
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tips for Success in 2014

Happy almost 2014! With the new year, usually comes resolutions of some sort in tow. I want to first say that you don't need a new year, month or Monday to make changes and better yourself. You can do that any time of the year, and any time of the week! The new year however is a great time to reflect on your last year and see what you want for yourself in the next. So I won't hate on that! I myself created a dream board for next year.  
Whether you want to start working out and eating healthier (give in), get a new job, go back to school, be more organized, make your Pinterest dreams come have to have a plan of attack. You can't just say it, you can't just write it down (which IS suggested), and you can't just hope they happen. You gotta put in some work. You have to get motivated. Be part of the abnormal, and learn the tips to stick to your new goals (which we will call them now) and then next December you can celebrate all that you've accomplished. 
So here are some tips to help guide you to stick to your new goals!

Plan ahead.
It's 11:59 PM on December 31st--do you know what your resolution is? For the best chance of success, set your goals long before you want to start them. Wiseman says that reflecting on your goals a few days before the New Year will make you more likely to choose a meaningful resolution...which, of course, will make you more motivated to work for it. Still haven't set a goal? That's okay. Make one now and set yourself a start date a few days from now. 
 Notebook with New Year Resolutions on them

Shout it from the rooftops . . .
. . . or at least share it online. According to Wiseman's research, women were more likely to succeed if they told their friends and family about their goals. After all, you wouldn't want to fail in front of a few hundred of your closest friends, colleagues, and high school exes—would you? Make your resolution Facebook official, tweet about it, or post a "before" photo on Instagram . Accountability is your friend.

Once you've decided on your Big Important Goal, come up with a few smaller objectives that can help you get there. If you resolve to lose weight, commit to doing your P90X3® workout every day and checking in with your online challenge group. Or hire a personal trainer and buy sessions in bulk- and actually show up!! Or take a two-mile hike every weekend. "Intention is very different than action," says Daniel C. Stettner, Ph.D., director of Psychology at UnaSource Health Center in Troy, MI, and an adjunct professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. "People have to come up with tactics and strategies. Otherwise, it's like driving to a destination without directions—you're not going to be successful."

Think positive . . . but not too positive.
If you paid attention in English class, you might remember "doublethink" from Orwell's 1984—the ability to accept two opposing beliefs as truth. In this case, you need to accept that you can succeed and that you can fail. In his book, 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot, Wiseman points to research by psychologist Gabriele Oettingen, who found that imagining success kept people motivated, while imagining failure helped them form "avoidance goals." In other words, it's okay to fantasize about firing your annoying cube mate when you become manager—but also devise a Plan B in case you get passed over for this round of promotions. Your mind is very powerful. If you think you can, or can' are right!

Know thy enemy.
Willpower is overrated. According to a recent study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, people were more likely to be successful if they avoided temptation altogether rather than expecting superhuman self-control to kick in. So figure out what changes you can make to sidestep your biggest roadblocks—can you take a different route to work that doesn't pass a bagel shop? Can you switch from your usual hangout to a non-smoking bar? Can you not purchase tempting foods to have in your house? A few small lifestyle changes can prevent big pitfalls.

Reward yourself.
We all love instant gratification. So when you're pursuing a long-term goal like weight loss or digging out of debt, short-term rewards will help you power through. Just make sure the rewards jibe with the ultimate goal—don't reward a week of workouts by eating an entire chocolate cake. If you're trying to slim down, for example, Dr. Stettner suggests buying a new outfit you can't squeeze into (yet!).

Don't let setbacks derail you.
Spoiler alert: You're human, so you're going to screw up. Don't let it discourage you, and don't use it as an excuse to let the rest of the day (or weekend, or month) go down the tubes. "There are going to be lapses, but a lapse doesn't have to be a collapse or a relapse," Dr. Stettner says. "Seek persistence rather than the dirty P-word, perfection. Don't think, 'I went off the plan today, so I'll start over tomorrow.' Salvage it. Save the day."

