Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Success Story| Lori W.

I want to feature more transformation stories on my blog. I know for me personally, seeing transformations (of any kind: beauty, houses, projects, bodies!) really inspires me. Some of these transformations will be official Beachbody Challenge transformations, some will be fellow coaches,and some of my personally coached clients! 
Today I'm sharing a transformation from the Team Beachbody website. 
21 day fix, p90x3, piyo, pilates, yoga, lose weight, stay at home mom, workout motivation, what to eat to lose weight, lose weight in the new year, how to lose baby weight, shakeology, transformation

Meet Lori W.! She participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for December 31st!
Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I’m just the average 40 something stay-at-home mom. You know the one. The one that in her 20’s could eat anything she wanted, never workout and still be skinny as a twig!?! Well, that all changed with children and age. I was so busy taking care of everyone else that I forgot to take care of me. With the additional years came the additional pounds. I became depressed and ready to accept that this was me. I would just be heavy like my mother and grandmother before me.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
Well, then there were a few light bulb moments and some new fit & healthy friends. Now, I have decided not to accept the “heavy” me who is depressed and tired all the time. I am going to quit making excuses about my genetics or hormones or lack of time or whatever. I am going to start living what I preach to my kids every day. I can be whoever I want to be and I can do anything I want to do.
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
My greatest challenge was ME…my mental state…the negative self-talk. I was depressed and had nearly given up. I had to overcome the idea that I couldn’t do this. I had to believe in myself again.
What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
I completed 2 rounds of 21 Day Fix followed by P90X3 and a round of PiYo. The meal plan made it very simple for me to stay on track with my eating throughout the day. The workouts were not overwhelming. I didn’t dread it or count the minutes.
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
The funny thing is, when I look at my before and after photos what I notice most is my face. I think it says so much. In the before photo I see the puffy face and double chin but I also see sadness, depression and frustration with myself and current body & lifestyle. I just look tired. In the after photo I can actually see my cheekbones again. But, I also see the light back in my eyes. I can see that I feel strong and have energy. I see excitement for the future!
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
I have become a Beachbody Coach in hopes of inspiring my friends and family to life a healthier life. I want them all to feel as amazing and hopeful as I do.

Its a ripple effect! 
21 day fix, p90x3, piyo, pilates, yoga, lose weight, stay at home mom, workout motivation, what to eat to lose weight, lose weight in the new year, how to lose baby weight, shakeology
XO: Coach Sarah

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Fresh|Start 15

fresh start, beachbody, beachbody coach, how to lose weight, new years resolution, 21day fix, t25, max 30, insanity, lose belly fat, c section, new mom, baby
That's what I think of when I think of the New Year. I'm over the setting resolutions thing because I'm usually setting goals for myself throughout the year. I'm always growing which ultimately means failing but learning from those moments. My focus is different as circumstances, seasons, and hurdles arise.
So that's what I'm presenting you do as well! Just call it a fresh start. Whatever that means for you. Whether that means getting back to what you were doing workout and nutrition wise, whether that means making baby steps towards new changes, or whether that means truly starting fresh and creating some new habits!
fresh start, beachbody, beachbody coach, how to lose weight, new years resolution, 21day fix, t25, max 30, insanity, lose belly fat, c section, new mom, baby, goals, goal setting, 2015
As for what I do, I'll be running a Fresh Start challenge group starting January 5th. Yes, the typical Monday! This will be a 30 day challenge. We will be working on finding an at home fitness program (Beachbody program) that works for you, your goals and your lifestyle as well as a nutrition plan. The workout programs come with nutrition guides so we will focus on meal planning, prepping, tips and recipes in the group. I will have a lot of focus on nutrition as that is where I have found I personally struggle with as well as everyone else! You will also replace one meal a day with Shakeology- my go to meal replacement shake that delivers all of the nutrition I need to keep my body running the way it needs to. Its 100% natural, no soy, no artificial sweeteners and no chemicals. If you follow me on FB or IG you have heard me talk about this.
lose weight, fight diseas, gain energy, stay regular, get health, shakeology, meal replacement, 21 day fix, 2015, how to lose weight, how to lose baby weight
ShakeO Baby

