
Monday, November 26, 2012

Up in the AM, workin' on my Fitness

Hellooo there! How you doin'? (Wendy Williams, anyone?)

Today I started my forever long goal of waking up early to work out! I aimed for 5 which meant 5:30am, which meant until I got Ava fed and back down. BUT I finished Insanity Max Cardio Circuit before my son and sun were up!! Heyyy now! OH and I showered too! Can this be real??

I've felt so good today, just from that one little move. Normally at this time I'd be stressing about fitting it in and showering when Nate went down for a nap. Instead, it's out of the way and I even got more things crossed off of my list than I normally would by now.

I figured I'd list for you benefits of making yourself get up early to get that workout in and checked off for the day.

  • Working out early in the morning "jump starts" your metabolism, keeping it elevated for hours = burning calories allll dayyyy
  • Energizes you for the day! It also makes you feel good about accomplishing something already before the day even starts!
  • Over time your body will get used to waking up at that time and will prepare itself for waking and exercising even before your eyes open
  • It will regulate your appetite for the rest of the day causing you to eat less and choose healthy options
  • It is a fool proof way to ensure other things don't overtake your fitness goals. Especially a hectic family life (HELLO, ME!) It's done and out of the way. Despite your best intentions, anything can happen the rest of the day causing you to skip exercise for "lack of time"
  • And possibly my favorite- exercising before breakfast will effectively force your body to burn stored fat!!

I know for some people working out in the AM isn't a possibility. But if you can I highly suggest it!!



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