
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March Promotions & Les Mills Pump Spotlight

2 Blog posts in 1 day? Don't get too used to this haha!
So every month, Beachbody runs promotions on different programs. This month there is a few I want to share with you (nothing like waiting til the last week of the month!) and one program I want to highlight as I will be doing it next!
Before I get started, I do want to share with you that this month, for every purchase that is made, I will be donating a portion to the Mario Lemieux foundation. Why? Because my amazing upline coach Katy Ursta was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and I want to support her cause. You can help! All you have to do is commit to making changes to live a healthier life. Starting with one of the following programs...
cancer, punch cancer in the face, les mills combat, hockey
1. Les Mills Combat. Help us PUNCH CANCER IN THE FACE with this program. If you're looking for a program to get you summer ready...this is what you need in your life. This is the ultimate mixed martial arts workout program. Meaning- you could burn up to 1,000 calories per hour. BOOM. They throw in some extras too like a fitness guide, nutrition guide, and 7 day jump start guide. Of course I'll be your coach, you'll have a spot in my challenge group and for the big PUNCH if you will---It's only $10 more when you purchase Shakeology with it. WIN! 

2. The Ultimate Reset. This program is clinically proven to help you lose weight and improve your overall health in 21 days. Not only that but you will see a lowering of: body mass index, triglycerides, blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol. TWO main points I want to make. You EAT FOOD. And you DON'T workout during these 21 days. If you are interested in doing this cleanse, please contact me. There is a ton of information we can go over!
the ultimate reset
 3. NOW to get to the beef of my post. Les Mills Pump. Matt actually got this program when I was pregnant with Ava. I haven't done it yet, but is next on the list. You do the Pump workout 3 days a week, for 30 minutes, then you "walk" or do other cardio the other days. I'm more of a T25, Turbo Fire or 21 Day Fix cardio person so I will be doing those on the "walk" days. Plus I'll be able to really mix it up! FUN!
Here is where I come back to Katy Ursta.
She has done this program so I want to spotlight her story since I KNOW her! So let's just jump into it!
Recap on the program:
 I am not going to lie, I went into this program not thinking it was going to be challenging enough.  Seriously, 3 walk days a week just wasn't my cup of tea!  I don't walk, EVER!  I am either running or sprinting in every thing I do in life.  Instead of letting that deter me from the program I just improvised and added in my own cardio on the walking days!  And BAM I had a high intensity BRING IT ON attitude after the first workout.
In fact, my arms are burning and on fire for at least 20  minutes after the workout has finished.  I love it!  After only 3 weeks I was already noticing my arms getting even more toned and sculpted.  With that, I was hooked.  The best part is that I don't have to go to a gym, pay child care and fees to take a class.  I can workout in my basement, in my underwear if I want to at any time of the day!  It just works for me!!!  It's totally my cup of TEA!
Thoughts on the workouts:
I loved these workouts because I could feel my body changing with each repetition.  I looked forward to my each workout knowing that I was getting results.  Although I love the results in my arms, I am very pleasantly surprised to see a HUGE change with my junk in the trunk!  Wow, I guess all those squats do make a difference! 
What makes Les Mills so exciting?
Beachbody® and Les Mills International teamed up specifically to bring to the world the best trainers, the best chart-topping music, and the best body-changing PUMP moves, so the same results can now be achieved at home that millions of people get in gyms every day.
Done three times a week, this barbell-based rapid weight loss and accelerated strength-training program reshapes a person's entire body extremely fast!
What makes Les Mills so effective?
It's all about THE REP EFFECT™. Unlike traditional strength workouts, which feature heavy weights that bulk people up, this program features light-to-moderate weights used at a higher rate of repetition. The constantly changing tempo, body position, and speed of THE REP EFFECT breaks down more fat reserves, targets more muscle fibers, and burns more calories than traditional weight training.
What are the workouts like?
Muscles reach fatigue by performing 70-100 repetitions per body part. That's about 4 times more reps than one would typically perform in a standard gym workout.
Do people really only have to workout 3 days a week?We encourage anyone to engage in non-resistance training workouts (such as cardio or cross-training) on days that they're not doing LES MILLS PUMP.

