
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day of thanks

I tried to be a little more clever than making the title happy thanksgiving! But...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I'm going to jump on the bandwagon here and just tell you some things I'm thankful for. Of course we all know that we should be thankful everyday for things that we have but it's good to have a day to reflect on those things!

I think the most obvious thing is my little family that has evolved over the last 3 years.

Nathan Liam.

He literally cracks up daily. His funny faces, his fake pouting, his smarts, monkey ways, when he says "mom mom momma moooom mommmmyyyy" (yes like Stewey haha), the bond him and Matt have..

...the words that he say that are multiplying by the day, the hug and kisses he gives and his love for his little sister that is growing everyday is amazing.

Ava Grace.

She loves him too. She watches his every move (this may be a defense mechanism?). She is only 6 months but she is the sweetest little thing ever. Her face truly brightens my day and she is my little BFF! Her eyes & smile could light up a room.

I'm so grateful to be able to experience having a son and a daughter.

I'm thankful for Matt and everything he does for our family. He works so hard and so much so that I can stay home with them. He always has our best interest in mind. Our life may not be perfect, but it's perfect for us!

And oh yes, Julie. She really is my shadow and loves me more than I know!

I'm so so very thankful for our parents, families and friends who are there for us at the drop of a hat, who make us laugh and for the memories we have made.

I'm so thankful to of had my Nanny & PopPop in my life. They were amazing, loving, caring people and will be missed so very much. We love you!

I'm thankful for all of our service men and women. Especially my little brother!

I'm thankful to have a house that survived and was barely touched by hurricane Sandy. Speaking of her, I'm thankful to of had those times at the Jersey shore. Memories can not be wiped out!


I'm thankful for age being on my side...I pretty much look the same since 1st grade.

I'm thankful for most recently being able to share with others what I know and keep learning about health and fitness. I'm finally beginning to do what I love and can't wait to see where this journey takes me. I'm thankful or the support I receive from the other Beachbody coaches which is truly amazing and inspiring!

And last but not least, I'm grateful I don't have to cook the turkey I can focus on a few glasses of wine instead ;-)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


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