
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's not goodbye, it's see you later...

Yesterday we had to lay my grandfather to rest.

 Our pop pop.

While we can find some comfort in knowing that he is reunited with our Nanny and his son, it has been a hard week. It has been especially hard because it felt like we were losing our Nanny again not even a year later...

I will miss just knowing he is there. Their familiar too small for our big family apartment. His smile, chuckle, stories and telling me to "behave" every time I left.

He was a wonderful husband, father, brother, grandfather ... And will be missed by so many.

....We got other news yesterday as we were all together after his funeral that a family member lost his battle with leukemia. My heart hurts for the family.. Prayers are needed!

Today I'm going to try and get my house in order and return to some sort of normalcy, figure out what day it is. I'll be taking a little blogging break, hope you all will wait for me!

Rest Peacefully Nanny & Pop Pop
We love you so much


  1. What a beautiful post. So sorry for your loss, and I love the post title. That was the last thing my grandmother said to me just before she passed from ovarian cancer. Just beautiful, and so very true!
    xo TJ

  2. Thank you for taking the time to read it!
    Sorry for your loss as well!