So are you ready to see what I'm aiming to achieve in 2014?!

If your goal IS to get healthier, consider joining one of my online challenge groups this year! I have 2 starting January 6th. Click the link above to read about them, then message me to join or fill out this form.
Nutrition + Fitness + Support= SUCCESS. I want to help you anyway I can in helping you succeed this year!! 

XO-Coach Sarah 

original article here.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Year New You Challenges

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! Santa was so good to our kids this year! It always makes me so happy to see their faces light up Christmas morning. Its especially cool because Nate really "gets it" this year. We had a great day with family and are really blessed :)

I got a good start to 2014!
"The foods you eat exert a powerful psychological influence, stronger than any willpower. They influence your hormones, silently directing your metabolism. They affect your digestive track, your body's first line of defense. And they impact your immune system and your risk for any number of diseases and conditions."

My 2014 challenge groups are in for a lot of nutrition info!!

Now that Christmas is over, we may be thinking about what we want for ourselves in the New Year. I'm going to share my dream board with you later this week. For now lets chat about what is where you see yourself next year! If it's to lose the baby weight, lose your food baby weight, just be healthier in general.....then I have the solution for you .....come on dooooownnn

Behind door 1 we have the beautiful 21 DAY BETTERYOU CHALLENGE! The 21 day challenge is different from my P90X3 challenge. This marks my second "21 day challenge" and I'm excited to start a 2nd round. This challenge will also be a unique intro to clean eating!! My 21 day December challengers have been focused and doing AWESOME! They may of been skeptical about it in the beginning but they trusted me and stayed committed. 

Eating healthy is probably the last thing on your mind this week (except for my BFF who came over and made her meal plan for the week- holla atchya girl!!!) It's so very easy to push it to the waist side and say I'll start the New Year....and you know what I'm going to tell you?

I'm cool with that...cause your going to do it anyway  ....but feel free to prove me wrong!! Throw the cookies out...go ahead...I dare ya. Come January I want YOU to PROMISE yourself to creating a healthier you-for good. What were your goals last January? Are they similar to this years? It's time to give up the excuses, leave them in 2013. Its time to give up the crappy food, leave the overly processed, GMO, high sugar, high sodium stuff in 2013. Its time to have a more positive attitude towards life in general, leave the negative pants in 2013. New Year New You---for good. No more resolutions- just goals! Learn to be consistent. Learn to break bad habits. Lear to talk positively to yourself. I myself am aiming to really meal prep for the week (hello Tupperware) and also focusing on my kids eating cleaner (so be on the lookout for that!)

But ...I'm only accepting FIVE serious people who are ready to make changes. This will be a 21 day group- so I'll need your full commitment and focus for 21 days. No, it's not a quick fix, its a legit jump start to eating cleaner and making time in your schedule to work out. Its sitting down on Sundays and creating your meal plan and prepping for the week. It's taking a few minutes each day to check in with the group. It's accepting the tools I give you that you will need to make 2014 your best year yet. There's already ONE spot taken, so there are only FOUR spots open. Who will be my other four to complete my FIT FAMILY??? I'm SO excited and can't wait to get started. Fill out this application and I will be contacting you after reviewing them all!  21 Day Challenge Group Application

I know first hand the nutrition aspect of losing weight can be the hardest and most stressful. You think you're doing it right, you don't know why the scale isn't moving...there's so much to know, there's different ways of doing it everywhere you turn. It can be overwhelming. But studies after studies, books after books I've read all center around one way- clean eating. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Its eating clean 80% of the time with relaxing 20% of the time. It's portion control. It's eating every 2 hours. It's wholesome fuel for your body. So join this group, and start the year off right.

Behind door #2.....haha. Ok so I just want to mention that there are still spots to in my P90X3 challenge group. This is an exclusive test group that I AM PUMPED FOR!!!! I don't always do the programs my challengers are doing, and this time I am! So it'll be filled with ever more tips and hardcore motivation because I'l be doing it right along with you! 

