
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Every Season Body Challenge

So I was talking with my good friend and we were saying how we needed to start working out together again. We do so much better when we workout together and the only time that we could both get it done and meet up everyday would be early in the morning. She lives a few minutes away so she and I decided that 6am workouts were going to have to work. (Thank God my kids are back to  sleeping later-by later I mean like 6:45 haha- now from the time change).
alarm, workout early in the morning, morning workouts, workout partner
Anyway I said the cliché, "summer bodies are made in the winter!" to which she responded, "I don't want a summer body, I want an every season body". Boom. Yes. How true.  I always talk about making lasting lifestyle changes, so why should I focus on seasons? Of course its natural but lets break that thought process. Let's stop doing that to ourselves. Live by the 80/20 rule. I don't want to hide behind sweatshirts and big comfy sweaters, I mean I want to wear them, but not because I'm hiding under them! I don't want to feel the pressure in a few months to get ready to feel good in shorts and boat wear! I want to stop getting "back on track" so I can feel good, confident, more energetic and less stressed for all the seasons!
holiday weight gain, fit for life, halloween, thanksgiving, christimas, new years
SO that is the idea behind my next challenge group. Working through the month so we an start 2015 being ready for every season! December 1st starts a 30 day PiYo group. You will jump start with the 3 Day Refresh to get all the Thanksgiving-ness out of your system (enjoy the leftovers while you can). These 30 days are going to be the start of your new body that will be present for every season. You're going to learn to manage your workouts and healthy eating through the parties, get togethers and trips. We will talk quick, easy and clean recipes. We will talk staying focused while on the go.
I know you may be thinking- I'm already so busy how will I fit in a workout. But my thinking is- yes I agree- but we also need to make some downtime to de-stress and feel good. I can notice a total difference in my attitude, stress level, and happiness from when I'm consistent with my workouts (especially starting the day with one) and when I'm not.What make PiYo so special is that it is gentle on the body. It's restorative- yet effective! I mean I worked up a sweat without jumping around. This is a workout your body needs and it also provides dynamic flexibility- something I always struggled with.
pilates, yoga, piyo, tone, 3 day refresh, detox, holiday detox, holiday weight gain, lose holiday weight
Like mentioned above, stop the thought, "why start now?". I know its not usual to start a health/fitness routine during the last month of the year. Maybe you don't need to lose anything, maybe you just want to keep things "contained" and not be set back with all the {yummy} salty/sugary food/appetizers that makes you feel like crap. Because admit it- they do! They taste amazing in the moment but then - ugh you're wondering why you feel so run down. Mmmmhmmm.
piyo, pilates, yoga, tone
PiYo and the 3 Day Refresh are the 2 components but the last and most important component is Shakeology. You've heard me talk about it before. I've been drinking it daily for two years- so its not just some phase! I will drink it for life. Honestly, like myself, people drink it because it makes them feel good, gives them energy to workout, has adoptogens, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, and everything about the body just WORKS better. You know, when you're doing a fitness program the easiest way to see NO results is to do nothing about your nutrition - that is why my Month 1 of Insanity didn't give me the results I expected. You need to support the body in a way that the body can heal itself. Its kind of like a mini detox everyday, and with said salty/sugary food mentioned above you know its one meal a day that you will be getting your daily dose of dense nutrition. Not to mention, Shakeology is my GO TO out the door ON THE GO meal! Drop the NutriGrain bar, the Lean Cuisine, the Slim Fast, the "protein" bar. This is what you want your quick meal to be. Yes its a meal. Not a protein drink. :)
So lets recap this "PiYo Kick Start challenge kit":

•kick start your "transformation" (anyone hate seeing that word yet?) inside AND out
•break cycle of bad eating habits in just 3 days
•define your body with pilates|yoga inspired PiYo...
•with Shakeology daily you'll feed your body the dense nutrition it needs for amazing results

The holidays, as amazing as they are..can be kind of stressful and hectic, no?

But! can DESTRESS with a workout (and maybe wine after).Why not start now? Because you want to look and feel good walking into a room at a party. Because you want to be IN pictures. Because you don't want to be on a "diet" rather learn the tools to incorporate this into your life and be AHEAD of the game come January! Stop thinking you're going to miss out like I always thought I was going to. It's all about finding a balance!

It's simple.
You CAN do it.
Hashtag duh.
summer body, summer bodies are made in the winter, lose weight
Fill out this application below to join the Every Season Body Challenge and I will contact you! 

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