
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

BetterYou Basics Challenge Group!

Hi!!!!! Happy Wednesday! This week is going quick. Its Halloween tomorrow!! Yikes. How much candy have you been sneaking??

I want to tell you about a little idea I had the other day.  I decided that I want to do a 30 day challenge group for those of you that may feel intimidated or overwhelmed by the thought of making a healthy lifestyle change.
This would be perfect for you if you want results but want to make small changes at a time,if you don't know where to start, f you know you need to break some bad habits but need extra motivation and support.
Small changes through these 30 days to get you started right. This group will start NEXT MONDAY 11/4 so you need to decide within the next few days if you're finally ready to start so we can get you ready. This will be a great place to start!!
We will be working towards creating healthy nutrition, fitness, and mental changes. We will replace one meal a day with Shakeology and commit to working out at home at least a few days a week. Little by little leads to big results!!! 
If not now....when? Stop pushing off what you know you need to do! This group will get you in the right mindset and get you living a healthier lifestyle! If what you've been doing hasn't been working, try something new! I've been doing challenge groups for almost a year now and have helped so many people change their lives!

Lets do it! Message me on Facebook to learn more. 
XO-Coach Sarah

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