If you haven't read my previous posts- let me give you a little overview. "Challenge packs" are the complete package, offering total support for achieving health and fitness goals. 
The formula? Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success. 
With the P90X3 Challenge Pack, you will receive the P90X3 fitness program, one of five delicious Shakeology flavors, and a FREE 30-day trial membership to the Team Beachbody Club, and ME as your your coach offering  all the support you'll  need to complete The Challenge! Including a spot in my next challenge group starting 1/6/13. 

Wait, what's P90X3??
P90X3 is Tony Horton’s and Beachbody’s newest fitness program. It is a 90-day extreme fitness program 
designed to get you ripped (not ultimate fighter ripped ) in just 30 minutes a day. Each one of the accelerated 30-minute workouts has been uniquely developed to produce the greatest physical change in your body, in the most efficient way. Whether you’re too busy to do longer workouts, or you simply want to maximize your time and your results, P90X3 is the perfect program. There is even a modifier so truly anyone can do this program!!! And, when you order through me, you will get FREE SHIPPING, a sweet hat, and an extra DVD through the end of December. 

Ok ..and whats that Shakeology stuff? Can't I use any "protein"shake?
ShakeO isn't JUST a protein shake. Its your daily dose of dense nutrition, in the form of a meal replacement. Shakeology® is the most delicious, nutrient-dense superfood-packed protein shake on the planet. It 
contains more than 70 natural ingredients derived from rich, nutrient-dense whole-food sources from 
around the world. The Healthiest Meal of the Day® comes in 5 flavors: Chocolate Vegan, Tropical 
Strawberry (Vegan), regular Chocolate, Greenberry, or Vanilla! Shakeology helps you “Bring it” during workouts, simplifies your nutrition plan, reduces junk food cravings, and accelerates your fitness results!And they are deeeelishhh!!!! BOOM.

"Ok I'm down! How do I join??"
WHOOP WHOOP!!!! I can't wait to start this body transformation with you. Just fill out this form and I will be in touch! P90X3 Challenge Group Application

I hope you are ready to set some goals and crush em with me this year! I want to keep you going, keep that fire lit and get that after picture!!!!


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

P90X3 is Here!

My oh My! P90X3 is here! If you follow me on Facebook- you may or may not know how excited I am for this! To read all about the program and what it is about and all the deets please click here.

Today I want to talk to you about WHO P90X3 is for! 

SO should YOU consider doing P90X3? I say YES if....

1. You consistently struggle to find a workout program that works for you, your lifestyle that will actually get your results.
2. You don't have a lot of time to workout, but you really need to make it a part of your life. Hello, 30 minutes a day!
3. You need a support system to keep you accountable on days when you don't want to do it! (for some of us that is everyday!)
4. You have no idea how to put together an effective workout program. Do you find yourself wandering around the gym doing a few reps on this machine, a few reps on that one and then leave the gym not sure what the heck you did for the last hour? (besides catch up on Real Housewives)
5. You want to get in amazing shape, you truly have the will power to make a change, but you just need to know that someone will be there through the ups and downs! Hello---> challenge groups are amazeballs!!!!
6. You are stuck in a rut and you need something new! P90X3 is muscle confusion at its best!!! Plus it changes every 30 days to really turn up the results.

Tony Horton was on Mondays National Coach Call and was asked- how would he explain P90X3 in 1 sentence and his response was "get ripped in 90 days in 30 minutes" 

Translation- no " I don't have time" excuse and a lean toned body! 

The momentum is there to do this. You have 30 minutes, you have a DVD player, and you have ME for support. I need this group as much as you do. I do NOT have a P90X success story bc I didn't finish it. I didn't have the time or someone to push me and stay motivated. Not only is the support and workout part figured out but the nutrition is as well with something for everyone. No more diet jumping. Learn what to eat and enjoy your food at the same time.

This could not be more fool proof and written out for you. You just have to COMMIT yourself. It's time to do something for yourself and this is a system that will work IF you allow it to.

