Thursday, November 8, 2012

Liebster Award

Hey Hey...

I know I said I was going to take a little break, but, it's nice to have something take your mind off of things. And, so, here I am. Yaay.

So while the last week brought on a hurricane, power outage and family passing...

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Brooke @ Brookes Blonde Reality
(thank you so much Brooke!) I really appreciate it!

Per Brooke:
The Liebster award is given by fellow bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

uhm...awesome!! I really needed something positive to happen and this is perfect because... guys... I have SEVEN followers...SEVEN...but alot of page views. So either 7 people look at my posts alot, or they aren't hitting the little follow botton. It's not suppose to matter, I'm suppose to write for me. BUT when I get a new follower (all 7 times) it puts a smile on my face and makes me feel like someone looks forward to my posts. K? K.

And now for the rules:
Each person must post 11 things about themselves
Answer the questions that the nominator set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve nominated to answer.
Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
Go to their page and tell them.
No tag backs!

Here are my questions:

1. Would you rather see a movie at the theater or at home on DVD? Why?
-Well if you ask my RCN bill it would be order on demand movies...honestly we're too lazy to go to the local video store and rent it for a $1 oops
2. If someone wrote a book about your life, what would they title it?
-Oh man, if you asked me in my pre mommy days a book was already in the works for my drinking stories (fail or win?) I'll go with "A day in the life of SP" because things happen everyday that you just can't make up...and people call me by my initials SP to this day
3. What was the worst thing that has happened to you in the last week?
-I originally would've wrote that girl Sandy and her hurricane but losing my grandfather and cousin on my step dads side has made this one of the worst weeks...
4. What are you most looking forward to in the next year?
-I always look at Mondays as a fresh start but new years are always a good push to turn over a new leaf or 5. I look forward to going back to school and figuring out what I want to be when I grow up.
5. What person in history would you most like to meet?
- My dads father. He passed away way before I was even born and I'd love to meet him and talk for hours about his life and raising my dad and all my 234223 aunt and uncles.
6. Do you dream in color?
-If by dream in color you mean remember your dreams, then no!
7. What was your favorite book as a child?
-If you ask my mom, Derek the Knitting Dinosaur. Yes, really. But I remember loving Berenstain Bears books.
8. What was the best thing that has happened to you in the last week?
-Even though they had to come home on a sad note, my sister Colleen and brother Michael coming home. They live on the West coast, miss them so much!
9. If your life was a song, what would the title be?
-Lifes a Dance, you learn as you go! (ok so this is really a song but it fits!)
10. What is happiness to you?
-Spending time with my family and friends, they make life worth living.
And Starbucks.
And Wine.
All at the same time.
11. What was the last gift you gave someone?
My sisters and I made a fall wreath for one of my best friends who just had twins in July!

And here are my nominees:

1. Courtney @ A Diamond in the Stuff
2. Ty @ Arkansassy
3. Katie @ Chronicles of KT
4. Melanie @ Committed to Get Fit
5. Chicago Mom @ Forever In Blue Jeans
6. Beverly @ la la Love, Learn, and Laugh
7. Jordan @ Queen of LA
8. Tristan @ Sunshine!
9. Michelle @ You're my favorite today
10. Brianne @ For the Love of Food (and Eating)
11. Jen @ Days like this one

My questions for you awesome blogladies are:

1. What is your favorite daily blog read?
2. Do you like your handwriting?
3. If you could only use lipgloss, mascara or foundation, which would it be?
4. What is your dream job? Are you doing it now?
5. Do you use sarcasm alot? (it's my middle name)
6. What is your favorite quote?
7. Scary movies or funny movies? Favorite?
8. What book are you reading now?
9. What is your favorite "cheat" meal?
10. Where were you born?
11. What is your favorite feature about yourself?

Can't wait to see your answers! If anyone else wants to answer in the comments section, please do! I wanted to answer my own questions, see question #5 I couldn't help myself.



  1. I've decided to answer this because I love these things! :) And don't worry... I only have 5 followers! haha.

    1. What is your favorite daily blog read?
    Um.. I have about 15 that I read every day (that they post)

    2. Do you like your handwriting?
    Not at all. That's why I like computers :)

    3. If you could only use lipgloss, mascara or foundation, which would it be?
    Mascara all the way. I love my baby blues so anything to make them stick out!

    4. What is your dream job? Are you doing it now?
    Oh of course.. I just LOVE my job.
    Dream job would be owning my own business or non-profit.

    5. Do you use sarcasm alot?
    See #4

    6. What is your favorite quote?
    "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw

    7. Scary movies or funny movies? Favorite?
    Funny. Scary movies are.. well.. scary. I love Bruce Almighty!

    8. What book are you reading now?
    Pregnancy/baby books since I'm pregnant!

    9. What is your favorite "cheat" meal?
    Spaghetti with pickles and cheese.. Mmmm.

    10. Where were you born?
    New Brunswick, Canada.

    11. What is your favorite feature about yourself?
    Physical: Eyes. Long lashes and blue eyes. Love.
    Personality: I'm opinionated.

  2. Congrats on your pregnancy!!! So exciting. Mascara would be my makeup of choice too, funny movies for me too I can't even watch the trailers for a scary movies! Love that quote and I think your cheat meal may have something to do with that lil bebe you're growing ;)

    Thanks for commenting and now I have a new blog I'll be adding to MY list


  3. Great answers!


    I love that song, Life is a dance...

    Starbucks, is happiness!

    Sorry for your loss.



  4. So glad to hear you were able to reunite with your brother and sister... I know losing loved ones is SO hard to get through, but with family you can get through anything together!!

    I'm gonna answer your questions on here too friend... since I'm so very behind on blogging myself :/

    1. What is your favorite daily blog read?
    Lovely Little Things

    2. Do you like your handwriting?
    Yes, but I practice on changing it every so often!

    3. If you could only use lipgloss, mascara or foundation, which would it be?

    4. What is your dream job? Are you doing it now?
    To be an OD consultant, for my own company. I am working towards it now, and trying to find an internal consulting job for a few years.

    5. Do you use sarcasm alot? (it's my middle name)
    Yes.... in a GOOD way (or at least I try)

    6. What is your favorite quote?
    Worrying is an unpaid job!

    7. Scary movies or funny movies? Favorite?
    Saw always scares me... my fave is Grease though!

    8. What book are you reading now?
    I just finished the Fame Game by LC

    9. What is your favorite "cheat" meal?

    10. Where were you born?

    11. What is your favorite feature about yourself?

    Thanks for the shout out girlie!! xoxo, Bev


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