
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving day GAME PLAN

Isn't it crazy that Thanksgiving is in just 2 days? Countdown to Christmas is less than one month!

Did you know the average American consumes over 4500 calories and 200 grams of fat on Thanksgiving? And then of course you have to have leftovers the next day...and the next. Then what happens next, oh cookie baking parties and Christmas parties and the week of Christmas. This is making my jeans feel tight just thinking about it.

 Ok off track, that's not what I want to talk about right now. I want to help you stay on track this Thanksgiving- if that's what you want to do for yourself! This isn't going to be strict and boring like you may think. I'm not going to tell YOU not to have some wine or treat yourself to a piece of pumpkin roll if that's what I'M doing. Its just not how I roll! What I am going to give you is some tipskis on not going cray cray (I still can't believe I use that term lol).
#1. WORKOUT! Thanksgiving is no excuse not to get your workout in. If you're going out Turkey day eve, lets just put it out there---- I don't really see this happening for you. You're already off track- skip to #2.(except start with Shakeology as your hangover cure!) Start Thanksgiving with a good sweat sesh . T25 is my scheduled workout for Thursday so it'll be a quick one! Then I'll switch out my usual lunch which is Shakeology, and have it for breakfast instead. Our Thanksgiving "dinner" is usually around 2pm. I will enjoy myself but focus on proper portion sizes. Also remind yourself of your goals you have set for yourself and start with some positive self talk! 

#2. THE Plate- When making your plate, first put lean meat and veggies on your plate. Then choose sides that you really WANT, not what you think you haaave to have since its Thanksgiving. Sometimes we put things on our plate that we don't really enjoy just because we think it's a tday sin not to. Also make sure you're still drinking alot of water especially if you're having wine too.
#3. SIDES- If you are hosting, Google is your best friend if you're looking for ways to clean up your favorite dishes. I'm going to my moms so I'll be making my recently favorite "sweet potato hash". If you're going somewhere, bring a healthy dish that you know you can enjoy guilt free. Don't try to "save calories" by not eating anything til dinner (who hasn't done this). It may sound like the right thing to do, but when it's time to eat you're going to be STARVING and you're gonna go to town *see calorie count up top.

#4. TRAVEL-If you are traveling far, pack a cooler. You can bring your Shakeology, apples, almonds, protein bars, precut veggies, hard boiled eggs, egg muffins, fruit, pre portioned oatmeal (with 1 scoop of oats, protein powder and dried fruit. Add hot water and breakfast is a go!) You don't want to know whats in Starbucks or McDonald's oatmeal, so don't say I didn't give you another option!
#5.BE STRONG-  Ignore the "healthy haters". Most likely there will be someone who comments on your plate. They may even guilt you into eating more. Just brush off the comments- you know why you are making the healthy choices that you are! Be proud of yourself.

 #6. THANKS- Don't forget to GIVE THANKS for the body you were given and the knowledge that is at your fingertips to make changes. Small changes lead to big progress!
*If you find yourself "giving in" in the moment, You can stay accountable next month by joining my 21 day BetterYou challenge. This is not a "quick fix", its the start to a healthy lifestyle. I will help you stay focused and accountable through December. You'll start seeing progress BEFORE the New Year! Ditch the resolutions, start making goals!!*
{Dont forget----This month you will receive up to a $20 Beachbody gift card when ordering Shakeology HD-home direct or a Challenge Pack (workout plus Shakeology) and your order will send meals to Feed America!!}

and most of all.... have a very Happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones!!!!
XO- Coach Sarah

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