Sunday, August 19, 2012

What's cookin' good lookin'


First, I just realized there is popcorn in my sons hair. And I'm just staring at it, shaking my head (I would've wrote SMH but it took me forever to know what it meant and I had to google it, so if you didn't know, now you know. You're welcome). He also fell off the side of his little chair before and I may of laughed. He didn't get hurt, so its OK.
Wow what a way to start a post about weekly menu planning.
Really sets the mood.

Before I start that, I want to talk about The Hunger Games. We watched it today. Annnnd well, wtf. What were they wearing? Why is there a movie about kids being offered kill each other , why is Katniss so naturally pretty (had to google her name because my brain remembered her name as Catnip) and why weren't there more scenes with that hot little number Liam Hemsworth (maybe he was busy helping Miley cut her hair?)....In the end I got over all of that and liked the movie. It's a keeper. Except for when Nate woke up too early from his nap and decided to take the sword from his new pirate backpack and pretend to be them. Great. Juuuust great.

Ok now moving onto what I came here for.

Planning our meals was one of the better domestic decisions I've made! It makes life so much easier. And it helps you plan for healthy meals. :-) Food goes to less waste too because you know what you have, and you can incorporate what you have left into the upcoming week.

I like that it has a shopping list that you can start for the next week, just wish it was a lil bit bigger haha.  Keeping an on going lists helps you to organize what you need and you end up keeping better track of what you already have.
...That... has turned into this:
ugh, disregard the mouse traps. I don't want to talk about it.

Also with the time saving theme, is preparing breakfast burritos for the week. You whip them up, wrap them in foil and freeze them. Take one out in the AM, microwave for a minute and then there you have a quick and healthy breakfast.

Breakfast Burrito:


Non stick cooking spray
1 whole egg
3 egg whites
6 slices "Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Shaved
Smoked Ham", chopped
2 (8 inch) whole wheat flour tortillas
1/4 cup 2% shredded cheddar cheese

1. Beat whole egg, egg whites and ham until well blended. Heat a nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium high heat. Add egg mixture; cook 3 minutes or until set, stirring occasionally.
2. Spoon egg mixture down centers of tortillas; top with cheese. Fold in opposite side of each tortilla, then roll up burrito style.

You can find this and other easy recipes here.

A few of my favorite go to recipe/healthy living websites:

Eat Yourself Skinny
Linda Wagner
Undressed Skeleton

So, there's three new blogs you're going to love at first click ;-)

Until tomorrow~which is technically today~
but I started this post hours ago
and I had to go grocery shopping....
at Wal Mart...
which is a post for another day!!



  1. Breakfast burritos! What a great idea, gonna have to try that!



    1. Their delicious too!!! Let me know how you like them :-)


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