
Sunday, September 7, 2014

21 Day Fix "Fall into Fitness" Challenge

I love a good theme and "fall into fitness" isn't getting old to me. It rolls of the tongue nicely lol. Let's just go with it!
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"As Summer Winds down and school is back in session, its a great time to pause and reflect on your health and wellness goals and what you want to achieve from now until New Years- that's right, it'll be here before we know it! And we know what happens then: The New Years Resolution. Well, why wait? NOW is the perfect time to commit yourself to a new and improved diet and exercise habits and empower yourself with knowledge that allows you to make better nutrition choices for yourself and your family."-Tosca Reno
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If you need help getting and staying on track this fall, I have a 21 Day Fix challenge group starting. Fall to me means campfires, playing with the kids in the leaves, pumpkin patch trips and pumpkin spice everything. No really, everything haha. It also means the end of our lake and boat days. So while fitting into bathing suits, shorts and tanks isn't in the forefront of my mind, I don't want that to be an excuse to not continue my healthy lifestyle. Sure I may have some cheats on football Sundays, but I will be working out and eating clean 80% of the time. I know that I'm a happier mom, partner and person in general when I'm doing my best and feeling my best.

So I want you to feel your best as well! And the best way to start that is to create healthy habits. It takes 21 days to create a habit, and it just so happens that the 21 Day Fix is on sale for an amazing deal. You get the workout program, nutrition guide, portion sized containers, Shakeology. support group, me as your coach and free shipping for $10 more than the cost of a month supply of Shakeology. I was so happy when they announced this special because this program is incredible and it has already helped SO many people.
21 day fix, 21 day fix recpies, 21 day fix meal plan, lose weight
In the group I will help you with your meal planning (for you and your family), tips to save time, easy recipe ideas, help with fall temptations, tips from Autumn the creator and more. When you change what you put in your body to healthy, nutrient dense foods you will find you have more energy, you are happier, your skin clears up, you have mental clarity, and your overall well being changes for the better.
Also you'll be taking 30 minutes a day to workout for you! These workouts range from cardio to strength training to pilates and yoga. There is a modifier so any level of fitness can achieve results and feel good about themselves.

By "falling into fitness this year, you will be apart of a closed Facebook group where you will receive posts from me and you'll check in daily. Now is the time to focus and commit to your goals. If you do that you will see results. A few requirements are that I am your Beachbody Coach, and that you purchase the 21 Day Fix challenge pack from me as your coach.
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So message me or get your 21 Day Fix ordered, and hop on Pinterest to pick out your favorite Fall outfits for some inspiration! Comfy sweaters, skinny jeans, scarves, flats or boots --- LOVE! Let's start your journey of feeling confident. So that you can go in your closet and know that whatever you put on is going to look and feel good. So that you can go to the store and pick out whatever outfit you want and celebrate your success.
21 day fix, 21 day fix results, lose weight, fall into fitness, pumpkin spice latte, lose fat
There is limited space in the group, so don't hesitate to commit to your after picture!!! You deserve to be the best YOU. Create your happiness.  

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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