
Monday, October 1, 2012


I'm baaack!

I'm not going to apologize for my absences anymore! I'm not gonna do it. Don't give me that look. Ok, fine. Sorry.
So after my 25th 27th birthday post I decided to act on one of my goals. I restarted Insanity.
And I made a fitness board.
Double whammy!
I'm a visual person so I think this is really going to help me stay on track! That and no more boating weekends.

Let's break it down.
On my goal list is to run a 5k again...the last one (and only one) I've done was the Turkey Trot. On Thanksgiving day. I puked at the end.
This is an article I cut out and put on scrapbook paper. It suggests telling yourself you can have a cupcake or fries or whatever it is after you work out. Usually after working out you end up not wanting it. Hopefully this doesn't backfire making me convince myself I can have 12 cupcakes since I worked out. So far so good.
This is a diagram of measurements to record when you start the program and then your measurements after you finish the program. Don't forget: Muscle weighs more than fat. So don't just rely on the scale. Some people don't like to even weigh themselves. I can't help but do it once a day. Or ten.
Next are two pictures that were already on this board but I kept them on there as little motivators. Apparently I was working out alot because my arms look pretty good if I do say so myself.
A popular phrase with the Beachbody workouts is just "PUSH PLAY". As in just show up (you only have to go to your living room or basement wherever you workout in your house) and push play. Do what you can, even if its only 20 minutes of the workout. Even if your toddler is crawling on your back as your doing push ups and your mastiff is sniffing your face.
With Insanity you do a Fit Test every few weeks to track your progress. These are my beginning results: (yes you read that right, suicide jumps)
And last is my list of Goals. Long & Short term:

Long Term:
-Train/Sign up for 5k Spring 2013
-Follow an eating schedule, something like: 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7:30pm ( thinking I might have to adjust this one)
-Try to eliminate carbs from last meal. Limit sugar. Try not to eat fruit past 5pm.
-Get personal training certification and other certs.

Short Term:
-Drink more water (surprisingly I struggle with this. There's water in coffee...)
-Maintain diet log
-Restart/complete Insanity ( half check!)
-Become a Beachbody Coach

I've also added, eating a "cleaner diet" and get more sleep. For real. I need to sleep more.

Alright, so what do you guys think? I'm really glad I made this. It's leaning against my printer on our desk in the living room so I see it everyday. I'm thinking of adding a few more things but I like that you can see everything clearly. On our weekly dry erase board I wrote what workout is scheduled for what day that way I see it and can hold myself accountable. And it's really elementary but I love checking it off after I do it. Nothing like going back to "chore charts"!

Tell me what will be on your board if you make one. If you have any questions let me me know!

If you need some more motivation, check out Nathan workin' it. I really wanted him to show off his push ups because it is hiiii-llarrr-ious. But he wasn't cooperating. He wanted to stretch.
OK. And the video uploading isn't cooperating either. Maybe next time.


P.S. Check out Maria Kang. She's had 3 kids in 3 years and pretty much super(fit) mom. I got a lot of my goal ideas from her.


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