Friday, November 29, 2013

3 Day Holiday Cleanse!

Happy day after Thanksgiving! Who's out and about shopping? Who got some good dealskis?? Aside from the Beachbody Black Friday deals on my site - which you can check out here, I'm offering one of my own! This 3 day cleanse would be good for you if:
*You over indulged yesterday (it's ok, we're in the circle of trust here)
*if you want to jump start your weight loss before the New Year
*if you want to break a plateau or kick the sugar/stuffing craving
then I might have a lil somethinsomethin for you. 

Starting Monday (12/2) you will do a 3 day Shakeology cleanse along with others in a closed Facebook group (you will want the support and encouragement- trust!!!)

 Here's the plan:
-3 Shakes a day
-1-2 pieces of fruit a day (optional for those needing additional calories)
-2 cups of green tea
-Salad with white grilled protein for dinner
-NO Dairy!!

I will supply you with chocolate, vanilla or greenberry packets and your green tea. I will deliver! If you need it shipped your start date will be 12/4.
AAANDDDDD 1 lucky cleanser will win Shakeology DVD workout! 2 discs- 1 is 30 minutes and 1 is 50! WOOP WOOP! ONLY THREE  make that TWO AVAILABLE!!!! Message me on Facebook.



1 comment:

  1. The cleanse is a perfect idea after turkey day. From one fitness fanatic to another: I hope you have a great week girl!


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