But listen...if you dig the gym, have a workout you love to do, or are a can still join the accountability group! If you need a little something like a refresh or help with nutrition its cool. I can still help you!
fresh start, beachbody, beachbody coach, how to lose weight, new years resolution, 21day fix, t25, max 30, insanity, lose belly fat, c section, new mom, baby, nutrition, clean eating, what to eat, what to eat to lose weight, what to eat to lose fat
Aside from nutrition, the biggest aspect of finding success with your goals is surrounding yourself with like minded people! These challenge groups provide that! Here is what one of my challengers, Brionna, has to say about her experience:
" I actually ended up with a total weight Loss of 12 lbs!!! I haven't done a final measurement for inches. But I will and send you the results. I know I was quiet for December but it's just bc I had a lot going on. I continued with my workouts and diet the best I could. And I feel like I was successful. I feel good about myself and my ability to follow through with things that are important to me. As moms and women we tend to put everyone else's needs in front of our own and sometimes end up suffering bc of it. And some days I had to fight for "my" time. I was so tired of being where I was physically. Even though I was already working out I would go through phases where I would stop and start. The fix and YOU gave me the motivation and structure I needed to kick start my weight loss again. I also realized that it is hard to lose weight and eat right and it does take a lot of self control. ---And some days that self control went out the window!!!! Then I'd feel bad bc of what I'd eaten but I keep trudging along and got back on track and sure enough the scale still went down and I could still see changes. I'm definitely prepared to continue on this journey. I've learned that there is no overnight fix. Believe me I've looked! It has been a little over 6 weeks and I lost 12 pounds which I equated to about 2 lbs a week, which I read was average. I finally got rid of the idea that I could lose 40lbs in 2 months bc it's just not realistic for me. The only way for me to get where I want to be physically is to work. Mentally and physically. Exercise and eating right. And I know I will get there. I will not be looking cray when summer comes this year. I already feel great about the New Year bc I've had small success and am already in progress to one of the most popular New Year's Resolutions!!! I feel good after I work out and am eating right. The Shakeology helps a lot as well, with the cravings and to not have to worry about an extra meal. One more positive thing is that when I'm craving something bad and finally have it, it's not as good as I expected, so I'm being smarter about those cheat meal and sneak bites. Thank you so much Sarah, for your encouragement and support and ladies of the fix you too!!! I do believe had I not had the group to report to, things could've been different."
I can totally relate to her and I'm sure you can as well! This is a lifestyle change. This is something you have to work for. This isn't something that will happen overnight. But I do have a formula that is fool proof. You have lots of options, so many different routes you can take and below is just one!
fresh start, beachbody, beachbody coach, how to lose weight, new years resolution, 21day fix, t25, max 30, insanity, lose belly fat, c section, new mom, baby.
Enter the 21 Day Fix

I'm asking you to give me 21 days.
This method is fool proof. If you:
follow the meal plan
follow the workout schedule
and check into the support group
You. Will. See. Results. No doubt.
Simplified nutrition. Variety of workouts with a modifier if needed. Shakeology to help your body run the way it should. Closed Facebook group to support you along the way.
If you don't start to see the results you are looking for you can return the program and hit up the gym for their New Year promo.
Who is excited for what's to come?! WE ARE!!!
new years resolution, 2015, how to lose weight, what to eat to lose weight, c section, how to lose weight after baby, 21 day fix, t25, insanity, max 30, quick workouts, shakeology, lose weight, lose belly fat, lose weight quick, mom, new mom, baby, toddler
Fill out this form below or contact me on Facebook!  Can't wait to get started with you!
Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

