
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Coach Success Story! Diamond Coach Sarah Koury

I have ⒷⒾⒼ news to share today about one of my coaches!! And it's a "first" in my business as well. I have to preface this post with this-It may sound weird but I'm finally starting to treat my "business" as a real business. I mean it isss in real life lol (hey I have the income tax to prove it LOL). But aside from that I'm also learning how to be a better LEADER. This year I've really been able to see my team GROW as individuals and SUCCEED. They are helping others reach goals, inspiring, motivating, receiving recognition & financial benefits from it as well!

So I've learned that not only do I love to see my clients see success with their goals... I also really really love to see my coaches succeed. It's seriously an amazing feeling. I love cheering them on and givin' em props for their hard work!
my challenger turned coach Sarah and her amazing abs! (after THREE kids)
So today I have to talk about my amazing coach, Sarah Koury who reached a HUGE milestone in her business. Major PROPS to you! She is a wife, a mom of three beautiful kids, and works outside of the home. AND nowww she is now a DIAMOND coach on BetterYou Fitness Team!!! That term may not mean much to I will just say she is working towards her fit and financial goals and helping others do the same. Its a WIN WIN! Sarah signed up with me as a challenger when I was a brandy new Beachbody coach. She put her trust in me to help her reach her goals. Her workouts are her "mommy time outs" (unless one of her daughters is joining her with working out). She is my "21 Day Fix" poster child and she has to have her Shakeology everyday. Here is one of her recent fitness goals she has reached:
"When I first started (coaching)with Beachbody and clean eating in February I set one long term goal. To have a 6 pack by summer. Well summer is less then 4 weeks away and I have to say I'm pretty close. I will push hard for that goal! It seemed almost unrealistic when I started, it didn't happen over night but day by day I kept at it and now I am so close I can taste it. What's your goal? Do you have one? If not, let's make one."
So most of all she wants to see OTHERS succeed. She is an amazing coach, and just GETS it. She knows how to lead her team. She meets with them and helps them set goals. With Beachbody coaching, we are not competing against each other. We want to see everyone succeed. This is THE biggest support system you could ask for. We help lift each other up and grow!
leadership, beachbody coach, success, inspire, learn, leader
So my fellow Sarah, I'm so incredibly proud of you. I'm so glad I didn't give up asking you to be a coach for OVER A YEAR lol. I just KNEW you were meant to do this.You started coaching and RAN with it. You have already helped sooo many people and you're just amazing at supporting others. You are a rock star, girl! You are a GOal getter! Congrats on this huge milestone that you reached in just FOUR months of your business!!! Not only did she achieve Diamond status...but she is:
-a "Success Club" all star (i.e. helps tons of people a month)
-received a call with Carl Daikeler-CEO of Beachbody,
 WON a free ticket to Beachbody's yearly Summit in VEGAS where she will:
 -attend invaluable trainings
-attend awesome exclusive parties
-attend celebrity trainer workouts
-AND get a picture with a celebrity trainer.
I can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings for you mama. 


Writing all of that out seriously gives me chills. I love recognizing my coaches for a job well done.  How does all of this sound to YOU? Do you like to help people? Do you like free trips? Do you need some extra income? Do you simply need something "extra" while staying home with the kids? Do you need to work on your own health and fitness? Do you already enjoy helping others with their health and fitness?
 I'm looking for more people to high five and help them succeed (please note: you do not have to be an expert and you do not have to already have a transformation). I'm taking everything I've learned recently about starting a new coach right and providing you with all the tools I've learned to help me grow along the way. Aaaand there's no need to reinvent the wheel I will teach you everything I already know so that you can be successful! •••(Fitness wise and financially)•••
Who is ready to continue on this amazing journey with me?? If so fill out this application below!

ⒷⓄⓃⓊⓈ--if you join me first you're getting my "secret sauce" and yup that's my E&E (Energy & Endurance) haha. Along with this New Coach Starter Pack and spot in my next apprenticeship group!

Fill out my online form.
The easy to use Wufoo form builder helps you make forms easy, fast, and fun.
XO- Coach Sarah

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Dream Team Elite Retreat 2014

