
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It's ok to Fail

positive, fail, workout, eat clean, lose weight, summer

I think a lot of times we are afraid to start something because we are afraid we will fail. But every time we fail, or make a mistake, or take a step back rather than forward- we learn a lesson.

Health and fitness is the same way. You have to start somewhere! You have to put in the effort. But if you fall off track with eating, skip a few workouts or have a not so good weekend--- remember today a new day. Yes that sets you back, but don't allow those few choices to turn into a week...3 weeks...months. Figure out why those things happened and learn from them. Figure out what worked for you during a good week and repeat it. Figure out the best time for you to workout and put it in your planner or calendar. Plan out your meals for the week. Prep some snacks and get your water bottle in hand!

Hope you have a great week- don't be afraid to fail! If you're truly trying that's all that matters. Message me if you need help starting somewhere or getting back into a routine! I would love to help you.
XO-Coach Sarah

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