Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I mean, really

Who remembers the SNL "Really" skits?

I think their technically "Weekend Updates" and they probably still air them...but either way I couldn't find the right video, so hopefully you remember. Just play along.

OK so...

I figured I'd start my own "really?" segment...

here we go!

Khloe and Lamar call it quits... I mean really? Really? These two have a long healthy reality TV marriage ahead if them. The tattoos speak for themselves. Really.

Lifetime had a movie on last night called Sexting in suburbia... I don't even know what it was about aside from the obvious but Really? Really?

Britney Spears got bangs. Their ok, I still like her. And my her I mean her music. I'm more concerned with the fact she shaved her head at one point. I mean really.

Holly Madison is prego. And I just found out. Really? Really? She's going to have a little Bo peep of her own. How sweet.
(This does not negate the fact that I miss the show Girls Next Door or that I didn't watch Hollys World. You can cue your own "really?" now)

A teacher got caught selling soap in exchange for "no homework passes". Really? Really?
He made a total of $24 dollars before getting caught and fined for a conflict OF interest.
The fine amount- $4,000. (this is actually more of a c'mon man than a really?)

And now for my personal Really? Today I caught up on Insanity after being behind two weeks. Really? Really? Hey at least I'm honest. My Fit Test proved, however, that I'm still diggin deep!



  1. ooooo...how is Insanity?? I have the DVDs, but haven't started them #lazy. Motivate me, woman! ; ) Love your blog!

  2. Thank you!! That makes it worth the time haha...I'll email you! JUST DO IT!


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