
Saturday, September 8, 2012


I wish instead I could title this post, "overachiever", but that would be a lie. I didn't even look into how to do a "link up" for my Fall into Fitness idea. Hopefully no one steals that amazingness. I have a list of things I can blog about but those things I mentioned in my "motivation" post actually DID happen (cleaning, cooking, exercising, ect.) so I can't say I've been a complete slacker! BUT today some things are going to go down (remember that wine/wreath thing I talked about mmhmm) and I'll talk about them tomorrow...or Monday...or next Thursday. Just kidding (I think), I hope to be more on top of this blogish next week. Enjoy the first official football weekend! Here's Ava sporting her Giants gear on Wednesday, even though they lost. Yes, I can own it. I can also own the fact that the refs should stick with teaching 8th grade geography ;-)

Cutest fanbaby ever. I know.

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