MAX out with SP! Insanity Max 30

insanity, insanity max 30, max 30, hiit, lose weight, baby weight
It was only a matter of time that Shaun T would be coming out with another fitness program. He is the creator of Insanity, The Asylum (never did that one) and T25. Insanity got me into amazing shape after having 2 babies (2 C-sections) in the matter of 2 years. I did a few program in between and then when T25 came out I did that as well and got great result. I love weight lifting, but personally it seems by body really responds well to high intensity interval training (HIIT), especially in my hard to lose belly section.
insanity, insanity max 30, max 30, shaun t, cardio, lose weight, lose fat
Max 30 is Shaun T's newest program. He has you doing 30 minute workouts (yay!) 5x a week (double yay!). Like Insanity & T25 you don't need any equipment. Now the workouts are 30 minutes, but you may not finish all 30 minutes, at first. Shaun T wants you to MAX out. Push to MAX results.
As I had mentioned Shaun T is the creator of Insanity and T25, and I myself will this be different? Well apparently Mr.. T has come up with 150 new moves, that will certainly keep the body guessing. There is also an option view the modifier the WHOLE time. The modifier will be doing low impact moves (and I'm sure I'll be following her as well at first!). Inanity didn't have a modifier and you weren't able to see Tanya the whole time with T25 so I think its cool that you have the option to either view the modifier the whole time or even Shaun T the whole time.
max 30, insanity max 30, lose weight, baby weight, quick workout  
So a little bit about the workouts. What I know so far is that there are three strength or cardio moves for a few rounds- and then you get a short break. Similar to HIIT (high intensity interval training): which my body responds so well to! With this layout you burn more carbs and more fat (yay!). Then in month two a power move is added.
Month 1 Workouts:
Cardio Challenge
Sweat Intervals
Tabata Power
Friday Fight
Pulse workout (optional)
Month 2 Workouts:
Max out Cardio
Max out Sweat
Max out Power
Max out Strength
Friday Fight
One of my upline coaches Melanie Mitro was one of the coaches selected to do a test group of the program and she told us that she personally was burning around 433 calories per workout. Awesome!!
funeral for fat, burn ffat, burn calories, lose weight, baby weight
Another thing I want to mention is that there is a DELUXE version of the program and it comes with portion controlled containers!! {think 21 Day Fix1}. If you already have the 21 Day Fix, this program is compatible with it! Of course like with all of our programs, there will be a Nutrition Guide along with a Restaurant guide and a wall calendar. Checking off your workout  is SO satisfying! You'll also want to write down what time you MAX out at so that you can track your progress.
insanity max 30, max 30, 21 day fix
You can get your hands on this program (basic or deluxe version) through your Team Beachbody Coach. If that's already me, sweet! Just message me and let me know you want to get on the list If I'm not your coach and you want me to help you along with your journey, click here and sign up for a free account!
The thing I'm most excited about though, is I will be running a test group so that you can do this along with ME! I've said it before, but I love doing a new workout program along side others. What I do is set up a private Facebook challenge group that we will all be in. I post daily, we all post about our workout and nutrition.  I will help you with tips, meal planning, and motivation! These groups offer accountability and most importantly support!! You do not have to WAIT until the New Year to start on your goals. You ARE worth investing in yourself and your health. There are so many different avenues you can take. I'm sharing what I believe in.
I believe in our result proven at home fitness programs. 
I believe in replacing one meal a day with Shakeo because of its amazing formula (see previous post).
I believe in our private online challenge groups because we need support and accountability along the way.
I believe in you.
i believe in you, support, health and fitness goals
There will be struggles; physically, mentally and emotionally. We all have certain issues; whether we realize it or not. You have to commit- and recommit if you fall off track. You will have to be honest with yourself and me. You will get uncomfortable at times. You will have to push yourself (I can't teleport myself to your house lol). But the changes and choices you make daily will be something to be so proud of. Life changing fitness, nutrition & wellness. Something to be thankful for- and to never take for granted! 
shakeology, kids drinking shakeology, lose weight
So with the challenge group we will set you up with a challenge pack: the workout program & Shakeology combined. Shakeology is required. Honestly, its the health shake that I've had daily for two years. It's what helped me power through Insanity workouts and helped me shed weight because my body was getting the proper nutrients. Along with a healthy diet, of course! It's not a magic shake ;) although it makes me feel amazing. I will be your coach and you will score a spot in the MAX OUT WITH SP Test Group!
shaun t, max 30, insanity max 30, christmas, fitness gifts

The easiest way for us to get connected and get started is to fill out this application and let me know the BEST way to reach you: email, Facebook, texting, or calling! Please double check your contact info to make sure its correct :) Hope to chat soon and meet my fellow Maxers!
Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo templates to make your own HTML forms.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November & December Happenings

love your job, beachbody coach, inspire
First, especially during this time, I want to thank YOU for being a cusotmer of mine and trusting me to be your health and fitness coach! I love what I do and because of you, Im able to do it!

OK so I just wanted to take a moment and reach out to share with you some things I have going on in ending the month of November and going into December!
As far as specials go, Beachbody is doing their first ever "kickstart" challenge pack! What this means is, you get PiYo, a month of Shakeology on Home Direct, & the 3-day-refresh for a huge discount! I know some people are planning to do the 3-day-refresh starting this Sunday post turkey day and they will be feeling good!  I want to feel my best going into holiday parties with my family & friends, so this time of year is perfect, however I want to emphasize and focus on  having an "every season body!" If you're interested in refreshing, get in touch with me & we'll get you all set up! PiYo is one of my favorite workout programs as it is super restorative and really helps with my flexibility (more flexible-less sore haha)
•kick start your "transformation" inside AND out
•break cycle of bad eating habits in just 3 days
•define your body with pilates|yoga inspired PiYo...
•with Shakeology daily you'll feed your body the dense nutrition it needs for amazing results

If you're interested in learning more about that program or the 3-day-refresh, send me a message and we'll chat to see if they may be a good fit for you!
pilates, yoga, piyo, tone, 3 day refresh, detox, holiday detox, holiday weight gain, lose holiday weight

Next, I have a current 21 Day Fix: Holiday Edition group in which I'm opening up just TWO spots for our Round 2 portion. You could easily lose 5-10 lbs before Christmas...hi what do you want from Santa? Group support, 30 minute workouts, Shakeology, nutrition tips, time managment tips....don't miss the oppurtunity to snag one of the two spots open! The ladies in this group are awesome.

