
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Everyday I'm Guzzlin'

I hope you broke out into a chair dance as soon as you saw the title!
So by now we all should know that we NEED TO DRINK WATER!
Are you having a hard time drinking enough? Do you know how much you should be drinking?
Water 101
Both losing and maintaining weight depend on being hydrated well! Alot of times when we feel hungry we are actually thirsty-dehydrated even. Roughly 75% of your body is water, and stored mainly in the skin. Water is critical for many functions ranging from regulating body temperature to keeping joints mobile and maintaining tissue health. Weight loss cannot occur effectively without sufficient water.
How Much H20 oh oh?
Aim for 2-3 liters a day!
To know exactly the amount of water your body needs, take your current weight and divide it in half. This number is the amount in ounces of water you should aim to drink per day at minimum!
(ex. 130lbs/2=65. So 65 oz of water!)

Ways to Drink More!
-Flavor it up
slice of an orange
splash of unsweetened fruit juice
herbal tea bag
peppermint leaves
-Have a glass with every meal
-Set timers on your phone or put a sticky note on your computer screen
-mark a water bottle with times
-Buy a water purifier
-Eat water rich in foods
(watermelon, eggs, grapefruit, grapes, avocado, cucumbers, cantaloupe, strawberries, broccoli)
- Drink a glass of water FIRST thing in the morning before coffee or breakfast
-Always have a bottle of water with you wherever you go
-Download the "Waterlogged" app to keep track of how much you drank!

Final Thoughts...

Sooo how thirsty are you right now?
 A few things to remember. If your body isn't used to drinking the amount of water it needs, you may feel bloated at first and this is because your body is holding on to the water you are giving it! But keep on going your body will eventually realize its going to keep on coming.

You're going to pee A LOT more. Learn to love it. EMBRACE it. You're flushing out toxins out of your body. Peeing alot is a good sign that you ARE drinking enough water. It's annoying but the health benefits outweigh the annoyance. Right?? Right.
Speaking of peeing...if your urine is darker than lemonade you are dehydrated. If its clear you're doing a good job!

I hope this helped you realize why you need to be drinking water and inspired you to actually DO it!!!
Comment below one thing you didn't know before reading this post!


P.S. Do you like my new layout? Oh and the name change. Forgot to mention that!

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