
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Choose your Challenge!

Helllerrrrr!!!! Happy Tuesday. So I've had all intentions on giving you my 1 week update on Focus T25...but I'm just not the best blogger anymore! Womp womp womp. This summer is going SO quick and we have been to Frontier Town in MD, lake on the weekends and just the usual busy summer stuff!

Can you believe that its the end of July already?!? What I am here chit chat about are TWO challenge groups I have starting AUGUST 5th! Are you just sooo excited to read about them?!
First I want you to ask yourself some questions.
1. Did you wear the clothes that you wanted to wear this summer?
2. Do you feel confident in your bathing suit?
3. When you look in the mirror what do you see?
4. Do you struggle with emotional eating, social gatherings, vacation and balancing that with healthy eating?
5. Are you busy and lack the time to workout but really want to make a lifestyle change?
6. Do you need someone to keep tabs on you to make sure you are following the right plan?
7. Do you have good intentions with healthy eating but you are constantly frustrated by your lack of progress?

If so I would really consider joining one of my challenge groups! So lets choose your challenge!
If you already have a fitness routine that you love or take classes at the gym ... or you really just have no idea where to start but know that you WANT to ....the 30 day Clean Eating & Shakeology challenge group would be your choice! Together we can reach your goals! All of my challenge groups are done through a closed online group! So no matter where you are in the country, we can work together!!
During these 30 days you will create a meal plan for yourself, get motivation and recipes from me, learn the benefits of drinking Shakeology as a meal replacement and learn about clean eating- which you eat 5x a day- yup! 80% of your weight loss success is nutrition! So this is a good place to start.
In my first 30 days of Insanity I didn't see the results I expected to. But once I focused more on what I put in my food (food is fuel!), and started drinking Shakeology, I saw a complete change!
During summer is the hardest time to stay on track, and that's just one reason Shakeolgy is the only requirement. It helps you lose weight, give energy, curb cravings and act as a meal replacement that delivers your daily dose of dense nutrition!
If you think Tony Horton is funny, you'll laugh at this...
fatty fat chips. freekin love it.
The group will start on August 5th, so if you want more information or want or would like to enroll
The second challenge group I have starting is the FIT FOR LIFE challenge. I run these challenge groups not so you can lose a few pounds, start an exercise program for a little bit and fall of the wagon. I want you to create a new lifestyle! I want you to learn how to eat right, make time for exercise and make it manageable for life!
With me as your Coach you will join a private Facebook group with 5 people like you who have the same goals of leading a healthier life through eating healthier and working out! You will receive support from me and the other members of the group. You will hold each other accountable and push each other. A little friendly competition never hurt either ;)
I will help you stay motivated, post daily in the group, help you with nutrition and help you reach your goals! I will support you every step of the way, no matter where you're starting in your journey.
For this challenge you will be using Shakeology and a Beachbody program like P90X, Insanity, and Turbo Fire, Focus T25 etc (There are so many to choose from). Shakeology is required because I know it works. Like I said, I started drinking it half way through Insanity and it was a total game changer for me. I lost weight, I have more energy and I just feel GOOD. You will use Shakeology as a meal replacement, eat a healthy diet and workout.
Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success
This formula WORKS.
Beachbody has challenge packs that combine Shakeology, a workout program and a free 30 day trial of the Club membership.
During this 60 day challenge I will first have you set your goals and tell the group a little bit about yourself. I will ask you to post daily and rate your days. I throw out assignments here and there too. You can post questions, comments and motivation as you please! This is your group. Chances are something you're wondering someone else is too. Or someone else may need that extra motivation you post that day! As much as I'm supporting and pushing you, you're supporting and pushing each other. I will have you take measurements and photos in the beginning, at day 30 day and day 60. It's important to be active in the group so that I now you're on track and so that everyone benefits from everyones input.
If this challenge group seems more up your ally, fill out this form, and I will contact you!
If you are ready to start living a healthier life, need help getting back on track, want to lose those last 10 lbs., want to try something new... I hope you consider what I have shared with you. As a stay at home mom and Beachbody Coach, I devote alot of time to help you reach your goals. I want to change your life! Beachbody has allowed me to live my dream of a health and fitness coach and I'm here to help youuuuu!!!!

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