Last, but not least, I'm currently IN a challenge group where the main focus is on being *grateful* & in just a few short days I can see my attitude shifting! Its easy to get frustrated and stressed out and not acknowledge the little things in life but seeing everyone's reflections everyday have really helped me to stay focused on the positive. In order to remind you of how grateful I am for YOU, if you sign up for a month of Shakeology on Home Direct {along or grouped with a fitness program} between now and November 30th, you will be qualified to receive a "gratitude gift basket" from me! This will include a clean eating meal plan for a week with recipes & some of my favorite things that help me stay on track as far as clean eating goes!
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to be of a help to you during this holiday season as your coach and friend! I would love to hear from all of you to see how your journey is going!
XO - Coach Sarah

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Every Season Body Challenge

So I was talking with my good friend and we were saying how we needed to start working out together again. We do so much better when we workout together and the only time that we could both get it done and meet up everyday would be early in the morning. She lives a few minutes away so she and I decided that 6am workouts were going to have to work. (Thank God my kids are back to  sleeping later-by later I mean like 6:45 haha- now from the time change).
alarm, workout early in the morning, morning workouts, workout partner
Anyway I said the cliché, "summer bodies are made in the winter!" to which she responded, "I don't want a summer body, I want an every season body". Boom. Yes. How true.  I always talk about making lasting lifestyle changes, so why should I focus on seasons? Of course its natural but lets break that thought process. Let's stop doing that to ourselves. Live by the 80/20 rule. I don't want to hide behind sweatshirts and big comfy sweaters, I mean I want to wear them, but not because I'm hiding under them! I don't want to feel the pressure in a few months to get ready to feel good in shorts and boat wear! I want to stop getting "back on track" so I can feel good, confident, more energetic and less stressed for all the seasons!
holiday weight gain, fit for life, halloween, thanksgiving, christimas, new years
SO that is the idea behind my next challenge group. Working through the month so we an start 2015 being ready for every season! December 1st starts a 30 day PiYo group. You will jump start with the 3 Day Refresh to get all the Thanksgiving-ness out of your system (enjoy the leftovers while you can). These 30 days are going to be the start of your new body that will be present for every season. You're going to learn to manage your workouts and healthy eating through the parties, get togethers and trips. We will talk quick, easy and clean recipes. We will talk staying focused while on the go.
I know you may be thinking- I'm already so busy how will I fit in a workout. But my thinking is- yes I agree- but we also need to make some downtime to de-stress and feel good. I can notice a total difference in my attitude, stress level, and happiness from when I'm consistent with my workouts (especially starting the day with one) and when I'm not.What make PiYo so special is that it is gentle on the body. It's restorative- yet effective! I mean I worked up a sweat without jumping around. This is a workout your body needs and it also provides dynamic flexibility- something I always struggled with.
pilates, yoga, piyo, tone, 3 day refresh, detox, holiday detox, holiday weight gain, lose holiday weight
Like mentioned above, stop the thought, "why start now?". I know its not usual to start a health/fitness routine during the last month of the year. Maybe you don't need to lose anything, maybe you just want to keep things "contained" and not be set back with all the {yummy} salty/sugary food/appetizers that makes you feel like crap. Because admit it- they do! They taste amazing in the moment but then - ugh you're wondering why you feel so run down. Mmmmhmmm.
piyo, pilates, yoga, tone
PiYo and the 3 Day Refresh are the 2 components but the last and most important component is Shakeology. You've heard me talk about it before. I've been drinking it daily for two years- so its not just some phase! I will drink it for life. Honestly, like myself, people drink it because it makes them feel good, gives them energy to workout, has adoptogens, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, and everything about the body just WORKS better. You know, when you're doing a fitness program the easiest way to see NO results is to do nothing about your nutrition - that is why my Month 1 of Insanity didn't give me the results I expected. You need to support the body in a way that the body can heal itself. Its kind of like a mini detox everyday, and with said salty/sugary food mentioned above you know its one meal a day that you will be getting your daily dose of dense nutrition. Not to mention, Shakeology is my GO TO out the door ON THE GO meal! Drop the NutriGrain bar, the Lean Cuisine, the Slim Fast, the "protein" bar. This is what you want your quick meal to be. Yes its a meal. Not a protein drink. :)
So lets recap this "PiYo Kick Start challenge kit":

•kick start your "transformation" (anyone hate seeing that word yet?) inside AND out
•break cycle of bad eating habits in just 3 days
•define your body with pilates|yoga inspired PiYo...
•with Shakeology daily you'll feed your body the dense nutrition it needs for amazing results

The holidays, as amazing as they are..can be kind of stressful and hectic, no?

