
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A wedding, iPhone & the best baby laugh ever.

I know, that title is pretty beefy.

So when I left off on Monday I said I would be back to recap the it's Wednesday night/Thursday morning, nbd. You weren't exactly holding your breath for it!
Here's another "let the pictures tell the story" post. But let's be real, who doesn't love a post filled with pictures? Mmmhmmm that's what I thought! Creepers ;-)

Saturday night we went to our friends wedding...the lovely couple:
another lovely couple ;-)

This is why I already have "wineyes" in above picture:
Remember when I said I was occupying the couch all day Sunday...yeah...

Thank God for our awesome babysitter/sister in law who slept over and hung out with us Sunday. (love you bilfy!)
Momma can't hang like she used to.

One of the best things about this wedding is that my brother and sister were there:

we like to party.

and my best frieeeend:

and.....this guy......
this happened in real life.
There are no words.

Thank God for our DD!

Another good thing that came out of the wedding is that my crapberry really took a crap. In the sink. And by crap I mean it got watered on. So I obviously had to get a new phone. Anddd it had to be the ...
mmmhmm thats right! I'm like a kid on Christmas! I actually had the iPhone when it first came out way back when it was the iPhone 0. I'm already in love with this thing. And yes I know it's not healthy to be in love with "things". But when you have Instagram again and can take pictures like this:
left: my church in my back yard. Upper right: Ava trying bananas for the first time. It was a no go. Bottom right: Ava's room and the shelves I finally put up.
how could you not?!
{Which by the way I'll be adding one of those "follow my Instagram" buttons, so do it! And while you're at it follow my blog too ;-) }

Speaking of pictures, not only do we have an awesome babysitter but she takes awesome pictures of the littles while were out partying:

I can hardly get pictures of them together...and I stay home with them!

Now I will leave you with the best baby laugh ever. And I'm not just saying that because it's my baby. Seriously you're in for a treatski here...

you are welcome.


OH I almost forgot....uhmmm can you believe Emily and Jeff broke up!
 I invested so much into their relationship! I really thought this season's couple was going to make it! Will it be my first and last time watching this show?!
Yeah. Probably not.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a blast!

    When I first got my I phone, I was hooked immediately! I love mine too!


