Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Like the Spice

Her name is Curry, like the spice. Spelled as shown, Not CARRI, CURI, OR KERI.

And she's my BFF. 
I know. Gorgeous.

 It would drive me nuts when people would spell or say her name wrong. She could care less because she doesn't care about small stuff like that.
It all began when I started Catholic school in November of 4th grade. She sat down next to me on the bus and said, "are you the new girl?". And for the next few months she called me new girl, probably because she couldn't remember my name. Much like "red shirt boy" our freshman year of public high school. I'm still not sure how we talked our parents into that one.

Our Bday Celebration last year. We're 9 days apart. And ONE year. She's older ;-)

Fast forward 17 years and we are still as close as could be. We email and text (yes at the same time) all day... (except if you're her boss reading this we SO do not do that). We have 29384 different conversations going at the same time and we can follow each and every one of them. She hates when I don't respond to her right away but she will never give me crap for it because she is understanding and realizes I'm probably in crazy town with my two children. One of which she is the amazing Godmother to:

love at first sight
And I'm not just saying that because she's my sons Godmother, she really is. Always thinking of fun things that we plan on doing with him and fun things to get him. Like this little number:

Pirate rain gear: raincoat, boots, umbrella and treasure chest backpack anyone??
I mean, seriously, how awesome is that?

She's also the dogmommy to Armani (yes like the designer). Dog lovers are some of the best people. You can tell how caring and loving they are by how they treat their dog. And this is Curry all around. Armani IS her son. And he is so lucky to have her as a dogmommy!

She cracks me up everyday with her out of this world thoughts. She will tell you exactly what is on her mind. She may seem shy at first, but once she gets to know you, forget it! You will have the time of your life with her. We have had many crazy nights that led into many stories. Stories that can't even be told because the whole time you're laughing, clapping and slapping your knee. And by you're I mean me or her.
She knows me better than I know myself.
We will always be friends because she knows everything about me ;-)

I can tell her anything and know I will never be judged.
She is my biggest fan, cheerleader and can make me feel better about any situation.
She will give you the shirt off her back.
Speaking of shirts, she has the cutest clothes.
She gives the advice you need, not the advice you want to hear. And I love her for that.

She is always there when I need her.

And she is there for my family too. She is part of my family. She is family.

She looks more like my sisters than I do.

"A Real Friend Is Someone Who You Can Sit in Complete Silence With and Still Walk Away Feeling Like You Just Had the Best Conversation of Your Life "

There is a ton more I could write, and things I'm sure I'll be mad I didn't mention, but she's probably crying already. So  I'll leave it at that for now. Curbaby, thanks for being my best forever friend! I love you!


P.S. Thank you Little Miss Momma for this idea!


  1. Well if she isn't crying I sure am!!!

  2. Ditto what Caitlyn said! What a beautiful tribute to your best friend. We love having her as part of the family and get togethers just aren't the same without her :)

  3. this is such a sweet sweet post! And I am loving the name Curry! you are lucky to have each other! xoxo, ashley

    1. Ah! I'm blogstruck that you commented! Thank you for reading!! Your blog is what kickstarted my blog-reading obsession! I hope you come back :) xoxo!


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