Tuesday, December 10, 2013

P90X3 is Here!

My oh My! P90X3 is here! If you follow me on Facebook- you may or may not know how excited I am for this! To read all about the program and what it is about and all the deets please click here.

Today I want to talk to you about WHO P90X3 is for! 

SO should YOU consider doing P90X3? I say YES if....

1. You consistently struggle to find a workout program that works for you, your lifestyle that will actually get your results.
2. You don't have a lot of time to workout, but you really need to make it a part of your life. Hello, 30 minutes a day!
3. You need a support system to keep you accountable on days when you don't want to do it! (for some of us that is everyday!)
4. You have no idea how to put together an effective workout program. Do you find yourself wandering around the gym doing a few reps on this machine, a few reps on that one and then leave the gym not sure what the heck you did for the last hour? (besides catch up on Real Housewives)
5. You want to get in amazing shape, you truly have the will power to make a change, but you just need to know that someone will be there through the ups and downs! Hello---> challenge groups are amazeballs!!!!
6. You are stuck in a rut and you need something new! P90X3 is muscle confusion at its best!!! Plus it changes every 30 days to really turn up the results.

Tony Horton was on Mondays National Coach Call and was asked- how would he explain P90X3 in 1 sentence and his response was "get ripped in 90 days in 30 minutes" 

Translation- no " I don't have time" excuse and a lean toned body! 

The momentum is there to do this. You have 30 minutes, you have a DVD player, and you have ME for support. I need this group as much as you do. I do NOT have a P90X success story bc I didn't finish it. I didn't have the time or someone to push me and stay motivated. Not only is the support and workout part figured out but the nutrition is as well with something for everyone. No more diet jumping. Learn what to eat and enjoy your food at the same time.

This could not be more fool proof and written out for you. You just have to COMMIT yourself. It's time to do something for yourself and this is a system that will work IF you allow it to.

Join my exclusive X3 group starting 12/30. If you've been sitting on the sidelines just watching my posts and hesitating... NOW is the time to join in. There is no better time than the present and I really feel this program is going to be a life changer!!! 

I can't wait to get my copy! I'm looking for P90X dropouts to join me!!!
(text in yellow are links to click on)

Find P90X3 here ----> P90X3 
this is THE CHALLENGE PACK it includes
  • 16 unique and brand new workouts on 8 DVDs
  • Plus, 5 Free Gifts
  • Fitness Guide
  • Nutrition Guide
  • 90 Day Workout Calendar
  • How to Accelerate Intro DVD
  • 24/7 Online Support
  • Network Exclusive P90X One on One: On One Leg DVD
  • Network Exclusive Premium P90X3 Hat ($24.95 value) - December Only!
  • 30 day supply of Shakeology 

If you need JUST the program because you get your Shakeo Dranko on everyday then you will click here ----> P90X3 Deluxe kit 
this kit includes everything listed above (minus the Shakeology) PLUS:

  • 3 Elite Extreme workouts on 1 DVD
  • Includes free Elite Block Calendar
  • 1-Month E&E Tub
  • 3 B-Lines Resistance Bands
The Ultimate Kit inludes: 

Includes everything in the Base & Deluxe Kits PLUS:
  • 1-Month R&R Tub
  • Gym-Quality P90X® Chin-Up Bar
  • P90X® Chin-Up Max
  • Premium Beachbody Jump Mat
As always PLEASE message me if you have ANY questions what so ever!  I can't wait to start this program with you!!! These links will go live around 5pm EST

And now I will leave you with a little remix of "Beauty School Dropout" I call this one:
P90X Dropout (ha!)

P90X Dropout
No after picture for you
Missed your workouts and flunked the program
Baby get moving
Why keep your feeble hopes alive?
What are you provin'
You've got the dream, NOW get the drive
P90X3 is now LIVE!

I'm such a dork.

XO-Coach Sarah 

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