICNIC: If you know that you'll be spending a fair amount of time driving the kids to and from school and extracurricular activities, maintain a cooler in the car to keep the munchies (and grumpies) at bay. Stock it with fresh-chopped veggies, nuts, granola, yogurt, water, apples, and bananas.
7. DON'T MAKE A FUSS: Try to resist making comments on what or how much your children are eating. As long as you are doing your part to serve them balanced and nutritious meals, the rest is up to the kids. Telling them to finish every bite of their dinner may end up creating resistance rather than compliance.
8. CREATE SIMPLE, FLEXIBLE MENUS: Don't get trapped into making separate meals for all the members of your family. Plan menus that you can serve family style, and allow your children to choose what they want to eat. Eventually, they may follow your example to sample everything.
9. HAVE A HEALTHY ATTITUDE: Your approach to diet, health, exercise, and lifestyle sets an example for your children. If you skip meals or make unbalanced choices, your kids may think that's okay for them, too. By listening to your body to tell you when you're full or hungry, your children will learn to do the same.
his face in this cracks me up everytime!
10. MAKE FOOD TIME A FUN TIME: Get creative in the kitchen. You can turn a morning of pancakes into a smiley-face contest. Cut and arrange sandwiches to represent different animals. Make a meal of just mini foods or try serving "breakfast" for dinner. And take on ideas from your kids- your enthusiasm will be infectious.
(if you can figure out how to make pancake animals, let me know! haha)
What kind of tips do you have?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

60 Day Summer Slim Down Plan

One of the best parts of being a Beachbody Coach is running monthly challenge groups!
{To read the specifics of Challenge Groups click here. }
To give you a quick run down-- it is a health and fitness challenge where you pick a Beachbody program, commit to clean eating, and replace one meal a day with Shakeology. The Challenge Group is done through a closed Facebook group. The motivation, support and amount of things you learn with me as your coach from these challenges are seriously awesome. There are a ton of programs to choose from and for every level of fitness! Myself and the other challengers are with you every step of the way. We are like a family!
OK now....who is a fan of mixed martial arts???

I have a 60 day program called Les Mills Combat that is mixed martial arts–inspired workout program designed to get you a lean, chiseled body...

 Which way is the beach  ;)

 All of these fat-burning, strength-building martial arts sequences have been carefully choreographed to some of today’s most popular, energizing music—motivating you through the highs and lows of the workout, and driving you to achieve your absolute best results...awwwww yeah!

 The secret to the program’s proven results is Fast Twitch Integration Training. LES MILLS COMBAT works your fast-twitch muscle fibers—the ones with the greatest capacity for change—like crazy. It’s a breakthrough fusion of the most dynamic moves from karate, tae kwon do, boxing, muay thai/kickboxing, capoeira, and jiu-jitsu, arranged in explosive, escalating patterns—all designed to help you burn massive amounts of calories, amp up your strength, and maximize your lean-muscle definition, fast.

 There are no restrictions as to who can do this program!!
-Those at a beginning fitness level looking to enjoy fun, energetic moves that ramp up their cardio,
burn off their fat, and lean out their muscles
-Moderately athletic people who wish to take their bodies to the next level or -Extremely fit people who want to power beyond their limits, burn away their last few pounds, and get totally shredded!

My next challenge group starts June 17th!!! Whether you choose this program or something else to fit your needs and replacing one meal a day with my beloved Shakeology- YOU WILL SEE RESULTS!! I will help keep you motivated, push you, keep you accountable you will learn how to eat clean and change your mindset. The only thing I need is YOU to be COMMITTED!!! There are only 5 spots and I only want SERIOUS people ready to make CHANGES! Message me if this is YOU!

Whats holding you back from creating a better life for yourself?

Start making changes
and decided to just do it already!!!
You are the only person who has control over your body! LETS GET GOING!!
Click HERE to request to take the challenge!!!
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