Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Year New You Challenges

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! Santa was so good to our kids this year! It always makes me so happy to see their faces light up Christmas morning. Its especially cool because Nate really "gets it" this year. We had a great day with family and are really blessed :)

I got a good start to 2014!
"The foods you eat exert a powerful psychological influence, stronger than any willpower. They influence your hormones, silently directing your metabolism. They affect your digestive track, your body's first line of defense. And they impact your immune system and your risk for any number of diseases and conditions."

My 2014 challenge groups are in for a lot of nutrition info!!

Now that Christmas is over, we may be thinking about what we want for ourselves in the New Year. I'm going to share my dream board with you later this week. For now lets chat about what is where you see yourself next year! If it's to lose the baby weight, lose your food baby weight, just be healthier in general.....then I have the solution for you .....come on dooooownnn

Behind door 1 we have the beautiful 21 DAY BETTERYOU CHALLENGE! The 21 day challenge is different from my P90X3 challenge. This marks my second "21 day challenge" and I'm excited to start a 2nd round. This challenge will also be a unique intro to clean eating!! My 21 day December challengers have been focused and doing AWESOME! They may of been skeptical about it in the beginning but they trusted me and stayed committed. 

Eating healthy is probably the last thing on your mind this week (except for my BFF who came over and made her meal plan for the week- holla atchya girl!!!) It's so very easy to push it to the waist side and say I'll start the New Year....and you know what I'm going to tell you?

I'm cool with that...cause your going to do it anyway  ....but feel free to prove me wrong!! Throw the cookies out...go ahead...I dare ya. Come January I want YOU to PROMISE yourself to creating a healthier you-for good. What were your goals last January? Are they similar to this years? It's time to give up the excuses, leave them in 2013. Its time to give up the crappy food, leave the overly processed, GMO, high sugar, high sodium stuff in 2013. Its time to have a more positive attitude towards life in general, leave the negative pants in 2013. New Year New You---for good. No more resolutions- just goals! Learn to be consistent. Learn to break bad habits. Lear to talk positively to yourself. I myself am aiming to really meal prep for the week (hello Tupperware) and also focusing on my kids eating cleaner (so be on the lookout for that!)

But ...I'm only accepting FIVE serious people who are ready to make changes. This will be a 21 day group- so I'll need your full commitment and focus for 21 days. No, it's not a quick fix, its a legit jump start to eating cleaner and making time in your schedule to work out. Its sitting down on Sundays and creating your meal plan and prepping for the week. It's taking a few minutes each day to check in with the group. It's accepting the tools I give you that you will need to make 2014 your best year yet. There's already ONE spot taken, so there are only FOUR spots open. Who will be my other four to complete my FIT FAMILY??? I'm SO excited and can't wait to get started. Fill out this application and I will be contacting you after reviewing them all!  21 Day Challenge Group Application

I know first hand the nutrition aspect of losing weight can be the hardest and most stressful. You think you're doing it right, you don't know why the scale isn't moving...there's so much to know, there's different ways of doing it everywhere you turn. It can be overwhelming. But studies after studies, books after books I've read all center around one way- clean eating. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Its eating clean 80% of the time with relaxing 20% of the time. It's portion control. It's eating every 2 hours. It's wholesome fuel for your body. So join this group, and start the year off right.

Behind door #2.....haha. Ok so I just want to mention that there are still spots to in my P90X3 challenge group. This is an exclusive test group that I AM PUMPED FOR!!!! I don't always do the programs my challengers are doing, and this time I am! So it'll be filled with ever more tips and hardcore motivation because I'l be doing it right along with you! 

If you haven't read my previous posts- let me give you a little overview. "Challenge packs" are the complete package, offering total support for achieving health and fitness goals. 
The formula? Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success. 
With the P90X3 Challenge Pack, you will receive the P90X3 fitness program, one of five delicious Shakeology flavors, and a FREE 30-day trial membership to the Team Beachbody Club, and ME as your your coach offering  all the support you'll  need to complete The Challenge! Including a spot in my next challenge group starting 1/6/13. 

Wait, what's P90X3??
P90X3 is Tony Horton’s and Beachbody’s newest fitness program. It is a 90-day extreme fitness program 
designed to get you ripped (not ultimate fighter ripped ) in just 30 minutes a day. Each one of the accelerated 30-minute workouts has been uniquely developed to produce the greatest physical change in your body, in the most efficient way. Whether you’re too busy to do longer workouts, or you simply want to maximize your time and your results, P90X3 is the perfect program. There is even a modifier so truly anyone can do this program!!! And, when you order through me, you will get FREE SHIPPING, a sweet hat, and an extra DVD through the end of December. 

Ok ..and whats that Shakeology stuff? Can't I use any "protein"shake?
ShakeO isn't JUST a protein shake. Its your daily dose of dense nutrition, in the form of a meal replacement. Shakeology® is the most delicious, nutrient-dense superfood-packed protein shake on the planet. It 
contains more than 70 natural ingredients derived from rich, nutrient-dense whole-food sources from 
around the world. The Healthiest Meal of the Day® comes in 5 flavors: Chocolate Vegan, Tropical 
Strawberry (Vegan), regular Chocolate, Greenberry, or Vanilla! Shakeology helps you “Bring it” during workouts, simplifies your nutrition plan, reduces junk food cravings, and accelerates your fitness results!And they are deeeelishhh!!!! BOOM.

"Ok I'm down! How do I join??"
WHOOP WHOOP!!!! I can't wait to start this body transformation with you. Just fill out this form and I will be in touch! P90X3 Challenge Group Application

I hope you are ready to set some goals and crush em with me this year! I want to keep you going, keep that fire lit and get that after picture!!!!


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