But! can DESTRESS with a workout (and maybe wine after).Why not start now? Because you want to look and feel good walking into a room at a party. Because you want to be IN pictures. Because you don't want to be on a "diet" rather learn the tools to incorporate this into your life and be AHEAD of the game come January! Stop thinking you're going to miss out like I always thought I was going to. It's all about finding a balance!

It's simple.
You CAN do it.
Hashtag duh.
summer body, summer bodies are made in the winter, lose weight
Fill out this application below to join the Every Season Body Challenge and I will contact you! 

Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

TBT: FASQ- Do I need mulitivitamins or supplements with Shakeology?

shakeology, shakeology and supplements, shakeology and multivitamins, faq shakeology
A little TBT action for you. I thought I would bring back something I did for a little while which was FASQ: Frequently Asked Shakeology Questions.
Today my mom texted me and asked me if you need to take supplements with Shakeology. My first response was- "Not usually, I don't. Pregnant women who drink Shakeology do take Folic Acid."
However, every person is different and so if you need a specific supplement you should talk it over with your doctor.
It lead me to do a little digging, however, and this is what I found and wanted to share with you all incase you were ever wondering as well! This is straight from Beachbody and their position on Shakeology and multivitamins/supplements.
Should I Continue to Take Multivitamins and Supplements Along With Shakeology?
Because of the way Shakeology is formulated, one shake pretty much covers your body’s normal daily requirement for vitamins and minerals. However, if you’re following a recommended exercise routine, your body is likely using up those nutrients at a faster rate. For example, if you’re doing P90X or Insanity—hard-charging routines that burn more calories along with vitamins and minerals—you may need some additional supplementation. Due to the digestive enzymes in Shakeology, taking multivitamins at the same time you drink Shakeology will help your body to better absorb all the nutrients. If you are taking any other supplements in addition to Shakeology, your total intake to ensure you do not exceed Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for copper, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for copper is 10mg/day, for magnesium 350 mg/day, for manganese 11 mg/day, and for zinc 40mg/day.
Can I Drink Shakeology in Addition to P90X Results and Recovery Formula?
Yes, but not together! Results and Recovery Formula should only be taken during or after exercise, when you’ve been exhausting your body’s blood sugar. At any other time, Shakeology is the better option. {oops I guess this means no more mixing R&R with my Vanilla Shakeology- learned something today!}
Should I Still Take an Omega Supplement?
While the flax seed and chia seeds in Shakeology provide some omega-3 fatty acids, it is still recommended that you take Omega-3 supplements to meet your daily requirement
How About Calcium Supplements with Shakeology?
The recommended daily allowance of calcium is 1,200mg/day for women and 1,500mg/day for post-menopausal women. Shakeology provides 500mg of calcium, so it is recommended to supplement with additional calcium sources to meet the daily recommended allowance. Due to the digestive enzymes in Shakeology, taking calcium supplements at the same time you drink Shakeology will help your body to better absorb the nutrients.
Does Drinking Shakeology Mean I don’t Have to Eat Any More Veggies?
Unfortunately, no. Fresh fruits and vegetables will always be important for a healthy, balanced diet. Shakeology can help you fill in the nutritional gaps that occur when you’re too busy to eat the right balance of fruits and veggies. Plus, it’s much easier to tuck into a purse or backpack than a head of lettuce! As good as Shakeology is, veggies are still the best source of vitamins and minerals.
Is it OK to Drink More than One Serving of Shakeology Per Day? Or to Replace More than One Meal Per Day?
Yes, but it is not recommended to replace more than 2 meals per day.
shakeology, shakeology sampler, try shakeology, meal replacement, healthy recipes, lose weight, weight loss, quick weight loss
If you have any other questions, message me on Facebook or leave a comment below. I also have 5 available Shakeology sampler kits for $25 each and it includes a 5 day meal plan with it! Woop woop! Shakeology provides the proper carb to protein ration in order to keep you full longer and give your body the nutrition it needs to have energy through the day! It's been my go to healthiest meal of the day for almost 2 years and I want it to be apart of yours. It's changed so many lives already, and now its your turn!
XO- Coach Sarah

