
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Party 2 of 2

We received this beauty on Sunday morning...


Yup, that's right. An 18 foot waterslide for our backyard! Because that's normal. Every year we have a Labor Day party at our house. We live on a main road and the Labor Day parade passes our house. Parade=Party. There's alot of prepration and cleanup. But it really is all worth it because so many of our friends and family come and they all have a blast. And you can't really have a bad time anytime there's a gigantic water slide involved. I may or may not of gone down that bad boy at 1am. I'm pretty sure that this will be a staple at our party from here on out. Big fan.

I'm also a fan of the massage train I rode.

sorry you were the caboos Bri!
I think we could've done without the RAIN for a second year in a row!!!  But we made the best of it. Tents, hoodies and if course, rainboots.
rainboots & rally
Nate was SO excited when the slide arrived! He was trying to get Ava just as pumped as he was:

Ava was unphased by the sirens and loud noises...

You would think she'd had enough after big brothers bday party

but nope she was  just chillin the a villian the whole day after her 3 hour nap! (and of course the 20 breathing checks I did)

I don't even want to talk about the poor picture quality courtesy of my old crapberry. (my birthday is coming up. and a phone upgrade. just saying. iphone.)

OK now for two really random things. I wanted to get a start on my picture wall before the party. This is what me and my sister came up with:

Thoughts? It's nothing compared to what I've seen but it's a start! My sister was such a big help. Definitely going to be adding to it and probably rearranging too!

And the other random thing is this ecard. It seriously cracks me up...

Alrighty well that's all I have for you today! But I made up for not posting in a week with TWO posts of the awesomeness that is my life....ha!


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