Friday, November 22, 2013

21 day Holiday Survival Guide

End of year update:
There are roughly 6 weeks until the New Year. Where do you see yourself in the next 6 weeks? I know the holidays can be tough. We're super busy, we're buying gifts, planning and attending parties, decorating and so on...I'm getting tired just thinking of it all. One thing I promise myself though is I will always carve out a little bit of time each day for me. Working out makes me a better mom, nonwifey and coach. I want to tell you a little plan I have to keep myself accountable and on track through the new year.
21 day {end of the year} BetterYou challenge!
This 21 day challenge will be a KICK START to a new you. Lets not wait until the new year. Don't renew your gym membership for the 4th time in a row because THIS time it will be different. Don't throw your hands up because there will be temptations all around with the holidays approaching. You can still enjoy yourself WHILE creating a new lifestyle. Put yourself first for once. I have tried lots of things through the years to try and lose weight and feel confident. Pills- Wrong, out working a bad diet-wrong, cutting down calorie consumption- wrong, slim fast- wrong, lean cuisines- wrong.... Beachbody programs, eating clean, Shakeology, accountability and support - DING DING! Winner winner chicken dinner. 


So as you can see this isn't about starvation diets, ab shockers (you won't muscle spasm yourself to a 6-pack) and forget the Sensa! We eat yummy REAL food without chemicals sprinkled on top!

So what is this group all about?
This is all about LIFE CHANGE... not getting "skinny"! We don't offer a QUICK FIX for the problems that have gotten you to where you are today and pretend that they are no longer there - those NEVER last... We go straight to the source of the problems and figure out how to overcome them, so that YOU can maintain your RESULTS! We talk meal planning, recipes, tips, motivation and accountability. This is a closed Facebook group, so no one sees what is posted except us!

You don't just leave with a better BODY, you graduate as a BOMBSHELL, someone who is beautiful from the INSIDE, OUT!

Take a step and find that inner confidence that you have been missing!
What are the requirements?
There are only 2 requirements. They are to
1. Be an active participant in the group. This means logging in for just a few minutes a day and posting.
2. Commit to replacing one meal a day with Shakeology for 30 days. This is required because I know its your daily dose of dense nutrition. Its one daily action I take that I know I'm giving my body everything it needs to properly function. Its helped me lose weight and maintain it, curb cravings, helps my energy and also helped me regulate my digestive system.
Working out isn't required, but strongly encouraged!! Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep! Repeat. We can either discuss the right program for you or you can do what you're already doing!
"Pre-season" starts this upcoming Monday (11/25) and the online challenge group will start December 2nd! We will end right before Christmas and right before family photo ops ;)
"The most powerful force for any change is time. Position your daily actions so time is working for instead of against you… Knowing that if I stay on this path long enough I will get the results I want. In today's world everyone wants to go directly from planting to harvest. The step we are overlooking is the step of cultivating. And that, unlike planting and harvesting, takes place only through the dimension of time. The right choices you make today, compounded over time, will take you higher up the success curve"
- The Slight Edge

Make me your free coach by clicking here and click join. Then send me a message on there or on Facebook. Make it quick, there are only a few spots left!!
XO- Coach Sarah

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