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Transformation Thursday: Les Mills Combat

Happy Thursday! Two more sleeps between you and the weekend!
Today I want to bring a "Transformation Thursday" to you and I am featuring Les Mills Combat! This is a program I've wanted to try - but I need to hold off until I finish Body Beast (unless I give in and get it haha). I've done its sister workout Les Mills Pump which was awesome. And I've heard Les Mills Combat is fun. I like fun.

les mills combat, mma, kickboxing workout, mma workout, cardio, lose weight, lose fat
 Breianna needed to lose a little extra weight that she had put on around the holidays. She had already completed Les Mills PUMP, and loved it, so when she found Les Mills COMBAT she knew it would work for her. She lost 10 lbs in only 60 days, and gained lean muscle while she was at it. Check out her story:
"Before Les Mills COMBAT I had just completed Les Mills PUMP. I felt lean and strong from the 90 days of PUMP but could not stay motivated to start another program right after. Not being on a routine schedule (around the holidays too) led to me gaining several added pounds. When I stepped on the scale for the first time in awhile it read 132.8lbs. Immediately I felt guilty and upset that I worked so hard committing to a program and let it all go to waste. My jeans were no longer fitting. I hated going anywhere that I had to dress up because of my clothes being so uncomfortable. Once I was able to order Les Mills COMBAT, I did!
There are many inspirations in my life that pushed me to begin my amazing transformation journey. I want to be in the BEST shape ever as a bride walking down the aisle in the center of the spotlight this fall. I want to be ENERGIZED as I dance and play around with my little 4-year old daughter. I want to INFLUENCE family, friends, and others to live healthier lives. Most of all I wanted to fit comfortably in all of my clothes.
I had the best workout buddies and the best support in Beachbody challenge groups. My two fitness partners were by my side cheering me on and yelling words of encouragement as we completed each daily workout. At first it was hard to match up our busy schedules but it was totally worth waiting for a group workout. As for the Beachbody challenge groups, it is SO motivating seeing and hearing others' progress. The groups were extremely supportive and full of positivity, energy, and advice. Between my amazing workout partners and the fabulous Beachbody challenge groups I pushed myself above and beyond 110%!!!!!!!!!
The trainers, Dan & Rach, were ALWAYS positive, motivating, and pushing me to keep going throughout each track. They keep the workout super fun yet very intense the whole time. The music was AWESOME! It had me blaring out the songs while punching and kicking. The music is also what made it so easy to catch on to the moves, not to mention it keeps your mind off of the "burn" from the workouts. What I really liked about the program was the challenge of intensifying your workout by following Dan and/or Rach's cues. If there is an advanced option of course I am going to do it! I want RESULTS and I sure did get them!
At the end of the program, I lost ten pounds and even gained muscle. Not having too much to lose makes it extremely tough to shed even a couple pounds. Losing a total of ten pounds in only sixty days totally blew my mind. Most of all, I cannot believe how STRONG I feel. I am doing sets of push ups on my toes!!!!!!! I'm just proud to have completed the whole Ultimate Warrior schedule without skipping a day. It was total commitment that got me to the end.
Completing Les Mills Combat has given me a HUGE boost in confidence and motivation. I already started Turbo Fire the Monday after finishing Combat! Mentally I am in the right position to keep pushing beyond my goals and helping others do the same with everything Beachbody has to offer!"
Can you not FEEL her energy and enthusiasm through her words? I think this would be the perfect program to do to help get you through the holidays. I will be your support system and keep you motivated through the end of the year. And the best part is Beachbody announced this program and Les Mills Pump are both on sale at a big discount. You can either purchase the program(s) alone or get the challenge pack kit which includes a 30 day supply of Shakeology. If you commit to your health and fitness with a challenge pack, you'll be helping me COMBAT BREAST CANCER because for every Les Mills challenge pack purchased now through the end of the month I will be donating $10.
breast cancer, cancer, breast cancer awareness month, donating to breast cancer
Breast cancer awareness is something that is close to my heart. My sweet grandmother passed away from breast cancer. Along with that, I worked for a surgeon who specialized in breast cancer. I have seen many cases along side of him, and I cared for each person greatly. I am grateful to of had that experience. So with taking care of yourself, starting on a healthier path, you will help me donate to something that is important to me and many others. If this is something you would be interested in, message me on Facebook or fill out the application below. I will respond to by either emailing you or texting so please look out for it!
breast cancer, combat breast cancer, fight cancer 
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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hitting the "Re-Start" Button

