Friday, October 3, 2014

25 to THRIVE

beachbody coach ,health and fitness, health and fitness coach
I want to start off by saying, how incredibly fortunate I feel to be apart of such an amazing team.
I feel blessed and proud to be apart of the #1 team in Beachbody.
To be surround by such beautiful, positive, inspiring, funny and supportive people.
Never in a million years would I:
A. think I'd be a stay at home mom and
B.think I would be working as a health & fitness coach as a sahm
But this "thing" I joined almost two years ago just to get a discount and to help others doing the same thing i was has grown to be more than I ever could have imagined. I remember the day that I was told "I don't think this is going to turn into as big as you think it is.."
I also remember how that phrase gave me the push to prove that statement wrong!!
beachbody coach ,health and fitness, health and fitness coach
The original plan was for me to go back to work the summer after Ava turned 1. Ava turned 2 this past May and I'm still home with them. Some days are rough, I'll admit. But to have the opportunity to stay home with my kids while their still little, to be able to bring in a paycheck every Thursday to contribute to my family and to give and receive support from so many people is incredible.
beachbody coach ,health and fitness, health and fitness coach, work from home mom, stay at home mom, income from home, working mom
 I would not have been able to succeed at this business if it weren't for the leaders on my team that have created a duplicative system. We do not re-invent the wheel. We all have certain systems we use, but we all share our ideas. We all support eachother. We are consistent, we dig deep to figure out WHY we want to do this, we read personal development, we attending amazing trainings, and be punch fear in the face.
We want to change lives.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to help other people reach their health and fitness goals? (I can tell you becoming a coach has made me much more accountable to my OWN health!)
You could be anyone:
-a mom
-a dad
-a full time employee
-a ceo
-a stay at home mom
-a military wife
-a fitness instructor
-a health nut
-a lawyer
-a nurse
-a teacher
-a weight loss success story
-a weight loss success story in the making
beachbody coach ,health and fitness, health and fitness coach
So how do you do it?
{this is where I come into play} My role as your upline coach is to get to the root of WHY you want to be a coach. We create a formula for success:
Determine your personal motivating WHY and align all your activities to a obtainable goal.
We do this by breaking down to the basics and creating a PLAN!
You can have all the best intentions in the world, but nothing works without a plan, right?
Well, here is your plan!
beachbody coach ,health and fitness, health and fitness coach, make money from home, home business, mlm, working mom, stay at home mom, mom
With the holidays coming up and the New Year around the corner, I am looking for members to join my growing team. I am looking for those interested in creating an income by learning the basics of coaching- at an accelerated pace.
For 25 days we will teach you the basics of creating a mobile business that will be kicked into high gear by helping people achieve there New Year's Resolutions through the release of what is projected to be the largest selling at home workout ever created: MAX 30. But I cant do it alone! There are millions of people who need help!
Here is what you will learn in the 25 to thrive:
-How to receive 25% commission on all sales
-As simplified way to create a contact list that produces results
-How to personalize and utilize our team documents
-Weekly 1:1 calls to help you track your progress
Whatever YOUR goals are we will work together to make them happen. Complete the application and together we can determine if this is something for you.
Our core purpose is to help people achieve their goals and enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life.
Let's do this together.  

Fill out my online form.
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