Wow. Talk about one of THE BEST weekends ever. Last weekend, my upline coach Katy treated me and the rest of her diamond Beachbody coaches to an incredible weekend in Deep Creek, MD. There I met up with about 30 other leaders from our team. We stayed in this beautiful house that had an AMAZING view of the lake. I'm a lake girl so it was right up my ally.
This weekend was filled with learning, brainstorming, goal setting, dreaming and some R&R (hey kid free weekend!).
At the weekend retreat, we spent a lot of time reflecting on our own goals, learning new strategies for growing our business, and how to successfully start new coaches.  Also enjoyed some (ok, a lot) laughs, an unbelievable view, some much needed hot tub time and indoor pool, and a lot of stories.   I love hearing how other people found one another.  How Beachbody is changing their lives!! We also tried out Beachbody's new program coming out next month PIYO. It was really awesome. More info on that in a few weeks!
piyo, chalene johnson, workout, pilates, yoga
piyo, chalene johnson, pilates, yoga

when in doubt work it out, success partner, workout partner, accountability
My success partner
We also learned a lot about our own personalities through Color Codes.  This is an awesome tool that any leader in any organization can use to match what truly motivates us. When was the last time you truly thought about who you innately are? What drives you?  What makes you who you are? This is what we dug into and I thought was one of the most interesting things.
We are all different. We are all motivated by different things. We all have natural strengths and natural weaknesses. When you know about them, you can embrace your strengths and work on your weaknesses. And when you learn about others "color" you can better communicate and understand them. Everyone wants to be understood, right? Check it out here.
 {Comment with your color below!} 
with our cooperate guest  LeeAnne Ruff (one of the smartest people EVER) and Melanie Mitro, founder of the Dream Team
The Knockout Brigade Diamond coaches holding our fearless leader, Katy Ursta
So when I first started coaching I knew it wasn't just a hobby for me, but I stayed content chugging along for awhile. I set goals I knew I could achieve so that I didn't have to step outside my comfort zone. {I still tend to do that} but now I'm not afraid to fail. I never would have thought that I would be attending a diamond coach and above
retreat weekend (I mean did you SEE the pictures?!!).

If your dreams aren't scary- they aren't big enough. So don't be afraid to set big goals. Don't be afraid to push yourself. There will be sacrifices. You have to be willing to do the work now and see results later. Its ok to fail. Failure IS an option and it's inevitable. When you fail it's a great learning opportunity. So set big goals. Don't care what other people think. It's your life, your story, your journey - no one needs to understand it but you!

I love my team. I have the best mentors. I have access to amazing tools. And if I didn't start this coaching "thing", if I listened to the doubters, if I listened to the negativity in my head- I wouldn't be where I am now. I wouldn't have an amazing team of people to "work" with, I wouldn't have a second income for my family, I wouldn't be as positive as I am and most importantly I wouldn't have all of these people that I personally helped reach their health, fitness and general wellness goals! It's one of the most rewarding things ever. Even without the prizes, trips, praise, bonuses, money- I would do this. Because helping people have a better life is totally rewarding all in itself. If you're not happy, if you think something is missing, if you want more to life than just the "norm"- message me!

{Shameless plug} I'm part of the #1 team of Beachbody. That's huge! That means an amazing opportunity for you! I want everyone to live a life by design- whatever that means to YOU! Fill out this form if this is something you want to be apart of...I'll message you when I return from our weekend away! {We're heading to the lake to go camping & boating. Lucky me- two lake weekends in a row! Whoop whoop!}

Thank YOU BetterYou Fitness Team for believing in me as a leader and for making the choice to pay it forward! Thank you Katy and Melanie for this opportunity and for having me at the Elite Retreat weekend!
So CHEERS to the DREAM TEAM this past weekend for conquering fears, for overcoming objections, for getting real with the goals that they have set and taking action to make steps forward! 

beachbody coaching, work from home, deep creek maryland, lake
"A team is not one person. A team thrives because one person made the decision to do something great and inspired others to do the same, but also empowers others to be BETTER than they ARE. WE are not in competition but we are each others support!"- Melanie Mitro


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hybrid Beachbody Workout Week 1 & Meal Plan