Who can do this workout?
  • Men and women who want to lose weight and get fit
  • People who want leaner, stronger muscles
  • Those new to working out
  • Women who are afraid of getting bulky from lifting weights
  • Fans of BODYPUMP gym classes who like to work out at home
  • People who want to try something new
  • People who do other Beachbody programs, such as: P90X®, RevAbs®, TurboFire®, 10-Minute Trainer®, and INSANITY®
  • Weightlifters who want to improve muscular endurance

  • What is your takeaway from this program?
    That Pump Revolution is the hardest workout!  I seriously within 4 hours couldn't lift my arms above my head!  I have learned that this workout is the best booty and leg workout ever!!  You want a toned body this is the way to go!!!  I'm loving it!  I don't like the walk days so I always sub in Asylum, Les Mills Combat or Insanity!  But it's well rounded and I am having fun!  I am still aiming for close to 2000 calories a day.  I am focusing on controlling my carbs to 2-3 servings per day!  Adding in extra veggies and protein and water water water!!!  So far so good!
    les mills pump, les mills pump challenge pack
    Challenge pack
    Does that get you excited to do this program?! Who wants to start with me?! I'll be starting April 7th! If you want to join me you'll have to grab the Les Mills Pump challenge pack before the end of the month. It will include: your workouts, nutrition and fitness guide, barbell with weights, a 30 day supply of Shakeology and a spot in the challenge group. Fill out the form below and I will contact you! No matter what you decide on, I am here for you as your coach! Let's get summer ready and create lasting habits for a healthy, fitter life! WHOOP!!!


    Fill out my online form.
    Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

    How to get Motivated to Workout and Eat Healthy

    Does any of this sound familiar:
    "I can't get motivated to workout"
    "I have no motivation"
    "How do you stay so motivated?"
    I have heard this time and time again. So I figured I would give you a few tips to get motivated to workout and eat healthy. It's definitely natural to have lulls in workouts and healthy eating. I think what is key, is to view it as a lifestyle change. Yes, I know that term is over used and kind of cliché but there is no other way to go about it. This isn't to be misunderstood as being perfect. I myself, as a health and fitness coach, have times I'm not doing my best. I miss workouts. I don't always resist food temptation. But as soon as I realize I'm totally off track, I get right back on. Whether that's the next day or the next week.
    So here are some tips to get you motivated to get BACK on track, or if you have never been ON track to get you there! And a little tough love video I found at the end. So be sure to check that out.
    1. Think about your WHY. If you don't know WHY you want to do something, it will hold no value to you. Ultimately YOU have to want it. I can help you get motivated and help you along the way, but in the end it has to come from WITHIN. You have the power to change your future.
    2. Don't overthink it JUST DO IT. The time you spend thinking about working out, you could of been done already. The more you think about it, the more excuses you will come up with. I workout at home so I always say, JUST PUSH PLAY!
    3. Don be afraid to fail. If the big picture seems a little scary to you, you may have to set smaller goals. Heck, set non scale victories. Celebrate every achievement. Progress isn't just measured by numbers!! Take small steps. Take it day by day if you need to. JUST COMMIT!
    4. Find something you'll enjoy doing. And then get serious about it. The more you enjoy your workout the more you will look forward to it. That doesn't translate to easy. A hard workout can be enjoyable. I did Insanity and while I didn't LOVE the actual workout because it pushed me past my limits and outside my comfort zone...I LOVED the feeling I got afterwards. Like I JUST DID THAT! AWESOMESAUCE.
    5. Make a meal plan and schedule your workouts. Seriously! I tell all of my challengers to do this. The ones that actually take a little time and follow through, see the most success. When you have your food planned and in the fridge there is no reason for you to not follow it. Schedule your workouts as if you were meeting with your boss. You wouldn't ditch that would you? Make it a PRIORITY. This is YOUR time. Your 30 minutes. You deserve it. That may mean you have to DVR your favorite show, wake up early, or skip girls night out. How bad do you want it?
    6. When then going gets tough- keep going. You may have fallen off track because you started off going strong, but as the weeks went on you slowly stopped working out and making poor food choices. The time will pass anyway, you might as well keep working towards your goal. You have to give yourself enough time to see change. You will hit a plateau. KEEP GOING.
    7. Google is your friend. Don't know what to make? Don't know what workouts to do? GOOGLE IT. YOUTUBE it. INSTAGRAM it. PINTEREST it!!! Use your resources. This BLOG. ME. I offer monthly online challenge groups. You have to start SOMEWHERE. If anything, get off the couch and start walking. Too cold? Jumping jacks, push ups, squats and lunges. Trade the chips for veggies. Trade the soda for water. Start making small changes. Usually we know what we NEED to do. If you truly want to become a healthier person....Just. Do. It.
    Still don't want to? Do it anyway! Or, don't. Its up to YOU to do what needs to be done to be the healthier happier version of yourself. Of course its hard. If it weren't hard, everybody would be healthy and fit and I wouldn't be writing this blog most to motivate you!
     Now in closing, here is what this guy calls "The Myth on Motivation".  But wait, I just wrote a whole blog post on how to get motivated? Just watch! He makes great points, and I bet you will relate to what he has to say.
    My next challenge group starts April 7th. Will you be in it?

