Friday, November 22, 2013

The "big break" in losing weight!


Ahhh The Slight Edge. This book is such an eye opener. It's such an easy thing to implement into any aspect of your life. The little things in life you do - or don't do- will lead you closer or push you further from what you want.

"Believing in the 'big break' is worse than simply being futile. It's actually dangerous, because it can keep you from taking the actions you need to create the results you want."

So for the sake of talking about your health and fitness (c'mon you know that's where I was eventually going with this) are you going to join the gym again in January and do the same stuff again that didn't work last year? Maybe it worked for a little while but you didn't make it a LIFESTYLE. Doing what's necessary every to be the healthy, fit ,confident, good example person you want to be. So I'm wondering, what's holding you back? It's not matter of IF it will work for you- it will if you commit to putting yourself in the position to learn and change and do the little things that will lead you to the results you want. This isn't your "big break" but it is your answer:
It's your starting point. It's the beginning of your TBT picture. It's the beginning of a new wardrobe. Beginning of feeling confident and healthy. It won't happen overnight. It won't be easy everyday. But it will SO be worth it!!!

XO-Coach Sarah

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