
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Turbo Fire Tuna Salad

You all know my love for Turbo Fire. In my Turbo Fire program I received a nutritional guide and a 5-Day Inferno Plan!
Before I share with you this recipe for a tasty lunch, here are a few tips from this plan!
*Estimate your body fat percentage- aside from the scale, measuring yourself and taking pics- body fat calipers is one of the most accurate measuring tools and its pretty cheap to purchase your own! You can get them here.
*Make sure to always stay hydrated-Drink at least half your body weight in ounces! If it's hot outside, double that! When drinking coffee or tea, remember to keep the sugar, milk or creamer to a minimum. Also, try to replace sugar and artificial sweeteners with Stevia, and cream or half-and-half with skim or low-fat milk.  But no double lattes and super-caffeinated, sugar-charged beverages from the local coffee shop.
*Shakeology makes good snacks and meals (I usually have mine for lunch). With its 70 powerful super foods and ingredients, Shakeology IS the healthiest meal of the day. Just one shake can boost your energy levels naturally.
*Results and Recovery is great for recovering from an intense class and keeping your energy levels high.
*If you're really serious about losing weight and reaching your goals you'll need to cut out alcohol, juices, soft drinks, and sports drinks. While some of these drinks aren't necessarily bad for you, they contain empty calories that will not help you! Calorie-rich and sugar-filled soft drinks, in particular, add no value to your diet. Diet soft drinks aren't any better, so get rid of them! You want to see results, and you don't need these calories and chemicals to keep you from reaching your goals.
OK now for that recipe, eh?!
Now it's time for me to get my sweat on!


  1. Oh my word this sounds delicious!!! I love new recipes! Thank you! My blogs recipes are NOT as healthy as these hahaha I do curries and pastas... OK.. the occasional salad makes an appearance! hehe

  2. I love new recipes too and making recipes healthier. I'll have to check yours out for my cheat meal :) I post recipes and healthy tips on my facebook if you want to check it out!

    thanks for stopping by!
