
Monday, November 25, 2013

Bikini Mom Bod Update

Last week I posted my latest progress pic on Facebook. I would be lying if I said I didn't hesitate when posting it.
You a coach I sometimes feel like I should already have my goal body. I work out... I eat cleaner...I motivate others to do the same.
But as women, we tend to nit pick at things we don't like about ourselves. Have you ever said, "if I could just change one thing.."?! For me, my tough spot is the area above my 2 c sections. I mean- I seriously give myself a hard time about the area where I was practically cut in half and had a baby delivered from-TWICE.?!? When I think of it that way - that's crazy! 

 I was talking to a good friend about my hesitations on posting this pic. She reminded me that not only has this year proven to be a physical change for me, but a mental one as well. That even though I haven't reached some of my fitness goals yet, I care about others and helping them reach theirs. After looking at this picture of me pre kids party girl compared to the one I took this morning of the healthy mom of 2 kids - I'm going to be happy with how far I've come and not lose sight on where I want to be!! 

 So here is my current progress pic since having Ava (5/9/12)
I've done Insanity, Turbo Fire, Focus T25 and I'm currently doing a ChaLEAN Extreme and Focus T25 hybrid. I replace one meal a day with Shakeology and I eat try and eat clean 80% of the time. I'm just like you- Between those programs I've fallen off track here and there, but I get right back at it! I know what needs to be done and I do it. I need to start focusing on PROGRESS. I'm so far from where I was PRE kids and I've made alot of progress since being a coach for a year! YOU guys keep me motivated and striving for PROGRESS not PERFECTION! So THANK YOU!

Bikini Body Under Construction!!!
XO-Coach Sarah


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