Thursday, November 15, 2012

My "Why"...

{Warning: this is a really long post! But I tried to add in a lot of pictures to entertain you along the way!}

They may not say it, but everyone wants to know your "what" and  "why". Why do you workout? Why do you do that workout as oppose to that workout? What motivates you? Why did you end up becoming a Beachbody Coach?

You didn't ask (ok actually my coach asked) but I'm going to give you my WHY.

If you know me, you know I've been interested in getting into the fitness industry for awhile. I worked as a personal trainer and even attempted to get my NASM certificate, but did not pass. I felt pretty defeated by that. But it did not stop be from reading, researching, working out, and attempting a healthy diet. I may not be certified, but I know alot of "stuff". And I always want to pass that information onto my family, friends, strangers. I always want to help them get better. So a little less than a year ago I created a BetterYou health and fitness Facebook page. I love posting helpful workouts, recipes, tips, pushing them to work hard, and give motivation. And I love connecting to other moms and other people who are doing the same workout as me.

Rewind to childhood. I'm not one of those stories who can say "I always had a weight issue". We were active kids growing up. I did Irish dancing and we were always told to go "play outside".

can you spot me?

Fast forward to the drinking days. Going out, having fun and partying was what my friends and I did. The drinking definitely showed in my weight. At one point in my life it got a little too much. And one particular day it really got to be too much. It was memorial day weekend and my friends and I wanted to celebrate early. This early celebration ended up with me falling and ending up in the hospital. It was not good and pretty scary.

I'm pretty good at cropping my pictures so I hardly have any full body ones

BUT. After that I really re-evaluated my life. I moved back home (I really didn't have a choice in this even at 21),  I started going to the gym more and wanting to be healthier.  I still went out with friends and had fun... But something sparked inside of me. I decided I wanted to become a personal trainer and started to take classes. I worked for a personal training/physical therapy business and loved it.

Even after failing my NASM exam I have always had this passion in the back of my head. I haven't always been on the best workout routine, I still don't always eat like I should. But I have been better at attempting my mostly clean eating lifestyle. Some of the proudest moments are when my  two year old wants a banana (naaana) or an apple (bapple) and "works out" with me.

drinking my green smoothie

Now rewind again. Enter Matt. We started dating in the fall of 2009 and he introduced me to P90X. He had already completed it once and loved it. We said we were going to start it in the New Year. I was really excited to start this program and get in really great shape. (we've all seen the infomercial, there'so denying its credibility)

 Well, before we could get started I became pregnant with our first child within the first few months of us dating. My pregnancy was really easy compared to other people.

my sister and I :)

I was excited to start working out after giving birth. I had a c-section so had to wait a little while. I had gained about 28 pounds and got back to my pre pregnancy weight fairly quickly but fat definitely distributes differently after having a baby! Add a c-section into it and its a whole different game. If you had one, you know what I mean! I started P90X but didn't finish it. I wasn't pushing myself past the "sore' days. I did run and do my own workout though and at about 7-8 months post partum I was here:

not bad but still have the mommy cliff! Yup, that's what I call it
We found out we were having another baby about a month after Nate turned one. This pregnancy was NOT so easy. I was exhausted. Getting sick, alot. I lost 10 pounds within the first few months. I was at the weight that I wanted to be NOT pregnant. I eventually ended up gaining the same weight as with Nathan, but still got sick until the end.

I was put on moderate bed rest because my blood pressure was alarmingly high. It didn't go down even on that. Ava Grace arrived on May 9, 2012 three weeks early, by emergency c-section... healthy and beautiful!

Again, I was ready to get back into the groove of things and get my body back. I got down to my pre-pregnancy weight fairly quickly but continued to have elevated blood pressure for awhile after. I started walking and when I was ready I incorporated Les Mills Pump. I really liked that workout, but I was a little overwhelmed by a now jealous toddler and somewhat colicky newborn. I eventually ended up doing a little program swap with my sister in law. I got Insanity and she got Pump.

And I fell in love! It's a hard workout. I've never sweat more in my life (in just the warm up, people). I've never pushed myself more in my life. It's awesome. I've had really great results so far. I feel such a sense of accomplishment when I finish a work out. I've also stopped and started again due to some long vacations over the summer and most recently the death of my grandfather and cousin.

BUT I am pushing play and more motivated then ever. I'm giving my workout my all (hello suicide drills? push up jacks) I've really focused on what I'm eating, trying to eat clean most of the time. I want to set a good example for my kids. I'm not at my goal weight or "look" yet but I've made so much progress. I still have my coffee creamer, I still have cheat meals, I still love my wine. I'm a real person. You can't deprive yourself.

When I started Insanity I joined the Beachbody website. I recorded my measurements, goals, and workouts. This was an awesome tool. I also kept the thought of becoming a coach in the back of my mind. I finally started really discussing it with a coach (I stumbled upon her blog awhile ago, thank God!)  and decided it would be the perfect thing for me. I was already supporting and helping people as it was, so why not?! (And if I could then make a little money from sharing what I already love, it would just be a bonus!)

I got my Shakeology yesterday and it is going to be the perfect addition to my diet and a key to my results. I'm pretty pumped to see what is ahead the next few months.

I'm so excited to start this journey. I've been a different kind of happy this last week, feeling like I found my niche and what I've been trying to get to. The Beachbody community is seriously such a supportive, caring, and motivated group of people. In just a few days I already feel a part of something great.

  I have many goals to reach ahead of me and am so ready to go full force!

last month pumpkin picking

Thank you guys for "listening". And thank you to my family & friends who have been there for me throughout everything, good & bad. Love you all!



  1. I am so proud of you and everything you've accomplished! You have such drive and are so inspiring - just reading this post re-inspired me to REALLY get back to what I was doing. I'm so confident you will reach your goals - be proud of how far you've come, you are an amazing woman! xoxo

  2. Love the story! It's exciting that you found your niche. I can't wait to find mine :)


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