Monday, August 6, 2012

Duct tape fixes everything

Like this:

dipping our veggies through the cracked bottom part of the container was not enjoyable, and we were not into the challenge. Or potential finger amputation. Solution=Duct tape. Insert mommy problem solving skills.

Thankfully for Nate, his fruit dip was not broken

Too much dippy make Nate sleepy

This was the highlight of my weekend! He fell asleep holding onto the front (where he always sits) and every time I went to move him to lay down he made his way back up there to go back to sleep. It was aaaadorable. And I may of taken 293842032 shots of it. Gotta capture the moment, ya know?

like this, this, this annnnd this

I was really excited to see a swan swim up to the boat
.....until I found out that they can be nasty. Which in turn made me re-evaluate wanting to get a picture with it
Get me out of hereeee

Moving on to Saturday...I've decided Matt and I are officially professional wedding goers. In the almost 3 years that we've been together we have been to about 105 weddings, give or take. (and even missed out on some along the way). But we do love them! (and are lucky to have so many friends)

Aaaand no pics from Sunday, because we were recovering :-) Actually... "someone" else was recovering, I  was surprisingly being domestic. Grocery shopping, cleaning...getting "necessary" things from Target. You know, important stuff. Hope my short & sweet weekend recap in photos gave you the break from work that you need on a Monday ;-)  Now I have to go work off the pizza rolls that I bought for Nate. Ooops!


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