
Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Ah Chalene Johnson did it again! I freekin love this woman. Not only do I love her workouts, but Chalene herself is an extremely motivating, inspiring and SMART woman. I've done her Turbo Fire and ChaLEAN Extreme workout programs, and their both awesome. When I found out she was releasing a new program with Beachbody, I knew she would not disappoint.
I had the opportunity to try PiYo at our Leadership retreat in Maryland. It was so much fun. Two of our coaches are certified instructors and another fellow coach was part of the official Test Group through Beachbody. I was dripping sweat by the end of it but not because I was jumping around. The key is that it gives you results such as defined muscles, abs, and core strength without the pounding of your joints and jumping around. It's really a workout I've been waiting for. I plan on getting certified myself as well so I can teach some classes! As the name may suggest, PiYo is a mix of Pilates and Yoga. So lets get into what PiYo is all about!!
What is PiYo?
Carve an intensely defined physique-without jumps, without weights, and without joint strain.
Using body weight, PiYos uses low-impact, high-intensity movements inspired by Pilates and yoga.
The result? Long, lean, muscles, a high, firm booty, and tight, flat, sexy abs. PiYo will work every
single muscle to stabilize, stretch, and strengthen every inch of a body.
And since Chalene Johnson cranked up the speed and the fun, crazy calories will be burned too!

Who Is Piyo For?
EVERYONE!  It is a high intensity low impact workout that can be modified to meet everyone's needs.  
It is meant to improve flexibility, torch calories and get you in the best shape of your life!
There is no jumping in this workout so it is great for someone who needs a low impact option. 
 It will overall give you a toned, sleek, and complete body transformation.  
Piyo is inspired by Pilates and Yoga and was developed by Chalene Johnson who, like I said, 
is also the creator of two of my favorite workout programs Turbofire and Chalean Extreme.  
There are no weights required for this workout.
What Are The Details?
The workouts are anywhere from 25-45 minutes long.
You can receive your copy of Piyo 2 weeks prior to the launch of the program on Beachbody
so make sure that I am your assigned coach and you have contacted me to reserve your
copy of the workouts. HAVE ME AS YOUR COACH!!
{Also:  as a coach you can receive 25% off your Piyo Purchase as well.  
So make sure to ask me about the preferred customer discount.}

Exclusive Test Group Opportunity!

I am going to be running an exclusive ONLINE test group when this is released JUNE 23RD.
I am inviting you to participate along with me. I am only accepting a select amount of individuals, 
as I want to make sure you get the best results possible to send to Beachbody!
In order to secure a spot in the PiYo test group you have to be willing to give it 100% commitment
over the course of the program. You must be willing to invest in the workouts,
the nutrition and the support. If you do that I will invest in you 110%!
If you are interested in participating, please CLICK HERE.
XO-Coach Sarah


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