
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Be the first to own P90X3 & Join my Exclusive TEST GROUP!

Be the first to get P90X3 and be apart of an Exclusive Test Group!
Can you even believe that it's December?!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and is back on track this week! Lets face it, the holidays are hard, right?!? No matter if you are the most disciplined and fit person it's just hard to stay on track. No matter what your philosophy is, whether you like to kick back and all bets are off you eat what you want or if you are an in moderation type it's totally ok! The most important part is that today we get back on track and we pick up where we left off! Some of my challengers even did a 3 Day Cleanse  to fill their body of nutrients they were lacking during the holiday and some did it to kick start their fitness journey! I don't beat myself up for the choices I made, I just start fresh today! Onward and upward. No sense making a big deal about it, just move forward!
Today I want to share something with you that I'm so excited for. As you can see above, you might know it- P90X3!!!
Like alot of people, I actually have an unsuccessful story with P90X. Matt had done it the summer before we met and he was in the best shape of his life. I wish I had his pics, but their on an old non working computer now! We started dating end of September - Octoberish ...and had planned on starting P90X together in January. He even got me a yoga mat for Christmas. Well God had different plans for us. A week after Christmas I found out I was pregnant. 3 months into dating. 
wrong date. NYE ... and drinking water on the rocks!
I tried starting it after Nathan was born, but I couldn't push myself through the soreness- I didn't know following the schedule and working out would actually help my soreness, I didn't have a coach to tell me what to do and to push through the workouts or a challenge group to help me stay accountable. I didn't know about clean eating or Shakeology. I didn't want to workout for an hour or hour and a half either with a baby! So I started and stopped the program a few times. Does this sound familiar??

When T25 came out this summer, I loved it because it is 25 minutes 5 days a week and I love the fast paced workouts that Shaun T offers and I really like the modifications that he provides. So no matter what your ability level you can do the workouts. So NOW we have another option for those of us that want to get great results but in 30 minutes a day!

disregard discount challenge pack ;)

So what's the scoop?!

Well for starters, YOU CAN NO LONGER USE THE EXCUSE THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO WORKOUT! 30 minutes a day for 6 days a week is totally doable and everyone can find 30 minutes in their day to get a workout in!

Muscle acceleration explained:
 Many P90X fans were hooked on the science of muscle confusion – which introduced variety to the workouts and prevented plateauing. P90X3 takes a hint from that success and from studies showing the most dramatic body transformations happen within the first 30 minutes of exercise. Enter muscle acceleration, a Tony Horton-approved highly-structured schedule with an incredibly high level of intensity and an unprecedented variety of moves. The gurus behind P90X3 combined exercises and added some twists to maximize your time and keep every muscle challenged for a full 30 minutes.

The base kit includes 16 workouts so you are never going to get bored.
Everything from cardio to strength, pilates, yoga and MMX there is something for everyone!

The ideal P90X3-er
It may seem lofty to proclaim, but P90X3 is indeed a workout for everyone. Everyone searching for tighter abs and leaner muscles, that is. But fitness novices and experts need not be afraid by P90X3’s come-one-come-all invitation. You don’t have to have any previous P90X experience in order to get killer results. For the beginner, the variety of workouts in P90X3 is the perfect place to discover their fitness style. If the move can be modified there is a cast member showing you how. But don’t expect to be an expert on day one. (Yes, fitness veterans will still be challenged.) As Tony says, ”You don’t get off easy, you just get to finish faster!”
{Of course there are some bells and whistles too good to ignore. First off, the Coach exclusive: If P90X3 is purchased through me as your coach any time from December 10th – 31st (including Challenge Packs), you will receive a exclusive P90X3 baseball cap (woop woop), an exclusive extra DVD,  and free shipping. What better way to spread the word about this revolutionary program.}

So when can you get it?
You can score your very own P90X3 on December 10th. P90X3 will be released on my site in which you have a couple of options. There will be an introductory price of $180 vs $205 for the Challenge Pack which includes the 90 day workout, the nutrition guide, program manual, schedule of workouts, Shakeology, free 30 day trial of the club membership, free shipping and a discounted price when you get the package.

Or your second option is to purchase the program alone. That is $119.00, and the equipment needed are weights, bands and an optional pull up bar but you can use a band with an over the door attachment if you don't have one! You can use bands and get amazing results.

P90X3 Test Results
P90X3 Test Results

If you would like to be notified when you can officially purchase the workout, head on over to my site and create a FREE ACCOUNT. You will receive an email from me the minute it is released! You won't want to wait, this program will go fast. With me first in line! haha

the MAN Tony with the test group

Ok now for the cool part... I have decided to do an Exclusive P90X3 test group! I am only accepting a select number of individuals who would like to get my support, motivation and accountability to start and finish this program. The point is to get in the best shape of your life in 90 days!!! I will walk you through every single step of the program using the nutrition guide, the workouts and the 24/7 support of me as your coach in a private closed group. I will teach you how to meal plan, prep, and set yourself up for success! This group will begin on December 30th, 2013 and will run for 90 days. I want YOU to have what I didn't have when I tried to do P90X. And I NEED YOU just as much as I can HELP YOU! Just in time for your new years resolution!!! Start the new year in the very best shape of your life! 
Exclusive Test Group!

(click above!)
Registration closes December 23, 2013.

XO-Coach Sarah

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