Join my exclusive X3 group starting 12/30. If you've been sitting on the sidelines just watching my posts and hesitating... NOW is the time to join in. There is no better time than the present and I really feel this program is going to be a life changer!!! 

I can't wait to get my copy! I'm looking for P90X dropouts to join me!!!
(text in yellow are links to click on)

Find P90X3 here ----> P90X3 
this is THE CHALLENGE PACK it includes
  • 16 unique and brand new workouts on 8 DVDs
  • Plus, 5 Free Gifts
  • Fitness Guide
  • Nutrition Guide
  • 90 Day Workout Calendar
  • How to Accelerate Intro DVD
  • 24/7 Online Support
  • Network Exclusive P90X One on One: On One Leg DVD
  • Network Exclusive Premium P90X3 Hat ($24.95 value) - December Only!
  • 30 day supply of Shakeology 

If you need JUST the program because you get your Shakeo Dranko on everyday then you will click here ----> P90X3 Deluxe kit 
this kit includes everything listed above (minus the Shakeology) PLUS:

  • 3 Elite Extreme workouts on 1 DVD
  • Includes free Elite Block Calendar
  • 1-Month E&E Tub
  • 3 B-Lines Resistance Bands
The Ultimate Kit inludes: 

Includes everything in the Base & Deluxe Kits PLUS:
  • 1-Month R&R Tub
  • Gym-Quality P90X® Chin-Up Bar
  • P90X® Chin-Up Max
  • Premium Beachbody Jump Mat
As always PLEASE message me if you have ANY questions what so ever!  I can't wait to start this program with you!!! These links will go live around 5pm EST

And now I will leave you with a little remix of "Beauty School Dropout" I call this one:
P90X Dropout (ha!)

P90X Dropout
No after picture for you
Missed your workouts and flunked the program
Baby get moving
Why keep your feeble hopes alive?
What are you provin'
You've got the dream, NOW get the drive
P90X3 is now LIVE!

I'm such a dork.

XO-Coach Sarah 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Cilantro Lime Chicken {Crockpot}

Yesterday I made a recipe I've had for awhile. It's originally a freezer to crockpot meal (which is an awesome idea). I wanted to use the crock pot yesterday and so this is what I picked!

Cilantro Lime Chicken

1 1/2 pounds of chicken breast
juice from 2 limes
1 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped
1 (16 oz) bag frozen corn
2 minced garlic cloves
1/2 red onion, chopped
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 tsp cumin 
salt and pepper to taste

Place all ingredients in a resealable gallon-sized freezer bag. Mix together and zip bag closed.
When ready to eat, remove from freezer and thaw in fridge for 24 hours. Cook on LOW for 8 hours (or HIGH for 4 hours). 

Serve with tortillas and your favorite toppings (lite sour cream (plain greek yogurt is a healthier option), guacamole, fresh salsa, and low fat cheese).

I will be honest and tell you I didn't plan the toppings very well haha, sooooo yes I used a LITTLE bit of lite ranch dressing, but then I used my fresh salsa and avocado!!! It was SO good. So good in fact, that my sister in law who is a vegetarian and on the boarder of eating chicken again....ate it! I'm honored to know MY meal was the meal that got her to eat meat! Crazy! 

I hope you enjoy! Click here for the origin of this recipe and for other crock pot meals! 

Do you want to see more recipes on the blog? Post below!

XO-Coach Sarah 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Get rid of Belly Fat!

I have a new exercise for you today!!! Eat less crap!! Eat crap- feel like crap. Were you hoping for a magic exercise or pill? You know that's not how I roll!
Nutrition + Exercise + Support= SUCCESS 
No secrets here.

 It's Friday then the weekend (I know, pretty obvious how the week goes). 
Stay strong! Have your one "whatever" meal. I so wish I knew what I know now ...way back when! I used to (and admittedly occasionally do) have whatever WEEKENDS - I was "so good" all week -and it just doesn't turn out well. 
You don't feel good come Monday and when you're in the process of reaching your weight loss goals, more than 1 or 2 whatever meals WILL effect your progress. Trust me I've unintentionally tested that one out. You cannot just workout. 

