Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Girl you cray

I have to admit. I'm a closet fan of the word "cray". It's fun times. Try it out today. Maybe not with your boss though. Not yet...too soon.

Today I'm doing a little linkster with The Vintage Apple on things that make me "cray". Crazy for you kids who didn't know that gem of a word yet. Nothing I like more than increasing someones vocab!

This list should probably be titled, "Random weird shit about me" but with the interest of linking up we'll stick with, "Does that make me crazy?"

- That I have a hard time deleting shows off of the DVR after I watch them? You never know when I'll need to watch that exact episode of RHONJ again.
-That I can't stand the sound of someone chewing ice? It goes right through me. Yet when I was preggo I couldnt' get enough ice.
-That I'm doing Insanity, and actually like it?
no, this shit is CRAY, Shaun T.

-That I toast my english muffin so its crispy but then let it cool off so whatever I put on it doesn't melt?...yah...
-That I know a ridiculous amount of movies lines?- but I can't remember to switch the laundry!
this is probably more annoying than crazy ha!
-That when I do get to the wash I put like 3-5 Snuggle dryer sheets in? C'mon you know they smell ahhmazing.
-While I LOVE funny movies I can't watch scary movies?  At all. Not even the previews. Why do they have to air them during a nice little episode of Teen Mom, anyway?
-That when I get drunk, "money shots" take place? Money shots through the years:

-That I can't help but pick my mascara off? - usually its when I'm really tired
-That one of my best friends and I used to pretend we were retired?
this should actually be under "how to have a fun time"

-That I heat my coffee up 278432 times? I can't handle if it's even lukewarm.
-That I read magazines from back to front?
-That I crack myself up? Seriously.

(It's a little disturbing that at first I couldn't think of many, then they just started flowing)
Please tell me I'm not alone on some of these!



  1. Umm wow, now that you mentioned all those things maybe I'm cray too!! Seriously, a lot of those actually apply to me as well, the dvr thing, dryer thing, coffee thing, magazine thing, not liking scary movies or ads thing,,, oh boy! lol....

  2. Ha ha money shots! I'm going to have to try that too ! Cute !


    1. You should! Great photo ops lol idk why it just always happens!

  3. Ugh deleting things off the DVR is SO hard! For real. What if I REALLY need to remember something from a previous episode like six months later?!

    I did Insanity and liked it too!!

    Stopping by from the link-up!

    1. Exactly! hahaha

      What workout do you do now?

      I'm going to head over and read your craziness!

  4. YOU ARE CRAZY if you love insanity!!! LOL! J/K!!!! You are so cute!!!! Thanks for linking up!!!

    1. I know but Shaun T is the real crazy one! And some of the people in the video are too and I secretly want to punch them. Ok, not a secret anymore. Oops! I hope you have more, that was fun! (and thanks for reading mine!)

      p.s. Were you listening to Elvis Duran by chance? It sounded like a convo I would hear on that station! I miss listening to them in the AM.

  5. you're a movie line person AND a money shots person? uh oh....... hahah, i kidd.

    i totally crack myself up too. my friends and i always joke around about how we are the funniest people we know. other people probably don't agree.

  6. Lukewarm coffee?? GROSS!!! Hate that my dayummm self!!

    Good luck with Insanity... and yes you #CRAY (lol) for liking it! It's a great workout though and well worth it if you complete the entire program!

    Hope your weekend is swell girlie! xo, Bev

    1. Today is my 2nd Fit test- Did you complete it?
      My weekend was great hope yours was as well!



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