Ok. So I had an "ah-ha" moment last night.
I was looking through a fellow coaches THREE year transformation last night. I couldn't stop looking at her pictures, her quotes, her story ect. Her name is Kenna Shell and she's awesome. And looks amazing. And has worked very hard for it. She has had many companies steal her hard earned before and after pictures claiming it was their product, pill, whatever have you that changed her. Well it was not, it was all Beachbody workout programs, clean eating and you guessed it- Shakeology. Most of all patience and consistency. While I was looking (ok stalking at this point LOL) I thought- "why not me?". This whole month especially I have been telling you guys, "its your turn", "why not you", when I should've been telling myself that.
This is Kenna Shell and YES its the same person .Follow her on Instagram for awesome inspiration @kennashell
Truth be told, I've been a health and fitness coach for almost two years, and I'm still not where I want to be. I've had a lot of ups and downs. I've had times where I was on point, working hard, following my program/meal plan, and feeling proud. I've also had moments where I was lazy, eating junk, missing workouts and feeling crappy. At this point, I feel like I'm right back to where I started a little over two years ago. I'm sick of "starting over" and I'm embarrassed to coach others how to live their life while I'm not being the example they deserve.
I've put off making this blog post because I'm honestly scared of what people are going to think. What will my fellow coaches think? What will my challengers think? What will my friends and family think? What will people who were just about to message me for help, think? But I'm taking that risk. I think it sometimes takes you to hit a low point to really dig deep and get motivated from within. I know deep down I have helped a lot of people, I have supported them and motivated them to make lifestyle changes. And for that I'm proud.
change, health and fitness, lose weight, fat loss, fitness motivation
I know what works. Now, its time to truly focus on myself. I need to be proud of ME personally. My body. My choices. My effort. I need to refocus on MY goals. I need to put in the work. I need to stick to my meal plans. I need to be prepared. I need to be happy with who is looking back at me in the mirror. I need to stop giving excuses. I need to overcome my lack of self control around food. I need to stop giving  myself a pass. I need to truly commit to my plan, and stay consistent. I need to not be in a bad mood because nothing fits. I need to stop fighting the internal battle. I can tell you I KNOW I haven't been myself. I haven't been happy with myself. And when you're not happy with yourself, its a domino effect that trickles down to everything in your life. Relationships, being a mom, my business, daily life.
lose weight, motivation, fitspo, body after baby, lose baby weight
Whew. That was REALLY hard to write out and to be honest with myself. This is the honest truth. I'm putting myself and my emotions out there to be judged by all of you! Go easy on me!
BUT- you've only failed when you've stopped trying, right? So now that its out in the open here is my PLAN. You cant get anywhere without a plan.
It's time to get back to basics. It's time to re-focus on my journey (sorry Jess R. if you're reading this lol!). I'm going to pull out my old meal plans as a reference, and re-read "The Eat Clean Diet", by Tosca Reno. I'm going to start reading the piles of nutrition books that I have started and not finished. I'm going to continue with Body Beast and add in my HIIT workouts 3x a week (working on getting back to morning workouts.) I'll be having my Shakeology for breakfast or lunch. I will be drinking my water. I'm going to really learn how to effectively overcome obstacles I face (like I'm legit addicted to salty food.) I want to be the best version of me so that I can help you be the same. I know its going to take time. But every decision I make will either bring me closer to my goals or push me further away. My favorite quote is "Progress not Perfection". I am not expecting myself to be perfect. But I do expect myself to stay consistent in reaching my goals. Its time to get to WORK! I will be blogging more about what I'm doing, and updating you. I plan to dabble into YouTube (yikes) as well. I will also have an opportunity for you to join me and other coaches in getting back on track and holding each other accountable. More details on that to come. I'm still here for YOU as well. We need to stick together. Lets do this. Stay tuned. I hope you still love me. I hope you still trust me! And I hope you will follow me along the way.
lose weight, motivation, fitspo, inpsiration, health, fitness, beachbody, shakeology
point taken.
XOXOXO - Coach Sarah

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

FOWO: Fear of Working Out

FOWO: 5 Tips to Overcome your Fear of Working Out
-Tony Horton

It may sound silly, but after I saw Tony Hortons video on "FOWO",  I thought wow... I bet alot of people could relate to this! So, I had to share. We have fear because we are afraid we will be bad. Afraid we won't perform to our expectations. And fear because deep down inside the whole idea of exercising seems miserable. (Ammairight??) Here are some tips on getting over your FOWO. 
lose weight, fear, growth, working out, workout of for beginners, fear of working out, easy workouts, p90, 21 day fix, diet, clean eating
1. {Get connected} check out the articles on this blog, or check out YouTube videos, Google things that you want information on and that will help build your confidence.