You have to think if the 2 or 3 cookies, slice of pizza, breakfast sandwich, handful of goldfish, picking at your kids plate, if that 3rd glass if wine (oops) is going to bring you further or closer to where you want to be.
 In the short term you may not notice a difference but little decisions like that week after week will show and either push you further away from your goals or just keep you the same. 

Nutrition is 80% of your success. Are you willing to do what other people are not to make a lifestyle change and FINALLY lose the weight that's holding you back? You can do it!! You just have to be willing to put in the work!

PS- COUNT DOWN TO P90X3 5 DAYS! Click here to apply to be in an exclusive P90X3 test group!

PPS- This is my "boss" Carl Daikler. Yep he is definitely writing a check for 350K to Feeding America. This money will provide over 3 million meals to those in need. My team raised enough for over 4,000 of those meals. How awesome is that? Love that Beachbody pays it forward and I so love that I get to be a part of it!!! I seriously love my job! Can you tell???

XO- Coach Sarah 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Be the first to own P90X3 & Join my Exclusive TEST GROUP!

Be the first to get P90X3 and be apart of an Exclusive Test Group!
Can you even believe that it's December?!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and is back on track this week! Lets face it, the holidays are hard, right?!? No matter if you are the most disciplined and fit person it's just hard to stay on track. No matter what your philosophy is, whether you like to kick back and all bets are off you eat what you want or if you are an in moderation type it's totally ok! The most important part is that today we get back on track and we pick up where we left off! Some of my challengers even did a 3 Day Cleanse  to fill their body of nutrients they were lacking during the holiday and some did it to kick start their fitness journey! I don't beat myself up for the choices I made, I just start fresh today! Onward and upward. No sense making a big deal about it, just move forward!
Today I want to share something with you that I'm so excited for. As you can see above, you might know it- P90X3!!!
Like alot of people, I actually have an unsuccessful story with P90X. Matt had done it the summer before we met and he was in the best shape of his life. I wish I had his pics, but their on an old non working computer now! We started dating end of September - Octoberish ...and had planned on starting P90X together in January. He even got me a yoga mat for Christmas. Well God had different plans for us. A week after Christmas I found out I was pregnant. 3 months into dating. 
wrong date. NYE ... and drinking water on the rocks!
I tried starting it after Nathan was born, but I couldn't push myself through the soreness- I didn't know following the schedule and working out would actually help my soreness, I didn't have a coach to tell me what to do and to push through the workouts or a challenge group to help me stay accountable. I didn't know about clean eating or Shakeology. I didn't want to workout for an hour or hour and a half either with a baby! So I started and stopped the program a few times. Does this sound familiar??

When T25 came out this summer, I loved it because it is 25 minutes 5 days a week and I love the fast paced workouts that Shaun T offers and I really like the modifications that he provides. So no matter what your ability level you can do the workouts. So NOW we have another option for those of us that want to get great results but in 30 minutes a day!

disregard discount challenge pack ;)

So what's the scoop?!

Well for starters, YOU CAN NO LONGER USE THE EXCUSE THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO WORKOUT! 30 minutes a day for 6 days a week is totally doable and everyone can find 30 minutes in their day to get a workout in!

Muscle acceleration explained:
 Many P90X fans were hooked on the science of muscle confusion – which introduced variety to the workouts and prevented plateauing. P90X3 takes a hint from that success and from studies showing the most dramatic body transformations happen within the first 30 minutes of exercise. Enter muscle acceleration, a Tony Horton-approved highly-structured schedule with an incredibly high level of intensity and an unprecedented variety of moves. The gurus behind P90X3 combined exercises and added some twists to maximize your time and keep every muscle challenged for a full 30 minutes.

The base kit includes 16 workouts so you are never going to get bored.
Everything from cardio to strength, pilates, yoga and MMX there is something for everyone!

