
Thursday, October 4, 2012


so the other day I admitted to you all that I was a closet fan of the word "cray". Well I have to talk about another phenom that I'm a closet fan of.
The hashtag #.
Once used only for twitter it has become pretty popular on Facebook, Pinterest, texts, milk cartons, license plates, ect. Not sure about the last two but I'm probably not cray for thinking so. I've been trying so hard to not like it and I'm really not sure why. What's so bad about it anyway? Times are changing people.
It's an easy way to say what you need to say. #johnmayer

Oh! hA! See what I see?
Grow up Peter Pant. Count Chocula. #namethatmovie

So you may or may not see me using this from time to time. No need to get worked up about it. It's just words. With no spaces. See? You're liking it already.

But thats enough of that for now.

Moving right along. Before I go I want to share a nice lil motivational quote. It was written in this article if you want to read the whole thing and get extra inspired go for it!

"Focus on where you’re headed instead of obsessing about where you are. You can’t move forward if your mind dwells on self-critical thoughts about being overweight. What we focus our attention on grows. Shift negative attention away from your current weight and concentrate on the positive lifestyle changes you’re making. This inspires you to succeed. When your desire to look forward overshadows the tendency to complain about where you are, you’ll reach your goal more easily."

You could apply this to any area of your life and lesbihonest (sorry watching Jersey Shore) I need some uplifting words after it raining here. every. single. day. this. week. I love a rainy day here and all but I'm ooooover it!

p.s. that movie was Wedding Crashers ;-)


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