Sooo over the weekend, I decided I needed to spruce up my workout routine. I've been doing the same programs for a bit now, and I love them why not incoorperate them into a HYBRID workout schedule and do a different workout everyday?! It's like a different fitness "class" in my own house. I really needed to switch things up to get excited again for my workouts again. I think this is the perfect plan. I also ordered Brazil Butt Lift to add into the mix.
brazil butt lift, cardio, butt, makeover, tone, lose belly fat, lose weight, butt workout, summer, bikini, glutes
Here is week 1 of my new hybrid workout schedule:
workout, home workouts, beachbody, t25, brazil butt lift, turbo fire, 21 day fix, hyrbid workout, hybrid schedule, lose weight, cardio, weight lifting
Beachbody Hybrid Schedule
Operation get ready for the lake/boat days is a GOOO!!! All of these workouts are under a half hour with the exception of Turbo Fire...which is so key for me as a mom. I need a quick and effective workout. But I LOVE Turbo Fire so much, I enjoy every minute of it half hour or not! Side note-if you're looking for an amazing, calorie-burning, fat blasting workout--Turbo Fire is YOUR workout. And its fun. And on sale. Boom! (Message me for deets!)
beach, sweat, gym, workout, brazil butt lift, t25, 21 day fix, lose weight, turbo fire, belly fat, bikin, beach, lake,boat
would you rather be covered in sweat at the gym, or clothes at the beach? Boat days are a comin!
Day 1 was Monday.  Since Brazil Butt Lift came in the mail, I had to try it out. I did the Tummy Tuck workout- ohemgee. For the first time since my c section- I felt that area working! Crazyyyyy. And a little weird lol but a good weird. I took my pre-workout formula, E&E a little late in the day (you're not supposed to drink it within 4 hours of bedtime woops!- I never learn my lesson!) so I also tried out the Brazil Butt Lift Cardio Axe workout. I probably burned more calories laughing at myself! It was fun, I felt like I was in the movie Selena haha!
selena, brazil butt lift, dancing, cardio
If you have done the BBL Cardio Axe...and have watched Selena...please comment below letting me know I'm not alone on thinking this LOL. Yesterday was 21 Day Fix "Dirty 30", which is a weight training workout. And one of my favorites. I am totally sore today! It hurts to laugh...but a good hurt, ya know?! I know the plan is working already.
OK so now for my meal plan. I am still following the basics of the 21 Day Fix...I have bumped myself up into the next calorie range. So that equals: 4 Greens, 3 Purples, 4 Reds, 3 Yellows, 1 Blue, 1 Orange and 4 tbsps. In reality I probably have more like 2 blues though! What can I say, I'm a little obsessed with AVOCADO!!!
meal plan, meal planning, clean eating, eat clean, lose weight, healthy recipes, healthy dinner ideas, breakfast, lunch, snack, water
See where it says "Beachbody Retreat" Friday-Sunday.....yup! Mama is going out of town for a Beachbody Leadership Retreat with thirty of her amazing team members. There will be lots of learning, growing and bonding! Learning tools so I can be a better coach and leader for my team. I may of missed out on the free CRUISE that I earned, and I may be missing our yearly SUMMIT in Vegas (however I will be in OCMD!)---but I am sooo excited for this!! I seriously LOVE my "job!". Check this place out!
Ahhhhmazing, right?!? More pics and a recap to come next week. Thank you Katy Ursta & Melanie Mitro for this amazing oppurunity!!!
XO-Coach Sarah

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It's ok to Fail

positive, fail, workout, eat clean, lose weight, summer

I think a lot of times we are afraid to start something because we are afraid we will fail. But every time we fail, or make a mistake, or take a step back rather than forward- we learn a lesson.

Health and fitness is the same way. You have to start somewhere! You have to put in the effort. But if you fall off track with eating, skip a few workouts or have a not so good weekend--- remember today a new day. Yes that sets you back, but don't allow those few choices to turn into a week...3 weeks...months. Figure out why those things happened and learn from them. Figure out what worked for you during a good week and repeat it. Figure out the best time for you to workout and put it in your planner or calendar. Plan out your meals for the week. Prep some snacks and get your water bottle in hand!

Hope you have a great week- don't be afraid to fail! If you're truly trying that's all that matters. Message me if you need help starting somewhere or getting back into a routine! I would love to help you.
XO-Coach Sarah

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Turbo Fire Chili

Happy Wednesday! I want to start sharing more of my favorite recipes with you guys! My recipe page on here is looking a little weak! Most of my recipes come from the nutrition guides that come with my workout programs, so I know their good for clean eating.
Today I'm going to share the coveted Turbo Fire Chili recipe with you! I have given this out so many times, that even I was surprised I didn't have it on my site. It's a crock-pot recipe, even though its warmer out now its great for a rainy day or a cook out.
Family Meal-serves 4 and some extra
1 lb. lean ground turkey
1/2 cup diced tomatoes
8 oz. whole kernel corn, canned
1/2 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic
8 oz. black beans, canned
8 oz. pinto, chili, or kidney beans, canned
1 Tbsp. tomato paste
1 package Lawry's Chili Seasoning
4 oz. low-fat shredded cheddar cheese (optional- but is it really?!)
Brown turkey. Drain and discard any fat. Place all ingredients except cheese into a slow cooker. Cook for 4 hours on low, or 2 hours on high. Top with 1 oz. cheese if desired.
Nutritional Information per serving (with 1oz. cheese)
Cals:386/Protein: 36g/Carbs:33g/Total fat:13g/Fiber8.5g
Nutritional Information per serving (without cheese)
Cals:338/Protein:29g/Carbs:33g/Total fat:11g/Fiber:8.5g
Interested in what Turbo Fire is?
This is one of my FAVORITE if not MY favorite workout I've done. So much fun and so effective. Message me on Facebook if you want to learn more! I have an exclusive Turbo Fire Challenge Group in the works where you will receive online support, motivation and clean eating tips from me!
XO-Coach Sarah