Friday, November 22, 2013

Fitness Friday- Week 6 ChaLEAN Extreme/T25 hybrid

I'm on week 2 of ChaLEAN Extreme/T25 hybrid. I just decided last week actually to switch from the ChaLean cardio workouts to T25 cardio workouts. This is what my schedule looks like:
During the PUSH phase of ChaLEAN extreme, Chalene challenges you to lift heavier and reach "failure". You are ony doing 6-8 reps of each exercise.
I myself opted for sneakers.
I did all evening workouts this week. With the exception of Wednesday and Friday, I had a workout buddy and we worked out after she got home from work. Morning workouts are a nice way to start the day, and you don't have to worry about it for the rest of the day, but I'll take a workout partner over that anyday!
Tuesday I had an absolute CRAZY day with the kids. We had a playdate which is always nice, however Nathan just wasn't feelin the sharing/listening thing. He was stressing me out, I'm not gonna lie! So I was kind of happy I waited until the end of the day (and that I had an accountability partner coming over to workout too haha) to do my T25 workout. I put myself in a 25 minute mommy time out and worked off some stress!
Wednesday was family night dinner and I worked out when I got home. I posted this on Monday and its so true, right??
Yesterday two of my workout buddies came over and they joined me for T25 ab intervals in the back garage! Its always nice to have friends to workout with!
Today was Pump 3 and then I have stretch on Sunday!
My meal plan looked like this. I'm still working with the 30 day Paleo Challenge, with some exceptions.
By far, my favorite breakfast!!!
I want to leave with one last thought......
We know the real answer to weight loss but sometimes we don't want to admit it. We know quick fixes are going to be temporary. We know the pills, not eating, the stuff (chemicals) to sprinkle over food isn't healthy- yet why do we try them? Because we want results and we want them now. Our lives are so immediate and everything at our fingertips. But when it comes to something like the body we live in, we can't take that approach. It didn't take over night to be unhappy win yourself and it won't be overnight to see results. I've talked about consistency but you also can't give up and throw in the towel if you don't see immediate results. You have to bring that positive attitude everyday to create a lasting change. I know my way of working out and eating healthier may not be what you want to do or put the work and time into... but trust me it's the only way to have the body you want for the rest of your life! I personally think your health, confidence and results are worth the time it may take to get you there! We can do it together! December 1st- join me for a 21 day online challenge and if at the end you are still "all in" and committed we will go for a longer challenge to create your lifestyle change!! I only have a few spots left, so contact me by Monday!
XO- Coach Sarah

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