Thursday, November 21, 2013

FASQ, Transformation Thursday & Nutter Butter Shakeology Recipe!

Wow thats a really long title for a post lol, I'm making up for lost time, ok?! I have lots of stuff for you today!!!
So first off! I missed last weeks (maybe the week before too??) FASQ (frequently asked Shakeology question) But I'm trying to do it on the reg!
What ingredients in Shakeology provide energy?

Answer: ...
Shakeology packs up to 18 grams of protein and vital complex carbs in every serving. Plus it delivers whole-food nutrition from some of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet that are stocked with essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and more than 20 different antioxidants, enzymes and phytonutrients. Together this synergistic blend provides healthy calories (=energy) around. A few individual ingredients in Shakeology that can help boost energy include:

• Chia meal (seed): Supports energy endurance with omega-3 and -6 fats, protein, fiber, and essential trace minerals. It helps support high-energy endurance.

• Maca Powder (root): Known for its ability to help increase stamina and energy levels.

• Holy Basil Powder (leaf): May act as a powerful promoter of energy and athletic performance.

• Kamut Grass: Promotes high energy with protein, vitamins, and complex carbohydrates.

Now for a little *Shakelogy Spotlight!*
Gipsy B. lost 66 lbs while drinking Shakeology!
 "Shakeology helped me understand the importance of having a clean meal. I feel I'm getting the most nutritious food in the world. Nothing can beat the nutritional value of my shake."
I love looking at and sharing transformation stories and seeing what got that person to where they wanted to be! She looks amazing!
Now for a little recipe for you guys! I seriously looooooveeeee this one! SO SO good. I'm so glad Beachbody finally has vanilla! Did you know they once thought they never would have vanilla, because they were not willing to compromise and put in artificial ingredients for the vanilla taste? They finally found a plant (in MADAGASCAR!!! ya no big deal) and released this flavor this past June. Its been a hit at my house. So yesterday I made one called "Nutter Butter" and lemme tell you - amazing!

 - 1 serving (scoop) of Vanilla Shakeology
-1 cup almond milk (or skim)
-1/2 banana
-1/2 cup coarsely chopped raw walnuts
-1 tbsp. all natural peanut butter
-1/2 ice or more for thicker consistency
One last thing before I go! This month Beachbody has partnered with Feed America. I'm so proud to be apart of a company that is helping feed those in need, especially in the month focused on giving thanks and paying it forward! So for every Shakeology HD order placed through me this month, Beachbody will donate 90 (yup NINETY) meals to Feed America, and YOU will get $10 back towards a future Beachbody purchase. I think that's pretty awesome stuff!
Please email me at or on Facebook to find out how help yourself while helping others!!!
XO- Coach Sarah

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