
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Motivation, are you there? It's me, Sarah.

I need some serious motivation today!!! I just don't have it in me. "It" being cleaning, eating right, exercising, everything really! I blame the rain. For the THIRD DAY in a row. Damn you Isaac! It might also have to do something with this whole weekend being a food exercise bust!  Isn't it so true that it's not so easy to get on a roll with a healthy lifestyle but soo quick to revert back?

And that's coming from someone who has a goal of being a fitness professional! Yikes! But, I'm being real. And that's what real people go through. Except Shaun T. He probably hasn't gone through that since his fat college days. I can't even give you an Insanity update because I have to start week three again. (Should I just restart all together??)

The good news is that no more all weekend events should be taking place anytime soon so I can fall back into my healthy routine. Get it? Fall season...Fall into Fitness... I think I'm onto something here. Maybe I'll learn how to do a linkup and you guys can fall with me. Ok motivation is starting to brew. Speaking of brew I'm going to finish my third cup of coffee and make a to do list. The same cup of coffee that my son dunked his dinosaur in to. Oh my life.



  1. hey there!

    too funny about the dinosaur-dunked coffee! kudos for drinking it anyway :)

    also- that pink ecard.... *sigh* that is my LIFE.

    1. I'm used to the dinos taking over my house! lol...all of the ecards-are my life! haha, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