2. {Map out your Goals}
Figure out what you want to achieve and think about how you will you feel when you reach your goals!
Also- Variety is the spice of life! Variety will help you to not get bored by mixing up your workouts (which our programs do, add in hiking, piyo class, spin, zumba). And stay consistent:. consistent with a variety of your health, fitness and food choices.

3. {Go Outside} and play like a kid. Have some fun.

4. {Focus on YOU} Take the competition out!! You won't get picked last Your workout can be done at your speed, your rate, your own way!! Make it about what YOU need to do ...your only competition is with yourself!

5. {Embrace the Fail!} Failing is learning!! You will have to fall down. You have two choices:
1. fall off the horse get scared and never get back on
3. Dust yourself off and keep on moving.. if it doesn't go according to plan; so what!! Find the people {me!} who encourage you and support you.

Do you need me to help you overcome your fear of working out?!

I have a challenge group coming up and its all about starting slow, and gradually working towards reaching your health and fitness goals. Fill out this application so we can connect or message me on Facebook!
 XO- Coach Sarah

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Friday, October 3, 2014

25 to THRIVE

beachbody coach ,health and fitness, health and fitness coach
I want to start off by saying, how incredibly fortunate I feel to be apart of such an amazing team.
I feel blessed and proud to be apart of the #1 team in Beachbody.
To be surround by such beautiful, positive, inspiring, funny and supportive people.
Never in a million years would I:
A. think I'd be a stay at home mom and
B.think I would be working as a health & fitness coach as a sahm
But this "thing" I joined almost two years ago just to get a discount and to help others doing the same thing i was has grown to be more than I ever could have imagined. I remember the day that I was told "I don't think this is going to turn into as big as you think it is.."
I also remember how that phrase gave me the push to prove that statement wrong!!
beachbody coach ,health and fitness, health and fitness coach
The original plan was for me to go back to work the summer after Ava turned 1. Ava turned 2 this past May and I'm still home with them. Some days are rough, I'll admit. But to have the opportunity to stay home with my kids while their still little, to be able to bring in a paycheck every Thursday to contribute to my family and to give and receive support from so many people is incredible.
beachbody coach ,health and fitness, health and fitness coach, work from home mom, stay at home mom, income from home, working mom
 I would not have been able to succeed at this business if it weren't for the leaders on my team that have created a duplicative system. We do not re-invent the wheel. We all have certain systems we use, but we all share our ideas. We all support eachother. We are consistent, we dig deep to figure out WHY we want to do this, we read personal development, we attending amazing trainings, and be punch fear in the face.
We want to change lives.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to help other people reach their health and fitness goals? (I can tell you becoming a coach has made me much more accountable to my OWN health!)
You could be anyone:
-a mom
-a dad
-a full time employee
-a ceo
-a stay at home mom
-a military wife
-a fitness instructor
-a health nut
-a lawyer
-a nurse
-a teacher
-a weight loss success story
-a weight loss success story in the making
beachbody coach ,health and fitness, health and fitness coach
So how do you do it?
{this is where I come into play} My role as your upline coach is to get to the root of WHY you want to be a coach. We create a formula for success:
Determine your personal motivating WHY and align all your activities to a obtainable goal.
We do this by breaking down to the basics and creating a PLAN!
You can have all the best intentions in the world, but nothing works without a plan, right?
Well, here is your plan!
beachbody coach ,health and fitness, health and fitness coach, make money from home, home business, mlm, working mom, stay at home mom, mom
With the holidays coming up and the New Year around the corner, I am looking for members to join my growing team. I am looking for those interested in creating an income by learning the basics of coaching- at an accelerated pace.
For 25 days we will teach you the basics of creating a mobile business that will be kicked into high gear by helping people achieve there New Year's Resolutions through the release of what is projected to be the largest selling at home workout ever created: MAX 30. But I cant do it alone! There are millions of people who need help!
Here is what you will learn in the 25 to thrive:
-How to receive 25% commission on all sales
-As simplified way to create a contact list that produces results
-How to personalize and utilize our team documents
-Weekly 1:1 calls to help you track your progress
Whatever YOUR goals are we will work together to make them happen. Complete the application and together we can determine if this is something for you.
Our core purpose is to help people achieve their goals and enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life.
Let's do this together.  

Fill out my online form.
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