
Wednesday, October 24, 2012


One of the best things about being home is watching Nate and Ava's relationship develop.
Nate has become such a sweet brother.
Loves giving her super hugs, the pacifier and blanket.
On the way home from family night tonight she was crying and he kept saying, "shh baby, it's ok"...
I can't take it!
We've even recently been able to capture pictures of them together.

However, as sweet as he can be to her, hugging her and saying "awwww"
 ...he can be equally torturing.
Like when she gets a spikey dinosaur to the forehead.

{That's my guess as to why she didn't cry when she got one of her shots last week anyway.}
Dinosaur hits and extra forceful hugs aside, she is starting to realize this is her big brother.
It is awesome to watch her watch him play, make funny faces and laugh when he laughs.
I can't wait to see how they interact as she gets older and bigger. When she starts talking.
When she gets him back for all of the hits and roughness. (I might regret that one)
And I wonder if she will be as outgoing as he is or if she will sit back, be a little quieter and just enjoy his free entertainment.

I highly doubt that though.

As all of my siblings and I aren't exactly the sit back and watch type of people...



And then there are friends who are like siblings (nothing like being prego and going to their bachlorette party!)

And  Matt's family who are like siblings.

And cousins who are like siblings.

I love it all. I love having a big family and I couldn't imagine it any other way. We all share so many laughs, talks, experiences, and memories. We're so lucky Nate and Ava have a big loving family and hope they love it as much as Matt and I do!


1 comment:

  1. Big families are the best, aren't they? I'm one of four and I can't imagine not having my siblings. How do only children survive childhood? The first picture is just beyond adorable.