The ideal P90X3-er
It may seem lofty to proclaim, but P90X3 is indeed a workout for everyone. Everyone searching for tighter abs and leaner muscles, that is. But fitness novices and experts need not be afraid by P90X3’s come-one-come-all invitation. You don’t have to have any previous P90X experience in order to get killer results. For the beginner, the variety of workouts in P90X3 is the perfect place to discover their fitness style. If the move can be modified there is a cast member showing you how. But don’t expect to be an expert on day one. (Yes, fitness veterans will still be challenged.) As Tony says, ”You don’t get off easy, you just get to finish faster!”
{Of course there are some bells and whistles too good to ignore. First off, the Coach exclusive: If P90X3 is purchased through me as your coach any time from December 10th – 31st (including Challenge Packs), you will receive a exclusive P90X3 baseball cap (woop woop), an exclusive extra DVD,  and free shipping. What better way to spread the word about this revolutionary program.}

So when can you get it?
You can score your very own P90X3 on December 10th. P90X3 will be released on my site in which you have a couple of options. There will be an introductory price of $180 vs $205 for the Challenge Pack which includes the 90 day workout, the nutrition guide, program manual, schedule of workouts, Shakeology, free 30 day trial of the club membership, free shipping and a discounted price when you get the package.

Or your second option is to purchase the program alone. That is $119.00, and the equipment needed are weights, bands and an optional pull up bar but you can use a band with an over the door attachment if you don't have one! You can use bands and get amazing results.

P90X3 Test Results
P90X3 Test Results

If you would like to be notified when you can officially purchase the workout, head on over to my site and create a FREE ACCOUNT. You will receive an email from me the minute it is released! You won't want to wait, this program will go fast. With me first in line! haha

the MAN Tony with the test group

Ok now for the cool part... I have decided to do an Exclusive P90X3 test group! I am only accepting a select number of individuals who would like to get my support, motivation and accountability to start and finish this program. The point is to get in the best shape of your life in 90 days!!! I will walk you through every single step of the program using the nutrition guide, the workouts and the 24/7 support of me as your coach in a private closed group. I will teach you how to meal plan, prep, and set yourself up for success! This group will begin on December 30th, 2013 and will run for 90 days. I want YOU to have what I didn't have when I tried to do P90X. And I NEED YOU just as much as I can HELP YOU! Just in time for your new years resolution!!! Start the new year in the very best shape of your life! 
Exclusive Test Group!

(click above!)
Registration closes December 23, 2013.

XO-Coach Sarah

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Coach Inspiration Spotlight! First Edition

HEYYY!!! Know what day it is?? haha that camel still cracks me up. Doesn't take much!
So I want to start a series where I spotlight different coaches on my team! I recently became a Diamond coach. That probably doesn't make much sense to you, but for me it was a goal I gave myself to reach within a year of being a Beachbody Coach, and I reached it right at my ONE year mark! woop woop! It directly reflects the amount of people I've helped reach their health/fitness and financial goals! Its an amazing feeling!!!
Now I have even BIGGER goals set for this upcoming year!!! So I want to share inspirational coaches with you so you can see who drives me to be a better coach and leader. To see who I learn from. To see just how amazing this opportunity is! And to brag about my team, not gonna lie :)
Today I'm talking to you about Katy Ursta, my upline coach. The person who got me and pushed me to meet my one year goal!
isn't she pretty :)
 This is her story!
When I started my first Beachbody program, Insanity, I was slowly putting the weight on that I actually lost very quickly after I gave birth to my son. Although I felt that I was an active person, I never thought of myself as an athlete. My routine of running and lifting wasn’t giving me results. I noticed my eating habits were changing for the worse. When I started to slowly gain weight, I just kept eating. I often thought, “well I went for a run this morning, so it doesn’t matter if I eat what I want.” 
I avoided mirrors and made judgments about myself in each picture I was in. My negative emotions about myself began to seep into my personal life and my professional life. I was depriving my son of a happy mom and my husband was really taking the brunt of my insecurities. The scale defined my entire day, my entire life. That number told me how to feel. That number had complete control of my every emotion: good and bad. Imagine: A number having complete control over your happiness.

