
Friday, October 26, 2012

My week summed up by Someecards

I love me someecards. I always have. Way before they flooded our Facebook wall.
It's been a rough mommy week for me. Matt was on night shift and I think that throws everyone off. The kiddos have just been difficult all week, simple as that!
So this has been my week summed up by someecards:
While researching what to put on a resume for a stay-at-home mom, I came across some really rude comments made by people. I guess you just don't fully understand until you're in that position.
This is Nate. He obviously feels that his need for naps, and my need for him to take naps, doesn't really matter.
This is true every week.
What? I like it.

I'm not trying to be a "one-upper" but...its the real deal.
And there you have it, my week summed up!
 Have a good weekend...
Hopefully this "Frankenstorm" is a joke?
Either way, generators are sold out so get a few candles and coolers with ice!
I like my wine chilled
....oh and for the milk and stuff I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha, your ecards are funny!

    Have a great weekend!


