
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How to get Motivated to Workout and Eat Healthy

Does any of this sound familiar:
"I can't get motivated to workout"
"I have no motivation"
"How do you stay so motivated?"
I have heard this time and time again. So I figured I would give you a few tips to get motivated to workout and eat healthy. It's definitely natural to have lulls in workouts and healthy eating. I think what is key, is to view it as a lifestyle change. Yes, I know that term is over used and kind of cliché but there is no other way to go about it. This isn't to be misunderstood as being perfect. I myself, as a health and fitness coach, have times I'm not doing my best. I miss workouts. I don't always resist food temptation. But as soon as I realize I'm totally off track, I get right back on. Whether that's the next day or the next week.
So here are some tips to get you motivated to get BACK on track, or if you have never been ON track to get you there! And a little tough love video I found at the end. So be sure to check that out.
1. Think about your WHY. If you don't know WHY you want to do something, it will hold no value to you. Ultimately YOU have to want it. I can help you get motivated and help you along the way, but in the end it has to come from WITHIN. You have the power to change your future.
2. Don't overthink it JUST DO IT. The time you spend thinking about working out, you could of been done already. The more you think about it, the more excuses you will come up with. I workout at home so I always say, JUST PUSH PLAY!
3. Don be afraid to fail. If the big picture seems a little scary to you, you may have to set smaller goals. Heck, set non scale victories. Celebrate every achievement. Progress isn't just measured by numbers!! Take small steps. Take it day by day if you need to. JUST COMMIT!
4. Find something you'll enjoy doing. And then get serious about it. The more you enjoy your workout the more you will look forward to it. That doesn't translate to easy. A hard workout can be enjoyable. I did Insanity and while I didn't LOVE the actual workout because it pushed me past my limits and outside my comfort zone...I LOVED the feeling I got afterwards. Like I JUST DID THAT! AWESOMESAUCE.
5. Make a meal plan and schedule your workouts. Seriously! I tell all of my challengers to do this. The ones that actually take a little time and follow through, see the most success. When you have your food planned and in the fridge there is no reason for you to not follow it. Schedule your workouts as if you were meeting with your boss. You wouldn't ditch that would you? Make it a PRIORITY. This is YOUR time. Your 30 minutes. You deserve it. That may mean you have to DVR your favorite show, wake up early, or skip girls night out. How bad do you want it?
6. When then going gets tough- keep going. You may have fallen off track because you started off going strong, but as the weeks went on you slowly stopped working out and making poor food choices. The time will pass anyway, you might as well keep working towards your goal. You have to give yourself enough time to see change. You will hit a plateau. KEEP GOING.
7. Google is your friend. Don't know what to make? Don't know what workouts to do? GOOGLE IT. YOUTUBE it. INSTAGRAM it. PINTEREST it!!! Use your resources. This BLOG. ME. I offer monthly online challenge groups. You have to start SOMEWHERE. If anything, get off the couch and start walking. Too cold? Jumping jacks, push ups, squats and lunges. Trade the chips for veggies. Trade the soda for water. Start making small changes. Usually we know what we NEED to do. If you truly want to become a healthier person....Just. Do. It.
Still don't want to? Do it anyway! Or, don't. Its up to YOU to do what needs to be done to be the healthier happier version of yourself. Of course its hard. If it weren't hard, everybody would be healthy and fit and I wouldn't be writing this blog most to motivate you!
 Now in closing, here is what this guy calls "The Myth on Motivation".  But wait, I just wrote a whole blog post on how to get motivated? Just watch! He makes great points, and I bet you will relate to what he has to say.
My next challenge group starts April 7th. Will you be in it?

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