
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Resolution Re-Do

resolution, resolution re do, challenge group, lose weight, 21 day fix, lose baby weight, workout for new mom

Resolution Re-Do

Hello! happy half way through January. Can you believe it?

If you are like most people. you set a resolution, or some goals that you would like to achieve starting in January or for the year 2015.

If you are like most people, you may have already fallen off track. But, it's not really your fault! Today we learned that only 8% of people stick to their resolutions. Why? Because in order to make a solid change, you have to give yourself time to break habits and create new ones: this is known to take 21 days, but in actuality its 60-90 days! And the first 2-3 weeks is the HARDEST! Making changes from what you are used to, is hard. Testing your will power is hard (my weakest area!).. Its an un-natural feeling. However, with my help you can stay consistent in reaching your goals. With me and the challenge group- you get that accountability that keeps you going when you really don't want to! You check in daily, to let everyone know- you're doing this and you are staying committed. But you also post your struggles and questions. We are building new habits. We are refining discipline. We are focusing on our WHY and our GOALS.
resolution, resolution re do, challenge group, lose weight, 21 day fix, lose baby weight, workout for new mom, someecard, funny, weight loss, lose fat

Start with these simple steps:
1. Write down the reasons WHY you want to make health and fitness changes
2. Write down your goals ... be specific (I can help you with this)
3. Join my next free 30 day challenge group to keep yourself accountable to changing your habits
How do you do #3? We figure out the best workout program for you, combine it with Shakeology: {the healthiest meal of the day: helps you curb cravings, regulate digestive system, gives you sustained energy, repairs muscles, aids in weight loss and helps your body the way its supposed to!}, and start meal planning to make smarter food choices. The 21 Day Fix is, in my opinion, the best program to start with, however we will make the best choice for YOUR goals and what YOU like to do! There are even other options that are on sale this month as well.
resolution, resolution re do, challenge group, lose weight, 21 day fix, lose baby weight, workout for new mom
In December I was talking to a friend about New Year resolutions statisics and how low the number was on those who achieve their goals. I said to her... I really want to change that number! There is no reason that you shouldn't be able to be happy, confident in your skin, and health for you and your family! I would love to be by your side to make that happen. Please message me on Facebook or email me at to get started!
resolution, resolution re do, challenge group, lose weight, 21 day fix, lose baby weight, workout for new mom, live your life
XO- Coach Sarah

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