
Thursday, July 2, 2015

July Flow|Whats New

For real? Tomorrow is July 2nd? What in the what? Time seriously flies. My son will be 5 at the end of August... I can't even start to think about that. So crazyyyy.
I wanted to write a quick little blog post on some things coming our way in the Beachbody world this month because there's some cool stuff and this bloggy blog is a good way to get it all out there!
So let's just get into it. For starters.....THE FIXATE COOKBOOK from Autumn Calabrese!!!
{101} 21 Day Fix approved recipes! She combines good food and makes it healthy. Every recipe lists color coded equivalents. Along with the 3 main meals of the day she has snacks, cocktails, Shakeology, vegan recipes and even gluten free dessert options. Also, nutritional info is included as well so if you're not doing the fix, you can use this! I seriously can't wait for this! *Update* I got my Fixate cookbook and it is everything and more I thought it would be. I added some of the recipes to my meal plan this week and cant WAIT to try them! 80,000 copies sold in 6 days, and creating delays in an aiports because too may people were trying to put them in their carry on from our coach summit. Craziness. Still need to get yours? You can find it here.
Next up, going with the Fix is the official Beachbody 21 Day Fix app. As of right now, it's only available for iTunes but I'm sure it will be rolling out for droid soon! I haven't downloaded it yet (iPhone 8gb problems) but I'm going to download it on my iPad and check it out!
Shaun T. He is really THE man! He is nonstop coming out with ways for us to get FIT! He went back to his roots when he created his latest workout program, CIZE. Where are my ZUMBA fans?? He claims EVERYONE can dance, are you up for the fun challenge? I've seen fellow coaches post about this and they are sharing real deal sweaty workout pics! I think I have to let the video speak for itself:
I have access to try this out, and I still need to check it out! It seems like a lot of fun. Are these kind of workouts up your ally?
OK now...Beachbody is releasing a performance supplement line! Yes, we already have a bunch of supplements but these one are top notch! This addition was developed by Harvard trained scientists...woop woop! Since I don't know all the technical stuff yet, I'm going to throw another video at ya!
I looooove my E&E pre-workout but I just have to try this new stuff.....along with everything else of course!!
And to end...Beachbody decided to extend the sale of the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme challenge pack (workout, program and 30 day supply of Shakeology)!
I've been getting a lot of interest in the 21 Day Fix recently ... and it's really not a shocker as to why. You've either seen me post about it, another coach post about it, a friend is doing it, your co-worker is doing it, you've seen the infomercial once or 400 times (I still get sucked in haha), or maybe you have it at home but haven't dusted it off yet.
I really get excited talking about this program because I know it is a game changer! If you are interested in trying out this program, you only have to commit to 21 days and I will help you every step of the way! Either comment below with your email or message me on Facebook! Are you ready for a change?
Ahh July is going to be an expensive month for me (fellow coaches- especially with Beachbody performance line clothing!!! gahhh!
Hope you have a great month and Happy 4th of July!

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