    Tuesday, March 25, 2014

    21 Day Fix Results

    The 21 Day Fix!!!
     Round 1- done and done!
     I actually finished Round 1 right before our trip to Arizona at the beginning of March.
    21 day fix results, beachbody transformation, diet, 21 day fix, 21 day fix before and after, lose weight quick
    I actually lost 9lbs!
     Ok here they are! 21 Day Fix Pics! This is by far my favorite program that I've done to date! Not only did I see great physical results I saw the difference in my habits, my energy levels and I just feel better all around! I had kind if slacked on my clean eating beforehand - (hard to admit but not hard to see!) and this nutrition plan was so easy to follow and implement. This is definitely not a "quick" fix but a good jump start to a healthier and fit life! A good refresh button for me, personally. My nonhubby actually lost 10lbs by changing a few habits and portions too!
    coffee, stevia, cinnamon, coffee creamer, diet, 21 day fix
    ditched my crème brulee creamer for the fix!
    If you are friends with me on Facebook or read my previous 21 Day Fix posts, you may know I gave up my Coffee Mate Crème Brulee creamer for the 21 Day Fix! Did I think I could do it? Kinda lol.
    If you would've told me 21 days ago that I would be drinking black coffee I would've told you wrongo pongo! I had planned on giving it up all together. Because...what's coffee without flavored creamer lol.

     I started out with tea, then unsweetened vanilla almond milk & stevia and now then the last few days ending I cut out even the almond milk.

    Not having creamer in my coffee was a BIG deal and something I wasn't willing to remove before. But now I know I CAN and if I can YOU can. I promise!... It's 21 days! You'll be amazed at what other bad habits you never realized you had and you will also be amazed at how much your body can TRULY change in a matter of 3 weeks!!!  

    So what DID I eat for the 21 days??
    Here are my meal plans for each week:
    21 day fix, 21 day fix meal plan, 21 day fix recipes, 21 day fix breakfast, 21 day fix snacks, 21 day fix lunch, 21 day fix dinner
    Week 1
    21 day fix, 21 day fix meal plan
    week 2
    21 day fix, 21 day fix meal plan, 3 day quick fix, quick weight loss, 21 day fix 3 day quick fix
    week 3
    (please email me if can't view the meal plans!)
    21 day fix, 21 day fix containers
     I fell into the lowest calorie category for the fix plan. Towards the end I could actually eyeball my portions and didn't really need the containers! Color coding really helped me visualize and make sure I was getting the correct amount of containers in each day. Each day I had 4 red (protein),  3 Green (veggies), 2 purple (fruits), 2 yellow (carbs), 1 orange (seeds or salad dressing, 1 blue (healthy fat or nuts), and 2 Tbsp. (oils, peanut butter).
    21 day fix, shakeology, 21 day fix food

    21 day fix, meal idea for kids, kids
    Nathan asked for everything on this plate one morning, then said "uhm no thanks". So I ate it! Fix approved!