I originally started my journey with Beachbody like so many others. I watched the infomercials. I saw people getting results. Their before pictures didn’t look edited. They looked like me. They looked like my husband. I wanted my husband to have a wife he could be proud of, and I wanted to be a mom that had energy to play with her son. I really wanted to look good and feel better. I ordered Insanity, and I didn’t look back. I made it a nonnegotiable. I would complete Insanity and I would get the results.
The results I saw were definitely not limited to a number on the scale. I’ve lost inches, yes. I’ve gained a ton of energy, absolutely! But the achievement I am most proud of is the physical and mental strength that I now know I have. I accomplished something that so many others are afraid to try. It’s so amazing what you can do when you let go of your insecurities and doubts.

I started coaching to make myself accountable. I worked really hard to get those results and I really wanted to maintain them. I also wanted to help my husband meet his own goals. I realized that we were both seeing results without paying a membership to a gym. This Beachbody thing was working for us! When I signed up as a coach, I asked a couple friends to join my challenge group. I realized that the daily accountability and motivation helped everyone in the group get results. Not only was I able to help others, but they were in turn helping me.

There are still days that I struggle with my body image. After all, I spent the last 20 years avoiding mirrors and making judgments about myself in pictures. However, as a coach, I get access to an entire network filled with other coaches who have been there, who get what it’s like to struggle, and most importantly, who understand how the power of helping others makes you become better person. I have met so many wonderful people through coaching and have reconnecting with friends I haven’t heard from in years. And more importantly, I have the opportunity to positively impact someone’s life. How awesome is that!
In the last few months , I’ve not only transformed my body and health through programs like Insanity, Asylum, P90X, and Les Mills Pump, and Shakeology but I feel as though I have a much more positive outlook on life. I make a conscious effort to seek the good in people. I smile more. I laugh more and I appreciate all of the gifts I’ve been given. Life is so precious and I wasted a lot of time caring too much about what others thought and not enough time focusing on what really matters: my family, my health, and my happiness.
I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to pay forward what Beachbody has given me: confidence, health, energy, and comfort in my own skin: FINALLY.

Here is an update to Katys story! She recently had a BABY! She also has another little boy at home. She worked out and drank Shakeology the ENTIRE time. She also made the decision to take an extended maternity leave from teaching so that she could stay home longer with her baby. There were certain goals she had to meet as a coach to do that, and she has ROCKED everyone of them. She is an amazing inspiration and leader to me. She shows me how to be a better coach with the determination and drive that she has!! She is 5 star qualifying coach and she also has met the qualifications to become... an ELITE coach! The top 1% of coaches in the company and she has done it!!! While being pregnant and then home with a NEWBORN. She is the definition of "no excuses". I'm so proud to have her as my upline coach, and I know together we can achieve anything we put our minds to!
If you have been dreaming of a way to make a change, want out of corporate business hours, and create a life of freedom for your family I invite you to listen to an informational webinar TONIGHT!!

Two successful fellow coaches Alyssa Schomaker and Melanie Mitro (#2 in the company!) will be sharing their stories with you on how they made fitness their business and their dreams reality.

You can message me or post below that you are interested and I will send you the link to listen. There is no better time than now. Opportunity is knocking, are you there to answer?
Becoming a Beachbody coach a year ago was one of THE best decisions I ever made. I'm able to keep myself accountable for MY own health and fitness goals, but I wake up everyday excited to check in with my challengers and help motivate and inspire people! It also helps me since I'm a stay at home mom to have a sense of purpose (aside from raising my kids of course!) and help my family financially as well! I have big things brewing for this next year, will you join me??
Listen to the Lindsay Matway talk about the top 5 things to know before you decide to join!
XO- Coach Sarah