    21 day fix, 21 day fix dinner, salad
    even brought my own dinner to family nights

    21 day fix, 21 day fix snack, healthy snack ideas, eating healthy on the go
    wine, 21 day fix, carbs, i save my carbs for wine
    I save my carbs for wine!
     As you can see, you are eating PLENTY of food. As a matter of fact, I have some challengers who find it difficult to eat ALL of the food on the plan. When you start eating healthier, clean, nutrient dense food you will find you are fuller for longer periods of time.
    A few times, this momma needed to save some carbs for wine! Which BONUS is totally allowed. 3 times a week you can replace a yellow with 4oz, wine, almond milk, juice, or chocolate. In addition, 3 times a week you can replace a yellow with a not so healhty snack or treat. ALSO it is important to mention WATER. You should be aiming to drink half your weight in ounces of water. AT LEAST!!
    Now for the workouts! I LOVE these workouts. They are definitely challenging. They also provide an awesome modifier so literally, no matter your fitness level, you will get a great workout. 
    21 day fix workouts, cardio
     The workout schedule is laid out like this:
    Monday- Total body cardio fix
    Tuesday- Upper Fix
    Wednesday- Lower Fix (LEG DAY!)
    Thursday- Pilates
    Friday- Cardio
    Saturday- Dirty Thirty (yes, really)
    Sunday- Yoga
    its just 21 days! Per round ;)
    heart rate monitor, burn calories, cardio, sweat is fat crying, positive, polar heart rate monitor, 21 day fix calories burned
    burn baby burn!
    21 day fix, yoga
    I like Pilates better :)
    You may find that some of those pictures have #sweatingforkaty on them. My upline coach recently was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Click here for her story. I will be doing an upcoming blog post on how you can help raise funds to support her. For now, just know that any purchase made through me, that a portion will be going to her selected charity this month!
    Alright, so that was a lot of visuals! I'm a visual person so hopefully this helped shed some light on the 21 Day Fix. I plan to repeat the 21 Day Fix again and then come up with some sort of Hybrid workout plan with Les Mills Pump and incorporate 21 Day Fix, T25 and Turbo Fire cardio! It will be nice to switch it up! I will also continue to use the 21 Day Fix meal plan guidelines, and just adjust the calories accordingly.

    UPDATE!! (5.27.14)
    Due to the high demand the 21 Day Fix is currently on pre order. What does that mean? It means that if you are interested in participating in my next FIX group which starts April 7th you must reserve your copy now. You will not be charged until the package leaves the warehouse but the orders are shipped in order of the pre-order placement! 21 Day Fix is no longer on pre-order! I run monthly 21 Day Fix challenge groups. So fill out the application below, reserve your spot and lets get you on the path to your own 21 Day Fix Transformation. Just in time for warmer weather, tank tops and this year you ditch the capris and rock the shorts!! Time to feel CONFIDENT in your skin.
    Fill out my online form.
    HTML Forms powered by Wufoo.


    Monday, March 3, 2014

    Motivation Monday!

    Sorry I've been a little MIA...working on time management! Leave any tips below! haha :)
     I want to post some motivation on this Monday, even though its late, its great info!

    * Motivation Monday *
     Brought to you by the book "The Slight Edge". I've talked about this book before and if its not on your bookshelf or ereader....go and get it!

    "One of the quickest and most direct routes to getting yourself up and onto... the success curve is to get out of the past. Review the past, but only for the purpose of making a better plan. Review it, understand and take responsibility for the errors you've made, and use it as a tool to do differently in the future. And don't spend a great deal of time doing even that! - the future is a far better tool than the past. The future is your most powerful tool and your best friend. Devote some serious, focused time and effort into designing a crystal-clear picture of where you're going. When you have a clear picture of the future and consciously put time every day into letting yourself be drawn forward by that future, it will pull you through whatever friction and static you encounter in the present- and whatever tugging and clutching you may feel from the past. YOU CANT CHANGE THE PAST.YOU CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE. WOULD YOU RATHER BE INFLUECNED BY SOMETHING YOU CAN'T CHANGE OR BY SOMETHING YOU CAN?"